import { BushCommand, type ArgType, type BushMessage, type BushSlashMessage } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert'; import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, ChannelType, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord.js'; export default class SlowmodeCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('slowmode', { aliases: ['slowmode', 'slow'], category: 'moderation', description: 'A command to set the slowmode of a channel.', usage: ['slowmode [channel]'], examples: ['slowmode 3'], args: [ { id: 'length', description: 'The amount of time to set the slowmode of a channel to.', type: Argument.union('duration', 'durationSeconds', 'off', 'none', 'disable'), readableType: "duration|durationSeconds|'off'|'none'|'disable'", prompt: 'What would you like to set the slowmode to?', retry: '{error} Please set the slowmode to a valid length.', optional: true, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer }, { id: 'channel', description: 'The channel to change the slowmode of, defaults to the current channel.', type: 'channel', prompt: 'What channel would you like to change?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid channel.', optional: true, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel, channelTypes: [ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildPrivateThread, ChannelType.GuildPublicThread] } ], slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m, [PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels, PermissionFlagsBits.EmbedLinks], true), userPermissions: (m) => util.userGuildPermCheck(m, [PermissionFlagsBits.ManageMessages]) }); } public override async exec( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { length: ArgType<'duration'> | ArgType<'durationSeconds'> | 'off' | 'none' | 'disable' | null; channel: ArgType<'channel'>; } ) { assert(message.inGuild()); ??=; if (! || return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} <#${}> is not a text or thread channel.`); args.length = typeof args.length === 'string' && !(['off', 'none', 'disable'] as const).includes(args.length) ? await util.arg.cast('duration', message, args.length) : args.length; const length2: number = (['off', 'none', 'disable'] as const).includes(args.length) || args.length === null ? 0 : args.length; const setSlowmode = await .setRateLimitPerUser(length2 / 1000, `Changed by ${} (${}).`) .catch(() => {}); if (!setSlowmode) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} There was an error changing the slowmode of <#${}>.`); else return await message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.success} Successfully changed the slowmode of <#${}> ${ length2 ? `to ${util.format.input(util.humanizeDuration(length2))}` : '**off**' }.` ); } }