import { BushCommand, BushMessage, BushSlashMessage, BushUser, ModLog } from '@lib'; import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo'; import { MessageEmbed, User } from 'discord.js'; export default class ModlogCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('modlog', { aliases: ['modlog', 'modlogs'], category: 'moderation', description: { content: "View a user's modlogs, or view a specific case.", usage: 'modlogs ', examples: ['modlogs @Tyman'] }, args: [ { id: 'search', type: Argument.union('user', 'string'), prompt: { start: 'What case id or user would you like to see?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid case id or user.' } } ], userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'], slash: true, slashOptions: [ { name: 'search', description: 'What case id or user would you like to see?', type: 'STRING', required: true } ] }); } private generateModlogInfo(log: ModLog) { const modLog = [ `**Case ID**: ${}`, `**Type**: ${log.type.toLowerCase()}`, `**User**: <@!${log.user}> (${log.user})`, `**Moderator**: <@!${log.moderator}> (${log.moderator})` ]; if (log.duration) modLog.push(`**Duration**: ${util.humanizeDuration(log.duration)}`); modLog.push(`**Reason**: ${log.reason || 'No Reason Specified.'}`); return modLog.join(`\n`); } async exec(message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, { search }: { search: BushUser | string }): Promise { const foundUser = search instanceof User ? search : await util.resolveUserAsync(search); if (foundUser) { const logs = await ModLog.findAll({ where: { guild:, user: }, order: [['createdAt', 'ASC']] }); if (!logs.length) return message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} **${foundUser.tag}** does not have any modlogs.`); const niceLogs: string[] = []; for (const log of logs) { niceLogs.push(this.generateModlogInfo(log)); } const chunked: string[][] = util.chunk(niceLogs, 3); const embedPages = (chunk) => new MessageEmbed({ title: `${foundUser.tag}'s Mod Logs`, description: chunk.join('\n**―――――――――――――――――――――――――――**\n'), color: util.colors.default }) ); return await util.buttonPaginate(message, embedPages, '', true); } else if (search) { const entry = await ModLog.findByPk(search as string); if (!entry) return message.util.send(`${util.emojis.error} That modlog does not exist.`); const embed = new MessageEmbed({ title: `Case ${}`, description: this.generateModlogInfo(entry), color: util.colors.default }); return await util.buttonPaginate(message, [embed]); } } }