import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/BushCommand'; import { Message } from 'discord.js'; import { Modlog } from '../../lib/models'; import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js'; import moment from 'moment'; import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags'; import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo'; export default class ModlogCommand extends BushCommand { constructor() { super('modlog', { aliases: ['modlog', 'modlogs'], category: 'moderation', args: [ { id: 'search', prompt: { start: 'What modlog id or user would you like to see?' } }, { id: 'page', type: 'number' } ], userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'], description: { content: "View a user's modlogs, or view a specific modlog entry", usage: 'warn <search> [page]', examples: ['modlogs @Tyman', 'modlogs @Tyman 3'] } }); } *args(): unknown { const search = yield { id: 'search', type: Argument.union('user', 'string'), prompt: { start: 'What modlog id or user would you like to see?' } }; if (typeof search === 'string') return { search, page: null }; else { const page = yield { id: 'page', type: 'number', prompt: { start: 'What page?', retry: 'Not a number. What page?', optional: true } }; return { search, page }; } } async exec( message: Message, { search, page }: { search: string; page: number } ): Promise<void> { const foundUser = await this.client.util.resolveUserAsync(search); if (foundUser) { const logs = await Modlog.findAll({ where: { guild:, user: }, order: [['createdAt', 'ASC']] }); const niceLogs: string[] = []; for (const log of logs) { niceLogs.push(stripIndent` ID: ${} Type: ${log.type.toLowerCase()} User: <@!${log.user}> (${log.user}) Moderator: <@!${log.moderator}> (${log.moderator}) Duration: ${ log.duration ? moment.duration(log.duration, 'milliseconds').humanize() : 'N/A' } Reason: ${log.reason || 'None given'} ${this.client.util.ordinal(logs.indexOf(log) + 1)} action `); } const chunked: string[][] = this.client.util.chunk(niceLogs, 3); const embedPages = (e, i) => new MessageEmbed({ title: `Modlogs page ${i + 1}`, description: e.join( '\n-------------------------------------------------------\n' ), footer: { text: `Page ${i + 1}/${chunked.length}` } }) ); if (page) { await message.util.send(embedPages[page - 1]); return; } else { await message.util.send(embedPages[0]); return; } } else if (search) { const entry = await Modlog.findByPk(search); if (!entry) { await message.util.send('That modlog does not exist.'); return; } await message.util.send( new MessageEmbed({ title: `Modlog ${}`, fields: [ { name: 'Type', value: entry.type.toLowerCase(), inline: true }, { name: 'Duration', value: `${ entry.duration ? moment.duration(entry.duration, 'milliseconds').humanize() : 'N/A' }`, inline: true }, { name: 'Reason', value: `${entry.reason || 'None given'}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Moderator', value: `<@!${entry.moderator}> (${entry.moderator})`, inline: true }, { name: 'User', value: `<@!${entry.user}> (${entry.user})`, inline: true } ] }) ); } } }