import { BushCommand, Highlight, HighlightWord, type BushSlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { Flag, type ArgumentGeneratorReturn, type SlashOption } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType } from 'discord-api-types/v9'; import { ApplicationCommandSubCommandData, AutocompleteInteraction, CacheType } from 'discord.js'; type Unpacked<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : T; export const highlightCommandArgs: { [Command in keyof typeof highlightSubcommands]: (Unpacked<Required<ApplicationCommandSubCommandData['options']>> & { retry?: string; })[]; } = { add: [ { name: 'word', description: 'What word do you want to highlight?', retry: '{error} Enter a valid word.', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true } // { // name: 'regex', // description: 'Should the word be matched using regular expression?', // type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, // required: false // } ], remove: [ { name: 'word', description: 'Which word do you want to stop highlighting?', retry: '{error} Enter a valid word.', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true, autocomplete: true } ], block: [ { name: 'target', description: 'What user/channel would you like to prevent from triggering your highlights?', retry: '{error} Enter a valid user or channel.', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true } ], unblock: [ { name: 'target', description: 'What user/channel would you like to allow triggering your highlights again?', retry: '{error} Enter a valid user or channel.', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true } ], show: [], clear: [], matches: [ { name: 'phrase', description: 'What phrase would you like to test your highlighted words against?', retry: '{error} Enter a valid phrase to test.', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true } ] }; export const highlightSubcommands = { add: 'Add a word to highlight.', remove: 'Stop highting a word.', block: 'Block a user or channel from triggering your highlights.', unblock: 'Re-allow a user or channel to triggering your highlights.', show: 'List all your current highlighted words.', clear: 'Remove all of your highlighted words.', matches: 'Test a phrase to see if it matches your current highlighted words.' } as const; export default class HighlightCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('highlight', { aliases: ['highlight', 'hl'], category: 'utilities', description: 'Command description.', usage: ['template <requiredArg> [optionalArg]'], examples: ['template 1 2'], slashOptions: Object.entries(highlightSubcommands).map((args) => { // typescript being annoying const [subcommand, description] = args as [keyof typeof highlightSubcommands, typeof args[1]]; return { name: subcommand, description, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, options: highlightCommandArgs[subcommand].map((arg) => ({ name:, description: arg.description, type: arg.type, required: arg.required, autocomplete: arg.autocomplete })) } as SlashOption; }), slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m), userPermissions: [] }); } public override *args(): ArgumentGeneratorReturn { const subcommand: keyof typeof highlightSubcommands = yield { id: 'subcommand', type: Object.keys(highlightSubcommands), prompt: { start: 'What sub command would you like to use?', retry: `{error} Valid subcommands are: ${Object.keys(highlightSubcommands) .map((s) => `\`${s}\``) .join()}.` } }; return Flag.continue(`highlight-${subcommand}`); } public override async execSlash(message: BushSlashMessage, args: { subcommand: keyof typeof highlightSubcommands }) { // manual `Flag.continue` const subcommand = this.handler.modules.get(`highlight-${args.subcommand}`)!; return subcommand.exec(message, args); } public override async autocomplete(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction<CacheType>) { if (!interaction.inCachedGuild()) return interaction.respond([{ name: 'You must be in a server to use this command.', value: 'error' }]); switch (interaction.options.getSubcommand(true)) { case 'word': { const { words } = (await Highlight.findOne({ where: { guild:, user: } })) ?? { words: [] as HighlightWord[] }; if (!words.length) return interaction.respond([]); return interaction.respond( => ({ name: w.word, value: w.word }))); } } } }