import { BushCommand, type ArgType, type BushMessage, type BushSlashMessage, type OptionalArgType } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, ChannelType, Embed, Message, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord.js'; export default class ViewRawCommand extends BushCommand { public constructor() { super('view-raw', { aliases: ['view-raw', 'vr'], category: 'utilities', description: 'Shows raw information about a message.', usage: ['viewraw <message id> <channel>'], examples: ['viewraw 322862723090219008'], args: [ { id: 'message', description: 'The message to view the raw content of.', type: util.arg.union('guildMessage', 'messageLink'), readableType: 'guildMessage|messageLink', prompt: 'What message would you like to view?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid message.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String }, { id: 'channel', description: 'The channel that the message is in.', type: util.arg.union('textChannel', 'newsChannel', 'threadChannel'), prompt: 'What channel is the message in?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid channel.', optional: true, slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel, channelTypes: [ ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.DM, ChannelType.GuildNews, ChannelType.GuildNewsThread, ChannelType.GuildPublicThread, ChannelType.GuildPrivateThread ] }, { id: 'json', description: 'Whether or not to view the raw JSON message data.', match: 'flag', flag: '--json', prompt: 'Would you like to view the raw JSON message data?', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, optional: true }, { id: 'js', description: 'Whether or not to view the raw message data.', match: 'flag', flag: '--js', prompt: 'Would you like to view the raw message data?', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, optional: true } ], slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: (m) => util.clientSendAndPermCheck(m, [PermissionFlagsBits.EmbedLinks], true), userPermissions: [] }); } public override async exec( message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: { message: ArgType<'guildMessage'> | ArgType<'messageLink'>; channel: OptionalArgType<'textChannel'> | OptionalArgType<'newsChannel'> | OptionalArgType<'threadChannel'>; json: boolean; js: boolean; } ) { assert(message.inGuild()); ??=; const newMessage = args.message instanceof Message ? args.message : await!.messages.fetch(`${args.message}`).catch(() => null); if (!newMessage) return await message.util.reply( `${util.emojis.error} There was an error fetching that message, make sure that is a valid id and if the message is not in this channel, please provide a channel.` ); const Embed = await ViewRawCommand.getRawData(newMessage, { json: args.json, js: args.js }); return await message.util.reply({ embeds: [Embed] }); } public static async getRawData(message: BushMessage, options: { json?: boolean; js: boolean }): Promise<Embed> { const content = options.json || options.js ? options.json ? JSON.stringify(message.toJSON(), undefined, 2) : util.inspect(message.toJSON()) || '[No Content]' : message.content || '[No Content]'; const lang = options.json ? 'json' : options.js ? 'js' : undefined; return new Embed() .setFooter({ text:, iconURL: ?? undefined }) .setTimestamp(message.createdTimestamp) .setColor(message.member?.roles?.color?.color ?? util.colors.default) .setTitle('Raw Message Information') .setDescription(await util.codeblock(content, 2048, lang)); } }