import { AllowedMentions, BushCommand, emojis, format, type ArgType, type CommandMessage, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert'; import { highlightSubcommands } from './highlight-!.js'; export default class HighlightAddCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('highlight-add', { aliases: [], category: 'utilities', description: highlightSubcommands.add.description, args: [ { id: 'word', description: highlightSubcommands.add.options[0].description, type: 'string', match: 'rest', prompt: highlightSubcommands.add.options[0].description, retry: highlightSubcommands.add.options[0].retry, optional: !highlightSubcommands.add.options[0].required, only: 'text', slashType: false } /* { id: 'regex', description: highlightSubcommands.add.options[1].description, match: 'flag', flag: '--regex', prompt: highlightSubcommands.add.options[1].description, only: 'text', slashType: false } */ ], usage: [], examples: [], clientPermissions: [], userPermissions: [] }); } public override async exec(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { word: ArgType<'string'>; regex: ArgType<'flag'> }) { assert(message.inGuild()); args.regex = false; if (!args.regex) { if (args.word.length < 2) return message.util.send(`${emojis.error} You can only highlight words that are longer than 2 characters.`); if (args.word.length > 50) return await message.util.reply(`${emojis.error} You can only highlight words that are shorter than 50 characters.`); } else { try { new RegExp(args.word); } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof SyntaxError); return message.util.send({ content: `${emojis.error} Invalid regex ${format.inlineCode(e.message)}.`, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }); } } const res = await this.client.highlightManager.addHighlight(,, { word: args.word, regex: args.regex }); if (typeof res === 'string') return await message.util.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} ${res}`, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }); else if (!res) return await message.util.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} There was an error highlighting "${args.word}".`, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }); return await message.util.reply({ content: `${emojis.success} Successfully added "${args.word}" to your highlight list.`, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }); } }