import { BushCommand, BushMessage } from '@lib'; import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import got from 'got'; export default class PriceCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('price', { aliases: ['price'], category: 'utilities', description: { content: 'Finds the price information of an item.', usage: ['price '], examples: ['price ASPECT_OF_THE_END'] }, args: [ { id: 'item', type: 'string', match: 'content', prompt: { start: 'What item would you like to find the price of?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid item.' } }, { id: 'strict', match: 'flag', flag: '--strict', default: false } ], slash: true, slashOptions: [ { name: 'item', description: 'The item that you would you like to find the price of.', type: 'STRING', required: true }, { name: 'strict', description: 'Whether or not to bypass the fuzzy search.', type: 'BOOLEAN', required: false } ], clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m, ['EMBED_LINKS'], true), userPermissions: [], typing: true }); } public override async exec(message: BushMessage, { item, strict }: { item: string; strict: boolean }) { if (message.util.isSlashMessage(message)) await message.interaction.deferReply(); const errors = new Array(); //prettier-ignore const [bazaar, currentLowestBIN, averageLowestBIN, auctionAverages] = (await Promise.all([ got.get('').json().catch(() => errors.push('bazaar')), got.get('').json().catch(() => errors.push('current lowest BIN')), got.get('').json().catch(() => errors.push('average Lowest BIN')), got.get('').json().catch(() => errors.push('auction average')) ])) as [Bazaar, LowestBIN, LowestBIN, AuctionAverages]; let parsedItem = item.toString().toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/'S/g, ''); const priceEmbed = new MessageEmbed(); if (bazaar?.success === false) errors.push('bazaar'); if (errors?.length) { priceEmbed.setFooter(`Could not fetch data from ${util.oxford(errors, 'and', '')}`); } // create a set from all the item names so that there are no duplicates for the fuzzy search const itemNames = new Set([ ...Object.keys(averageLowestBIN || {}), ...Object.keys(currentLowestBIN || {}), ...Object.keys(auctionAverages || {}), ...Object.keys(bazaar?.products || {}) ]); // fuzzy search if (!strict) { parsedItem = new Fuse(Array.from(itemNames), { isCaseSensitive: false, findAllMatches: true, threshold: 0.7, ignoreLocation: true })?.search(parsedItem)[0]?.item; } // if its a bazaar item then it there should not be any ah data if (bazaar['products']?.[parsedItem]) { const bazaarPriceEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(errors?.length ? util.colors.warn : util.colors.success) .setTitle(`Bazaar Information for **${parsedItem}**`) .addField('Sell Price', addBazaarInformation('sellPrice', 2, true)) .addField('Buy Price', addBazaarInformation('buyPrice', 2, true)) .addField( 'Margin', (+addBazaarInformation('buyPrice', 2, false) - +addBazaarInformation('sellPrice', 2, false)).toLocaleString() ) .addField('Current Sell Orders', addBazaarInformation('sellOrders', 0, true)) .addField('Current Buy Orders', addBazaarInformation('buyOrders', 0, true)); return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [bazaarPriceEmbed] }); } // checks if the item exists in any of the action information otherwise it is not a valid item if (currentLowestBIN?.[parsedItem] || averageLowestBIN?.[parsedItem] || auctionAverages?.[parsedItem]) { priceEmbed .setColor(util.colors.success) .setTitle(`Price Information for \`${parsedItem}\``) .setFooter('All information is based on the last 3 days.'); } else { const errorEmbed = new MessageEmbed(); errorEmbed .setColor(util.colors.error) .setDescription(`${util.emojis.error} \`${parsedItem}\` is not a valid item id, or it has no auction data.`); return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [errorEmbed] }); } addPrice('Current Lowest BIN', currentLowestBIN?.[parsedItem]); addPrice('Average Lowest BIN', averageLowestBIN?.[parsedItem]); addPrice('Average Auction Price', auctionAverages?.[parsedItem]?.price); addPrice('Average Auction Count', auctionAverages?.[parsedItem]?.count); addPrice('Average Auction Sales', auctionAverages?.[parsedItem]?.sales); addPrice('Average Auction Clean Price', auctionAverages?.[parsedItem]?.clean_price); addPrice('Average Auction Clean Sales', auctionAverages?.[parsedItem]?.clean_sales); return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [priceEmbed] }); function addBazaarInformation( Information: keyof Bazaar['products'][string]['quick_status'], digits: number, commas: boolean ): string { const price = bazaar?.products?.[parsedItem]?.quick_status?.[Information]; return commas ? (+price)?.toLocaleString(undefined, { minimumFractionDigits: digits, maximumFractionDigits: digits }) : (+price)?.toFixed(digits); } function addPrice(name: string, price: number | undefined) { if (price) priceEmbed.addField(name, price.toLocaleString(undefined, { minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2 })); } } } interface Summary { amount: number; pricePerUnit: number; orders: number; } interface Bazaar { success: boolean; lastUpdated: number; products: { [key: string]: { product_id: string; sell_summary: Summary[]; buy_summary: Summary[]; quick_status: { productId: string; sellPrice: number; sellVolume: number; sellMovingWeek: number; sellOrders: number; buyPrice: number; buyVolume: number; buyMovingWeek: number; buyOrders: number; }; }; }; } interface LowestBIN { [key: string]: number; } interface AuctionAverages { [key: string]: { price?: number; count?: number; sales?: number; clean_price?: number; clean_sales?: number; }; }