import { Highlight, type BushMessage, type HighlightWord } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert'; import { Collection, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import { Time } from '../utils/BushConstants.js'; type users = Set; type channels = Set; type word = HighlightWord; type guild = Snowflake; type user = Snowflake; type lastMessage = Date; type lastDM = Date; export class HighlightManager { /** * Cached guild highlights. */ public readonly guildHighlights = new Collection>(); // /** // * Cached global highlights. // */ // public readonly globalHighlights = new Collection(); /** * A collection of cooldowns of when a user last sent a message in a particular guild. */ public readonly userLastTalkedCooldown = new Collection>(); /** * Users that users have blocked */ public readonly userBlocks = new Collection>(); /** * Channels that users have blocked */ public readonly channelBlocks = new Collection>(); /** * A collection of cooldowns of when the bot last sent each user a highlight message. */ public readonly lastedDMedUserCooldown = new Collection(); /** * Sync the cache with the database. */ public async syncCache(): Promise { const highlights = await Highlight.findAll(); this.guildHighlights.clear(); for (const highlight of highlights) { highlight.words.forEach((word) => { if (!this.guildHighlights.has(highlight.guild)) this.guildHighlights.set(highlight.guild, new Collection()); const guildCache = this.guildHighlights.get(highlight.guild)!; if (!guildCache.get(word)) guildCache.set(word, new Set()); guildCache.get(word)!.add(highlight.user); }); } } /** * Checks a message for highlights. * @param message The message to check. * @returns A collection users mapped to the highlight matched */ public checkMessage(message: BushMessage): Collection { // even if there are multiple matches, only the first one is returned const ret = new Collection(); if (!message.content || !message.inGuild()) return ret; if (!this.guildHighlights.has(message.guildId)) return ret; const guildCache = this.guildHighlights.get(message.guildId)!; for (const [word, users] of guildCache.entries()) { if (this.isMatch(message.content, word)) { for (const user of users) { if (!ret.has(user)) { if (!'ViewChannel')) continue; const blockedUsers = this.userBlocks.get(message.guildId)?.get(user) ?? new Set(); if (blockedUsers.has( continue; const blockedChannels = this.channelBlocks.get(message.guildId)?.get(user) ?? new Set(); if (blockedChannels.has( continue; ret.set(user, word); } } } } return ret; } /** * Checks a user provided phrase for their highlights. * @param guild The guild to check in. * @param user The user to get the highlights for. * @param phrase The phrase for highlights in. * @returns A collection of the user's highlights mapped to weather or not it was matched. */ public async checkPhrase(guild: Snowflake, user: Snowflake, phrase: string): Promise> { const highlights = await Highlight.findAll({ where: { guild, user } }); const results = new Collection(); for (const highlight of highlights) { for (const word of highlight.words) { results.set(word, this.isMatch(phrase, word)); } } return results; } /** * Checks a particular highlight for a match within a phrase. * @param phrase The phrase to check for the word in. * @param hl The highlight to check for. * @returns Whether or not the highlight was matched. */ private isMatch(phrase: string, hl: HighlightWord): boolean { if (hl.regex) { return new RegExp(hl.word, 'gi').test(phrase); } else { if (hl.word.includes(' ')) { return phrase.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(hl.word.toLocaleLowerCase()); } else { const words = phrase.split(/\s*\b\s/); return words.includes(hl.word); } } } /** * Adds a new highlight to a user in a particular guild. * @param guild The guild to add the highlight to. * @param user The user to add the highlight to. * @param hl The highlight to add. * @returns A string representing a user error or a boolean indicating the database success. */ public async addHighlight(guild: Snowflake, user: Snowflake, hl: HighlightWord): Promise { if (!this.guildHighlights.has(guild)) this.guildHighlights.set(guild, new Collection()); const guildCache = this.guildHighlights.get(guild)!; if (!guildCache.has(hl)) guildCache.set(hl, new Set()); guildCache.get(hl)!.add(user); const [highlight] = await Highlight.findOrCreate({ where: { guild, user } }); if (highlight.words.some((w) => w.word === hl.word)) return `You have already highlighted "${hl.word}".`; highlight.words = util.addToArray(highlight.words, hl); return !!(await => false)); } /** * Removes a highlighted word for a user in a particular guild. * @param guild The guild to remove the highlight from. * @param user The user to remove the highlight from. * @param hl The word to remove. * @returns A string representing a user error or a boolean indicating the database success. */ public async removeHighlight(guild: Snowflake, user: Snowflake, hl: string): Promise { if (!this.guildHighlights.has(guild)) this.guildHighlights.set(guild, new Collection()); const guildCache = this.guildHighlights.get(guild)!; const wordCache = guildCache.find((_, key) => key.word === hl); if (!wordCache?.has(user)) return `You have not highlighted "${hl}".`; wordCache!.delete(user); const [highlight] = await Highlight.findOrCreate({ where: { guild, user } }); const toRemove = highlight.words.find((w) => w.word === hl); if (!toRemove) return `Uhhhhh... This shouldn't happen.`; highlight.words = util.removeFromArray(highlight.words, toRemove); return !!(await => false)); } /** * Remove all highlight words for a user in a particular guild. * @param guild The guild to remove the highlights from. * @param user The user to remove the highlights from. * @returns A boolean indicating the database success. */ public async removeAllHighlights(guild: Snowflake, user: Snowflake): Promise { if (!this.guildHighlights.has(guild)) this.guildHighlights.set(guild, new Collection()); const guildCache = this.guildHighlights.get(guild)!; for (const [word, users] of guildCache.entries()) { if (users.has(user)) users.delete(user); if (users.size === 0) guildCache.delete(word); } const highlight = await Highlight.findOne({ where: { guild, user } }); if (!highlight) return false; highlight.words = []; return !!(await => false)); } public async notify(message: BushMessage, user: Snowflake, hl: HighlightWord): Promise { assert(message.inGuild()); if (this.lastedDMedUserCooldown.has(user)) { const lastDM = this.lastedDMedUserCooldown.get(user)!; if (new Date().getTime() - lastDM.getTime() < 5 * Time.Minute) { console.log(`User ${user} has been dmed recently.`); return false; } } const recentMessages = .filter((m) => m.createdTimestamp <= message.createdTimestamp && !== .filter((m) => m.cleanContent?.trim().length > 0) .sort((a, b) => b.createdTimestamp - a.createdTimestamp) .first(4) .reverse(); return client.users .send(user, { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string content: `In ${util.format.input(} ${}, your highlight "${hl.word}" was matched:`, embeds: [ { description: [...recentMessages, message] .map( (m) => `${util.timestamp(m.createdAt, 't')} ${util.format.input(`${}:`)} ${m.cleanContent .trim() .substring(0, 512)}` ) .join('\n'), author: { name: hl.regex ? `/${hl.word}/gi` : hl.word }, fields: [{ name: 'Source message', value: `[Jump to message](${message.url})` }], color: util.colors.default, footer: { text: 'Triggered' }, timestamp: message.createdAt.toISOString() } ] }) .then(() => { this.lastedDMedUserCooldown.set(user, new Date()); return true; }) .catch(() => false); } }