import crypto from 'crypto'; import got from 'got'; import { BushCommand, BushMessage } from '../../lib'; export default class HashCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('hash', { aliases: ['hash'], category: 'utilities', description: { content: 'Gets the file hash of the given discord link', usage: 'hash <file url>', examples: ['hash'] //nice }, args: [ { id: 'url', type: 'url', prompt: { start: 'What url would you like to find the hash of?', retry: '{error} Enter a valid url.' } } ], clientPermissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'] }); } public override async exec(message: BushMessage, { url }: { url: string }): Promise<void> { try { const req = await got.get(url); const rawHash = crypto.createHash('md5'); rawHash.update(req.rawBody.toString('binary')); const hash = rawHash.digest('hex'); await message.util.reply(`\`${hash}\``); } catch { await message.util.reply('Unable to calculate hash.'); } } }