import { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types'; import { ActivePunishment, ActivePunishmentType, BushGuildMember, BushGuildMemberResolvable, BushGuildResolvable, Guild, ModLog, ModLogType } from '..'; export class Moderation { /** * Checks if a moderator can perform a moderation action on another user. * @param moderator - The person trying to perform the action. * @param victim - The person getting punished. * @param type - The type of punishment - used to format the response. * @param checkModerator - Whether or not to check if the victim is a moderator. */ public static async permissionCheck( moderator: BushGuildMember, victim: BushGuildMember, type: 'mute' | 'unmute' | 'warn' | 'kick' | 'ban' | 'unban' | 'add a punishment role to' | 'remove a punishment role from', checkModerator = true, force = false ): Promise { if (force) return true; // If the victim is not in the guild anymore it will be undefined if ((!victim || !victim.guild) && !['ban', 'unban'].includes(type)) return true; if ( !== { throw new Error('moderator and victim not in same guild'); } const isOwner = moderator.guild.ownerId ===; if ( === && !type.startsWith('un')) { return `${util.emojis.error} You cannot ${type} yourself.`; } if ( moderator.roles.highest.position <= victim.roles.highest.position && !isOwner && !(type.startsWith('un') && === ) { return `${util.emojis.error} You cannot ${type} **${victim.user.tag}** because they have higher or equal role hierarchy as you do.`; } if ( victim.roles.highest.position >=!.roles.highest.position && !(type.startsWith('un') && === ) { return `${util.emojis.error} You cannot ${type} **${victim.user.tag}** because they have higher or equal role hierarchy as I do.`; } if (checkModerator && victim.permissions.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES') && !(type.startsWith('un') && === { if (await moderator.guild.hasFeature('modsCanPunishMods')) { return true; } else { return `${util.emojis.error} You cannot ${type} **${victim.user.tag}** because they are a moderator.`; } } return true; } public static async createModLogEntry( options: { type: ModLogType; user: BushGuildMemberResolvable; moderator: BushGuildMemberResolvable; reason: string | undefined | null; duration?: number; guild: BushGuildResolvable; pseudo?: boolean; }, getCaseNumber = false ): Promise<{ log: ModLog | null; caseNum: number | null }> { const user = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user))!.id; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator))!.id; const guild = client.guilds.resolveId(options.guild)!; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing const duration = options.duration || undefined; // If guild does not exist create it so the modlog can reference a guild. await Guild.findOrCreate({ where: { id: guild }, defaults: { id: guild } }); const modLogEntry ={ type: options.type, user, moderator, reason: options.reason, duration: duration, guild, pseudo: options.pseudo ?? false }); const saveResult: ModLog | null = await (e) => { await util.handleError('createModLogEntry', e); return null; }); if (!getCaseNumber) return { log: saveResult, caseNum: null }; const caseNum = (await ModLog.findAll({ where: { type: options.type, user: user, guild: guild, hidden: 'false' } })) ?.length; return { log: saveResult, caseNum }; } public static async createPunishmentEntry(options: { type: 'mute' | 'ban' | 'role' | 'block'; user: BushGuildMemberResolvable; duration: number | undefined; guild: BushGuildResolvable; modlog: string; extraInfo?: Snowflake; }): Promise { const expires = options.duration ? new Date(+new Date() + options.duration ?? 0) : undefined; const user = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user))!.id; const guild = client.guilds.resolveId(options.guild)!; const type = this.#findTypeEnum(options.type)!; const entry = options.extraInfo ? { user, type, guild, expires, modlog: options.modlog, extraInfo: options.extraInfo } : { user, type, guild, expires, modlog: options.modlog } ); return await (e) => { await util.handleError('createPunishmentEntry', e); return null; }); } public static async removePunishmentEntry(options: { type: 'mute' | 'ban' | 'role' | 'block'; user: BushGuildMemberResolvable; guild: BushGuildResolvable; extraInfo?: Snowflake; }): Promise { const user = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user); const guild = client.guilds.resolveId(options.guild); const type = this.#findTypeEnum(options.type); if (!user || !guild) return false; let success = true; const entries = await ActivePunishment.findAll({ // finding all cases of a certain type incase there were duplicates or something where: options.extraInfo ? { user:, guild: guild, type, extraInfo: options.extraInfo } : { user:, guild: guild, type } }).catch(async (e) => { await util.handleError('removePunishmentEntry', e); success = false; }); if (entries) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises entries.forEach(async (entry) => { await entry.destroy().catch(async (e) => { await util.handleError('removePunishmentEntry', e); }); success = false; }); } return success; } static #findTypeEnum(type: 'mute' | 'ban' | 'role' | 'block') { const typeMap = { ['mute']: ActivePunishmentType.MUTE, ['ban']: ActivePunishmentType.BAN, ['role']: ActivePunishmentType.ROLE, ['block']: ActivePunishmentType.BLOCK }; return typeMap[type]; } }