import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo'; import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushCommand'; import { BushGuildMember } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildMember'; import { BushMessage } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage'; import { BushUser } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushUser'; export default class MuteCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('mute', { aliases: ['mute'], category: 'moderation', args: [ { id: 'user', type: 'user', prompt: { start: 'What user would you like to mute?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid user to mute.' } }, { id: 'reason', type: 'contentWithDuration', match: 'rest', prompt: { start: 'Why would you like to mute this user?', retry: '{error} Choose a mute reason and duration.', optional: true } } ], clientPermissions: ['MANAGE_ROLES'], userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'], description: { content: 'Mute a user.', usage: 'mute [--time]', examples: ['mute @user bad boi --time 1h'] }, slashOptions: [ { type: 'USER', name: 'user', description: 'The user to mute.', required: true }, { type: 'STRING', name: 'reason', description: 'Why is the user is getting muted, and how long should they be muted for?', required: false } ], slash: true }); } async exec( message: BushMessage, { user, reason }: { user: BushUser; reason?: { duration: number; contentWithoutTime: string } } ): Promise { const error = this.client.util.emojis.error; const member = message.guild.members.cache.get( as BushGuildMember; const canModerateResponse = this.client.util.moderationPermissionCheck(message.member, member); const victimBoldTag = `**${member.user.tag}**`; switch (canModerateResponse) { case 'moderator': return message.util.reply(`${error} You cannot mute ${victimBoldTag} because they are a moderator.`); case 'user hierarchy': return message.util.reply( `${error} You cannot mute ${victimBoldTag} because they have higher or equal role hierarchy as you do.` ); case 'client hierarchy': return message.util.reply( `${error} You cannot mute ${victimBoldTag} because they have higher or equal role hierarchy as I do.` ); case 'self': return message.util.reply(`${error} You cannot mute yourself.`); } let time; if (reason) { time = typeof reason === 'string' ? await Argument.cast('duration', this.client.commandHandler.resolver, message, reason) : reason.duration; } const parsedReason = reason.contentWithoutTime; const response = await member.mute({ reason: parsedReason, moderator:, duration: time }); switch (response) { case 'missing permissions': return message.util.reply( `${error} Could not mute ${victimBoldTag} because I am missing the \`Manage Roles\` permission.` ); case 'no mute role': return message.util.reply( `${error} Could not mute ${victimBoldTag}, you must set a mute role with \`${message.guild.getSetting( 'prefix' )}muterole\`.` ); case 'invalid mute role': return message.util.reply( `${error} Could not mute ${victimBoldTag} because the current mute role no longer exists. Please set a new mute role with \`${message.guild.getSetting( 'prefix' )}muterole\`.` ); case 'mute role not manageable': return message.util.reply( `${error} Could not mute ${victimBoldTag} because I cannot assign the current mute role, either change the role's position or set a new mute role with \`${message.guild.getSetting( 'prefix' )}muterole\`.` ); case 'error giving mute role': return message.util.reply(`${error} Could not mute ${victimBoldTag}, there was an error assigning them the mute role.`); case 'error creating modlog entry': return message.util.reply( `${error} While muting ${victimBoldTag}, there was an error creating a modlog entry, please report this to my developers.` ); case 'error creating mute entry': return message.util.reply( `${error} While muting ${victimBoldTag}, there was an error creating a mute entry, please report this to my developers.` ); case 'failed to dm': return message.util.reply( `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Muted **${member.user.tag}** however I could not send them a dm.` ); case 'success': return message.util.reply(`${this.client.util.emojis.success} Successfully muted **${member.user.tag}**.`); } } }