import { emojis, SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { CommandUtil, ContextMenuCommand } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ApplicationCommandType, type ContextMenuCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js'; import ModlogCommand from '../../commands/moderation/modlog.js'; export default class ModlogContextMenuCommand extends ContextMenuCommand { public constructor() { super('modlog', { name: "Users's Modlogs", type: ApplicationCommandType.User, category: 'user' }); } public override async exec(interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction) { if (!interaction.inCachedGuild()) return interaction.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} You can't use this command outside of a server.`, ephemeral: true }); if (!interaction.member?.permissions.has('ManageMessages')) return interaction.reply({ content: `${emojis.error} You can't use this command because you have the **Manage Messages** permission.`, ephemeral: true }); await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true }); const pseudoMessage = new SlashMessage(this.client, interaction as any); pseudoMessage.util = new CommandUtil(this.client.commandHandler, pseudoMessage); void new ModlogCommand().exec(pseudoMessage, { search: interaction.targetId, hidden: false }); } }