import { BushCommand, type ArgType, type BushArgumentTypeCaster, type BushMessage, type BushSlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { type ArgumentOptions, type ArgumentTypeCaster, type Flag } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, ChannelType, type DiscordAPIError, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; const activityMap = { 'Poker Night': { id: '755827207812677713', aliases: ['poker'] }, '': { id: '773336526917861400', aliases: ['betrayal'] }, '': { id: '814288819477020702', aliases: ['fish', 'fishing', 'fishington'] }, 'YouTube Together': { id: '755600276941176913', aliases: ['youtube-together'] }, 'Chess In The Park': { id: '832012774040141894', aliases: ['chess'] }, 'Watch Together': { id: '880218394199220334', aliases: ['watch-together', 'yt', 'youtube'] }, 'Doodle Crew': { id: '878067389634314250', aliases: ['doodle-crew', 'doodle'] }, 'Wood Snacks': { id: '879863976006127627', aliases: ['wood-snacks', 'wood'] }, 'Letter Tile': { id: '879863686565621790', aliases: ['letter-tile', 'letter'] }, 'Spell Cast': { id: '852509694341283871', aliases: ['spell-cast', 'spell', 'cast'] }, 'Checkers In The Park': { id: '832013003968348200', aliases: ['checkers'] } }; interface Activity { id: Snowflake; aliases: string[]; } function map(phase: string): Activity | null { if (client.consts.regex.snowflake.test(phase)) return { id: phase, aliases: [] }; else if (phase in activityMap) return activityMap[phase as keyof typeof activityMap]; for (const activity in activityMap) { if (activityMap[activity as keyof typeof activityMap].aliases.includes(phase.toLowerCase())) return activityMap[activity as keyof typeof activityMap]; } return null; } const activityTypeCaster: BushArgumentTypeCaster = (message: BushMessage, phrase: string) => { const parsedPhrase = phrase ?? message.util.parsed?.alias !== 'activity' ? message.util.parsed?.alias : undefined; if (!parsedPhrase) return null; const mappedPhrase = map(parsedPhrase)?.id; return mappedPhrase ?? null; }; export default class ActivityCommand extends BushCommand { constructor() { super('activity', { aliases: ['activity', ...Object.values(activityMap).flatMap((a) => a.aliases)], category: 'utilities', description: 'Allows you to play discord activities in voice channels.', usage: [ `activity <${Object.values(activityMap) .flatMap((a) => a.aliases) .map((a) => `'${a}'`) .join('|')}>`, 'yt ' // you do not need to specify the activity if you use its alias. ], examples: ['yt 785281831788216364', 'activity 785281831788216364 yt'], args: [ { id: 'channel', description: 'The channel to create the activity in.', type: 'voiceChannel', prompt: 'What channel would you like to use?', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel, channelTypes: ['GuildVoice'], only: 'slash' }, { id: 'activity', description: 'The activity to create an invite for.', match: 'rest', type: activityTypeCaster, prompt: 'What activity would you like to play?', retry: `{error} You must choose one of the following options: ${Object.values(activityMap) .flatMap((a) => a.aliases) .map((a) => `\`${a}\``) .join(', ')}.`, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, choices: Object.keys(activityMap).map((key) => ({ name: key, value: activityMap[key as keyof typeof activityMap].id })) } ], slash: true, clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m), userPermissions: [] }); } public override *args(message: BushMessage): Generator { const channel: ArgType<'voiceChannel'> = yield { id: 'channel', description: 'The channel to create the activity in.', type: 'voiceChannel', prompt: { start: 'What channel would you like to use?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid voice channel' } }; const activity: string = yield { id: 'activity', description: 'The activity to create an invite for.', match: 'rest', type: activityTypeCaster, prompt: { start: 'What activity would you like to play?', retry: `{error} You must choose one of the following options: ${Object.values(activityMap) .flatMap((a) => a.aliases) .map((a) => `\`${a}\``) .join(', ')}.`, optional: !!(message.util.parsed && message.util.parsed?.alias !== 'activity') }, default: message.util.parsed?.alias !== 'activity' ? message.util.parsed?.alias : undefined }; return { channel, activity }; } public override async exec( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { channel: ArgType<'voiceChannel'>; activity: string } ) { const channel = typeof === 'string' ? message.guild?.channels.cache.get( :; if (!channel || channel.type !== ChannelType.GuildVoice) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} Choose a valid voice channel`); const target_application_id = message.util.isSlashMessage(message) ? args.activity : activityTypeCaster(message, args.activity); let response: string; const invite = await (client).api .channels({ data: { validate: null, max_age: 604800, max_uses: 0, target_type: 2, target_application_id, temporary: false } }) .catch((e: Error | DiscordAPIError) => { if ((e as DiscordAPIError)?.code === 50013) { response = `${util.emojis.error} I am missing permissions to make an invite in that channel.`; return; } else response = `${util.emojis.error} An error occurred while generating your invite: ${e?.message ?? e}`; }); if (response! || !invite || !invite.code) return await message.util.reply( response! ?? `${util.emojis.error} An unknown error occurred while generating your invite.` ); else return await message.util.send(`${invite.code}`); } }