import { AllowedMentions, BushCommand, clientSendAndPermCheck, colors, ConfirmationPrompt, emojis, format, type ArgType, type CommandMessage, type OptArgType, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, Collection, Constants, NewsChannel, PermissionFlagsBits, TextChannel, ThreadChannel, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js'; export default class LockdownCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('lockdown', { aliases: ['lockdown', 'lock'], category: 'moderation', description: 'Allows you to lockdown a channel or all configured channels.', usage: ['lockdown [channel] [reason] [--all]'], examples: ['lockdown', 'lockdown --all'], args: [ { id: 'channel', description: 'Specify a different channel to lockdown instead of the one you trigger the command in.', type: 'textBasedChannel', prompt: 'What channel would you like to lockdown?', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel, channelTypes: Constants.TextBasedChannelTypes, optional: true }, { id: 'reason', description: 'The reason for the lockdown.', type: 'string', match: 'rest', prompt: 'What is the reason for the lockdown?', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, optional: true }, { id: 'all', description: 'Whether or not to lock all configured channels.', match: 'flag', flag: '--all', prompt: 'Would you like to lockdown all configured channels?', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, optional: true } ], slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: (m) => clientSendAndPermCheck(m, [PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels]), userPermissions: [PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels], lock: 'channel' }); } public override async exec( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { channel: OptArgType<'textBasedChannel'>; reason: OptArgType<'string'>; all: ArgType<'flag'>; } ) { return await LockdownCommand.lockdownOrUnlockdown(message, args, 'lockdown'); } public static async lockdownOrUnlockdown( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { channel: OptArgType<'textBasedChannel'>; reason: OptArgType<'string'>; all: ArgType<'flag'>; }, action: 'lockdown' | 'unlockdown' ) { assert(message.inGuild()); if (message.util.isSlashMessage(message)) await message.interaction.deferReply(); if ( && args.all) return await message.util.reply(`${emojis.error} You can't specify a channel and set all to true at the same time.`); const channel = ??; if ( !( channel instanceof TextChannel || channel instanceof NewsChannel || channel instanceof ThreadChannel || channel instanceof VoiceChannel ) ) return await message.util.reply( `${emojis.error} You can only ${action} text channels, news channels, and thread channels.` ); if (args.all) { const confirmation = await ConfirmationPrompt.send(message, { content: `Are you sure you want to ${action} all channels?` }); if (!confirmation) return message.util.sendNew(`${emojis.error} Lockdown cancelled.`); } const response = await message.guild.lockdown({ moderator:, channel: channel ?? undefined, reason: args.reason ?? undefined, all: args.all ?? false, unlock: action === 'unlockdown' }); if (response instanceof Collection) { return await message.util.sendNew({ content: `${emojis.error} The following channels failed to ${action}:`, embeds: [ { description:, c) => `<#${c}> : ${e.message}`).join('\n'), color: colors.warn } ] }); } else { let messageResponse; if (response === 'all not chosen and no channel specified') { messageResponse = `${emojis.error} You must specify a channel to ${action}.`; } else if (response.startsWith('invalid channel configured: ')) { const channels = response.replace('invalid channel configured: ', ''); const actionFormatted = `${action.replace('down', '')}ed`; messageResponse = `${emojis.error} Some of the channels configured to be ${actionFormatted} cannot be resolved: ${channels}}`; } else if (response === 'no channels configured') { messageResponse = `${emojis.error} The all option is selected but there are no channels configured to be locked down.`; } else if (response === 'moderator not found') { messageResponse = `${emojis.error} For some reason I could not resolve you?`; } else if (response.startsWith('success: ')) { const num = Number.parseInt(response.replace('success: ', '')); messageResponse = `${emojis.success} Successfully ${ action === 'lockdown' ? 'locked down' : 'unlocked' } **${num}** channel${num > 0 ? 's' : ''}.`; } else { return `${emojis.error} An error occurred: ${format.input(response)}}`; } assert(messageResponse); return await message.util.sendNew({ content: messageResponse, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }); } } }