import { Arg, BanResponse, banResponse, BotCommand, colors, emojis, overflowEmbed, regex, TanzaniteEvent, type ArgType, type CommandMessage, type OptArgType, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, Collection } from 'discord.js'; export default class MassBanCommand extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('massBan', { aliases: ['mass-ban', 'mass-dban'], category: 'moderation', description: 'Ban multiple users at once.', usage: ['mass-ban <...users> [--reason ""] [--days ]'], examples: ['mass-ban 311294982898057217 792202575851814942 792199864510447666 792201010118131713 --reason "too many alts"'], args: [ { id: 'users', description: 'The ids of users to ban.', type: 'string', match: 'rest', prompt: 'What are the ids of all the users you would like to ban?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid list of user ids to ban.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String }, { id: 'reason', description: 'The reason for the bans.', flag: ['--reason'], match: 'option', prompt: 'Why should these users be banned?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid ban reason.', optional: true, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String }, { id: 'days', description: 'The number of days of messages to delete when the user is banned, defaults to 0.', flag: ['--days', '--delete'], match: 'option', prompt: "How many days of the user's messages would you like to delete?", retry: '{error} Choose between 0 and 7 days to delete messages from the user for.', type: Arg.range('integer', 0, 7, true), optional: true, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer, choices: [...Array(8).keys()].map((v) => ({ name: v.toString(), value: v })) } ], quoted: true, slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: ['EmbedLinks'], clientCheckChannel: true, userPermissions: ['BanMembers'], lock: 'user' }); } public override async exec( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { users: ArgType<'string'>; reason: OptArgType<'string'>; days: OptArgType<'integer'> } ) { assert(message.inGuild()); args.days ??= message.util.parsed?.alias?.includes('dban') ? 1 : 0; const ids = args.users.split(/\n| /).filter((id) => id.length > 0); if (ids.length === 0) return message.util.send(`${emojis.error} You must provide at least one user id.`); for (const id of ids) { if (!regex.snowflake.test(id)) return message.util.send(`${emojis.error} ${id} is not a valid snowflake.`); } if (!Number.isInteger(args.days) || args.days! < 0 || args.days! > 7) { return message.util.reply(`${emojis.error} The delete days must be an integer between 0 and 7.`); } const promises = => message.guild.massBanOne({ user: id, moderator:, reason: `[MassBan] ${args.reason ? args.reason.trim() : 'No reason provided.'}`, deleteDays: args.days ?? 0 }) ); const res = await Promise.all(promises); const map = new Collection(, i) => [ids[i], r])); this.client.emit( TanzaniteEvent.MassBan, message.member!, message.guild!, args.reason ? args.reason.trim() : 'No reason provided.', map ); const success = (res: BanResponse): boolean => [banResponse.Success, banResponse.DmError].includes(res as any); const lines =, i) => { const id = ids[i]; const status = res[i]; const isSuccess = success(status); const emoji = isSuccess ? emojis.success : emojis.error; return `${emoji} ${id}${isSuccess ? '' : ` - ${status}`}`; }); const embeds = overflowEmbed( { color: colors.DarkRed, title: 'Mass Ban Results' }, lines ); return message.util.send({ embeds }); } }