import { AllowedMentions, BotCommand, capitalize, colors, formatError, type CommandMessage, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js'; const encodingTypesArray = ['ascii', 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'utf16le', 'ucs2', 'ucs-2', 'base64', 'latin1', 'binary', 'hex']; const encodingTypesString = => `\`${e}\``).join(', '); export default class DecodeCommand extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('decode', { aliases: ['decode', 'encode'], category: 'utilities', description: 'Decode / encode.', usage: ['decode '], examples: ['decode base64 ascii TmVyZApJbWFnaW5lIGRlY29kaW5nIHRoaXMgbG1hbw=='], args: [ { id: 'from', description: 'The type of data you are inputting.', customType: encodingTypesArray, prompt: 'What is the encoding of the original data?', retry: `{error} Choose one of the following ${encodingTypesString} for the encoding of the original data.`, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, choices: => ({ name: e, value: e })) }, { id: 'to', description: 'The type of data you want the output to be.', customType: encodingTypesArray, prompt: 'What would you like the encoding of the resulting data to be?', retry: `{error} Choose one of the following ${encodingTypesString} for the encoding of the resulting data.`, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, choices: => ({ name: e, value: e })) }, { id: 'data', description: 'What you would like to decode.', type: 'string', match: 'restContent', prompt: 'What would you to decode.', retry: '{error} Choose a valid string to decode.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String } ], slash: true, clientPermissions: ['EmbedLinks'], clientCheckChannel: true, userPermissions: [] }); } public override async exec( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, { from, to, data }: { from: BufferEncoding; to: BufferEncoding; data: string } ) { const encodeOrDecode = capitalize(message?.util?.parsed?.alias ?? 'decoded'); const decodedEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`${encodeOrDecode} Information`) .addFields({ name: '📥 Input', value: await this.client.utils.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(data) }); try { const decoded = Buffer.from(data, from).toString(to); decodedEmbed .setColor(colors.success) .addFields({ name: '📤 Output', value: await this.client.utils.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(decoded) }); } catch (error) { decodedEmbed.setColor(colors.error).addFields({ name: `📤 Error ${encodeOrDecode.slice(1)}ing`, value: await this.client.utils.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(formatError(error)) }); } return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [decodedEmbed], allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }); } }