import { BushCommand, ModLog, type BushMessage, type BushSlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, Permissions } from 'discord.js'; export default class HideCaseCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('hideCase', { aliases: ['hide-case', 'hide_case', 'show-case', 'show_case', 'cover-up-mod-abuse', 'cover_up_mod_abuse'], category: 'moderation', description: 'Hide a particular modlog case from the modlog command unless the `--hidden` flag is specified', usage: ['hide-case '], examples: ['hide-case Xurm---HdRyHlrKLsOcIO'], args: [ { id: 'case_id', description: 'The id of the case to be hidden.', type: 'string', prompt: 'What modlog case would you like to hide?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid case id.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String } ], slash: true, clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m), userPermissions: (m) => util.userGuildPermCheck(m, [Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES]), channel: 'guild' }); } public override async exec(message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, { case_id: caseID }: { case_id: string }) { const entry = await ModLog.findByPk(caseID); if (!entry || entry.pseudo) return message.util.send(`${util.emojis.error} Invalid entry.`); if (entry.guild !== message.guild!.id) return message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} This modlog is from another server.`); const action = entry.hidden ? 'no longer hidden' : 'now hidden'; const oldEntry = entry.hidden; entry.hidden = !entry.hidden; await; client.emit('bushUpdateModlog', message.member!,, 'hidden', oldEntry, entry.hidden); return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.success} CaseID \`${caseID}\` is ${action}.`); } }