import {ArgType, BotCommand, colors, CommandMessage, OptArgType, SlashMessage} from "#lib"; import {ApplicationCommandOptionType} from "discord-api-types/v10"; import {ConfigOption, latestData as neuConfigData, NEUFileLocation} from '#src/services/neumeta.ts'; export default class NeuConfigSearch extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('neuconfig', { aliases: ["neuconfig", "neucfg", "neuoption"], category: "Moulberry's Bush", description: 'Query config options of the NEU mod', usage: ['neuconfig [configName]', 'neuconfig [configSearch]'], examples: ['neuconfig doOamNotif'], args: [ { id: 'search', optional: false, description: "Search term to find.", type: 'string', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, // autocomplete: true }, ], slash: true, clientPermissions: ['EmbedLinks'], clientCheckChannel: true, userPermissions: [], }); } findOptionByFullPath(category: string, option: string): ConfigOption | null { category = category.toLowerCase(); option = option.toLowerCase(); return neuConfigData.categories .find(it => it.useReference.member.toLowerCase() === category) ?.options ?.find(it => it.reference.member.toLowerCase() === option) ?? null; } public override async exec(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { search: ArgType<'string'> }) { const fullPath =[^.]).([^.]+)/); if (fullPath) { let result = this.findOptionByFullPath(fullPath[1], fullPath[2]); if (result) { await this.showResult(message, result); } } } getUrl(location: NEUFileLocation): string { return `${location.filename}` + (location.line ? `#L${location.line}` : ''); } async showResult(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, result: ConfigOption) { await message.reply({ embeds: [ { title:, color: colors.default, description: result.description, url: this.getUrl(result.location), fields: [ ], } ] }) } }