import { AllowedMentions, BotCommand, clientSendAndPermCheck, colors, type CommandMessage, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { stripIndent } from '#tags'; import { EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js'; export default class SuicideCommand extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('suicide', { aliases: ['suicide'], category: 'utilities', description: 'Mental Health Resources. Credit to', usage: ['suicide'], examples: ['suicide'], slash: true, clientPermissions: (m) => clientSendAndPermCheck(m), userPermissions: [], bypassChannelBlacklist: true }); } public override async exec(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage) { // stolen from const suicideEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle('Mental Health Resources') .setColor( .setAuthor({ name: 'Remember, You Matter <3', iconURL: '' }) .addFields( { name: '**National Suicide Prevention Hotline (U.S.):**', value: stripIndent` **Call:** 1-800-273-8255, available 24/7 for emotional support **Text: HOME** to 741741 **Outside the U.S:** Find a supportive resource on [this Wikipedia list of worldwide crisis hotlines](` }, { name: '**More Support**', value: stripIndent` For Substance Abuse Support, Eating Disorder Support & Child Abuse and Domestic Violence: [Click to go to Discord's Health & Safety Page](` } ); return message.util.send({ embeds: [suicideEmbed], allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.users(), // If the original message was a reply -> imitate it reply: !message.util.isSlashMessage(message) && message.reference?.messageId ? { messageReference: message.reference.messageId } : undefined }); } }