import { BotCommand, ButtonPaginator, chunk, colors, emojis, formatList, OptArgType, type CommandMessage, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, escapeMarkdown, type CommandInteraction, type Role } from 'discord.js'; export default class WhoHasRoleCommand extends BotCommand { public constructor() { super('whoHasRole', { aliases: ['who-has-role', 'whr', 'dump'], category: 'utilities', description: 'Allows you to view what users have a certain role.', usage: ['who-has-role <...roles>'], examples: ['who-has-role admin'], args: new Array(25).fill(0).map( (_, i) => ({ id: `role${i + 1}`, description: i === 0 ? 'The role to find the users of.' : 'Another role that the user must have.', type: 'role', prompt: i === 0 ? 'What role would you like to find the users of?' : 'What other role should the user also have?', retry: '{error} Choose a valid role.', slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role, optional: i !== 0 } as const) ), slash: true, channel: 'guild', clientPermissions: ['EmbedLinks'], clientCheckChannel: true, userPermissions: [], typing: true }); } public override async exec( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, args: { [K in `role${NumberRange}`]: OptArgType<'role'>; } ) { assert(message.inGuild()); if (message.util.isSlash) await (message.interaction as CommandInteraction).deferReply(); const rawRoles = Object.values(args).filter((v) => v !== null) as Role[]; const roles = =>; const members = message.guild.members.cache.filter((m) => roles.every((r) => m.roles.cache.has(r))); const roleMembers = => `${member.user} (${escapeMarkdown(member.user.tag)})`); const chunkedRoleMembers = chunk(roleMembers, 30); const title = `Members with ${ roles.length < 4 ? formatList( =>, 'and' ) : `${rawRoles.length} Roles` } [\`${members.size.toLocaleString()}\`]`; const color = colors.default; const embedPages = => ({ title, description: chunk.join('\n'), color })); if (embedPages.length === 0) { return await message.util.reply(`${emojis.error} No members found matching the given roles.`); } return await ButtonPaginator.send(message, embedPages, null, true); } } type Mapped = []> = Result['length'] extends N ? Result : Mapped; type NumberRange = Exclude[number], 0 | 1>;