import { type BaseBushArgumentType, type BushArgumentType, type BushArgumentTypeCaster, type BushSlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { Argument, type Flag, type ParsedValuePredicate } from 'discord-akairo'; import { type Message } from 'discord.js'; /** * A wrapper for the {@link Argument} class that adds custom typings. */ export class Arg { /** * Casts a phrase to this argument's type. * @param type - The type to cast to. * @param message - Message that called the command. * @param phrase - Phrase to process. */ public static async cast<T extends ATC>(type: T, message: Message | BushSlashMessage, phrase: string): Promise<ATCR<T>>; public static async cast<T extends KBAT>(type: T, message: Message | BushSlashMessage, phrase: string): Promise<BAT[T]>; public static async cast(type: AT | ATC, message: Message | BushSlashMessage, phrase: string): Promise<any>; public static async cast(type: ATC | AT, message: Message | BushSlashMessage, phrase: string): Promise<any> { return Argument.cast(type as any, client.commandHandler.resolver, message as Message, phrase); } /** * Creates a type that is the left-to-right composition of the given types. * If any of the types fails, the entire composition fails. * @param types - Types to use. */ public static compose<T extends ATC>(...types: T[]): ATCATCR<T>; public static compose<T extends KBAT>(...types: T[]): ATCBAT<T>; public static compose(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC; public static compose(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC { return Argument.compose(...(types as any)); } /** * Creates a type that is the left-to-right composition of the given types. * If any of the types fails, the composition still continues with the failure passed on. * @param types - Types to use. */ public static composeWithFailure<T extends ATC>(...types: T[]): ATCATCR<T>; public static composeWithFailure<T extends KBAT>(...types: T[]): ATCBAT<T>; public static composeWithFailure(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC; public static composeWithFailure(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC { return Argument.composeWithFailure(...(types as any)); } /** * Checks if something is null, undefined, or a fail flag. * @param value - Value to check. */ public static isFailure(value: any): value is null | undefined | (Flag & { value: any }) { return Argument.isFailure(value); } /** * Creates a type from multiple types (product type). * Only inputs where each type resolves with a non-void value are valid. * @param types - Types to use. */ public static product<T extends ATC>(...types: T[]): ATCATCR<T>; public static product<T extends KBAT>(...types: T[]): ATCBAT<T>; public static product(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC; public static product(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC { return Argument.product(...(types as any)); } /** * Creates a type where the parsed value must be within a range. * @param type - The type to use. * @param min - Minimum value. * @param max - Maximum value. * @param inclusive - Whether or not to be inclusive on the upper bound. */ public static range<T extends ATC>(type: T, min: number, max: number, inclusive?: boolean): ATCATCR<T>; public static range<T extends KBAT>(type: T, min: number, max: number, inclusive?: boolean): ATCBAT<T>; public static range(type: AT | ATC, min: number, max: number, inclusive?: boolean): ATC; public static range(type: AT | ATC, min: number, max: number, inclusive?: boolean): ATC { return Argument.range(type as any, min, max, inclusive); } /** * Creates a type that parses as normal but also tags it with some data. * Result is in an object `{ tag, value }` and wrapped in `` when failed. * @param type - The type to use. * @param tag - Tag to add. Defaults to the `type` argument, so useful if it is a string. */ public static tagged<T extends ATC>(type: T, tag?: any): ATCATCR<T>; public static tagged<T extends KBAT>(type: T, tag?: any): ATCBAT<T>; public static tagged(type: AT | ATC, tag?: any): ATC; public static tagged(type: AT | ATC, tag?: any): ATC { return Argument.tagged(type as any, tag); } /** * Creates a type from multiple types (union type). * The first type that resolves to a non-void value is used. * Each type will also be tagged using `tagged` with themselves. * @param types - Types to use. */ public static taggedUnion<T extends ATC>(...types: T[]): ATCATCR<T>; public static taggedUnion<T extends KBAT>(...types: T[]): ATCBAT<T>; public static taggedUnion(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC; public static taggedUnion(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC { return Argument.taggedUnion(...(types as any)); } /** * Creates a type that parses as normal but also tags it with some data and carries the original input. * Result is in an object `{ tag, input, value }` and wrapped in `` when failed. * @param type - The type to use. * @param tag - Tag to add. Defaults to the `type` argument, so useful if it is a string. */ public static taggedWithInput<T extends ATC>(type: T, tag?: any): ATCATCR<T>; public static taggedWithInput<T extends KBAT>(type: T, tag?: any): ATCBAT<T>; public static taggedWithInput(type: AT | ATC, tag?: any): ATC; public static taggedWithInput(type: AT | ATC, tag?: any): ATC { return Argument.taggedWithInput(type as any, tag); } /** * Creates a type from multiple types (union type). * The first type that resolves to a non-void value is used. * @param types - Types to use. */ public static union<T extends ATC>(...types: T[]): ATCATCR<T>; public static union<T extends KBAT>(...types: T[]): ATCBAT<T>; public static union(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC; public static union(...types: (AT | ATC)[]): ATC { return Argument.union(...(types as any)); } /** * Creates a type with extra validation. * If the predicate is not true, the value is considered invalid. * @param type - The type to use. * @param predicate - The predicate function. */ public static validate<T extends ATC>(type: T, predicate: ParsedValuePredicate): ATCATCR<T>; public static validate<T extends KBAT>(type: T, predicate: ParsedValuePredicate): ATCBAT<T>; public static validate(type: AT | ATC, predicate: ParsedValuePredicate): ATC; public static validate(type: AT | ATC, predicate: ParsedValuePredicate): ATC { return Argument.validate(type as any, predicate); } /** * Creates a type that parses as normal but also carries the original input. * Result is in an object `{ input, value }` and wrapped in `` when failed. * @param type - The type to use. */ public static withInput<T extends ATC>(type: T): ATC<ATCR<T>>; public static withInput<T extends KBAT>(type: T): ATCBAT<T>; public static withInput(type: AT | ATC): ATC; public static withInput(type: AT | ATC): ATC { return Argument.withInput(type as any); } } type BushArgumentTypeCasterReturn<R> = R extends BushArgumentTypeCaster<infer S> ? S : R; /** ```ts * <R = unknown> = BushArgumentTypeCaster<R> * ``` */ type ATC<R = unknown> = BushArgumentTypeCaster<R>; /** ```ts * keyof BaseBushArgumentType * ``` */ type KBAT = keyof BaseBushArgumentType; /** ```ts * <R> = BushArgumentTypeCasterReturn<R> * ``` */ type ATCR<R> = BushArgumentTypeCasterReturn<R>; /** ```ts * BushArgumentType * ``` */ type AT = BushArgumentType; /** ```ts * BaseBushArgumentType * ``` */ type BAT = BaseBushArgumentType; /** ```ts * <T extends BushArgumentTypeCaster> = BushArgumentTypeCaster<BushArgumentTypeCasterReturn<T>> * ``` */ type ATCATCR<T extends BushArgumentTypeCaster> = BushArgumentTypeCaster<BushArgumentTypeCasterReturn<T>>; /** ```ts * <T extends keyof BaseBushArgumentType> = BushArgumentTypeCaster<BaseBushArgumentType[T]> * ``` */ type ATCBAT<T extends keyof BaseBushArgumentType> = BushArgumentTypeCaster<BaseBushArgumentType[T]>;