/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ import { exec } from 'child_process'; import { ClientUtil } from 'discord-akairo'; import { APIMessage } from 'discord-api-types'; import { ButtonInteraction, CommandInteraction, Constants, GuildMember, Message, MessageActionRow, MessageButton, MessageComponentInteraction, MessageEditOptions, MessageEmbed, MessageOptions, MessagePayload, Snowflake, TextChannel, User, Util, WebhookEditMessageOptions } from 'discord.js'; import got from 'got'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { Global } from '../models'; import { BushCache } from '../utils/BushCache'; import { BushClient } from './BushClient'; import { BushMessage } from './BushMessage'; interface hastebinRes { key: string; } export interface uuidRes { uuid: string; username: string; username_history?: { username: string }[] | null; textures: { custom: boolean; slim: boolean; skin: { url: string; data: string; }; raw: { value: string; signature: string; }; }; created_at: string; } export class BushClientUtil extends ClientUtil { /** The client of this ClientUtil */ public declare client: BushClient; /** The hastebin urls used to post to hastebin, attempts to post in order */ public hasteURLs: string[] = [ 'https://hst.sh', 'https://hasteb.in', 'https://hastebin.com', 'https://mystb.in', 'https://haste.clicksminuteper.net', 'https://paste.pythondiscord.com', 'https://haste.unbelievaboat.com', 'https://haste.tyman.tech' ]; public paginateEmojis = { beginning: '853667381335162910', back: '853667410203770881', stop: '853667471110570034', forward: '853667492680564747', end: '853667514915225640' }; /** A simple promise exec method */ private exec = promisify(exec); /** * Creates this client util * @param client The client to initialize with */ constructor(client: BushClient) { super(client); } /** * Maps an array of user ids to user objects. * @param ids The list of IDs to map * @returns The list of users mapped */ public async mapIDs(ids: Snowflake[]): Promise { return await Promise.all(ids.map((id) => this.client.users.fetch(id))); } /** * Capitalizes the first letter of the given text * @param text The text to capitalize * @returns The capitalized text */ public capitalize(text: string): string { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); } /** * Runs a shell command and gives the output * @param command The shell command to run * @returns The stdout and stderr of the shell command */ public async shell(command: string): Promise<{ stdout: string; stderr: string; }> { return await this.exec(command); } /** * Posts text to hastebin * @param content The text to post * @returns The url of the posted text */ public async haste(content: string): Promise { for (const url of this.hasteURLs) { try { const res: hastebinRes = await got.post(`${url}/documents`, { body: content }).json(); return `${url}/${res.key}`; } catch (e) { this.client.console.error('Haste', `Unable to upload haste to ${url}`); } } return 'Unable to post'; } /** * Resolves a user-provided string into a user object, if possible * @param text The text to try and resolve * @returns The user resolved or null */ public async resolveUserAsync(text: string): Promise { const idReg = /\d{17,19}/; const idMatch = text.match(idReg); if (idMatch) { try { return await this.client.users.fetch(text as Snowflake); } catch { // pass } } const mentionReg = /<@!?(?\d{17,19})>/; const mentionMatch = text.match(mentionReg); if (mentionMatch) { try { return await this.client.users.fetch(mentionMatch.groups.id as Snowflake); } catch { // pass } } const user = this.client.users.cache.find((u) => u.username === text); if (user) return user; return null; } /** * Appends the correct ordinal to the given number * @param n The number to append an ordinal to * @returns The number with the ordinal */ public ordinal(n: number): string { const s = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'], v = n % 100; return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0]); } /** * Chunks an array to the specified size * @param arr The array to chunk * @param perChunk The amount of items per chunk * @returns The chunked array */ public chunk(arr: T[], perChunk: number): T[][] { return arr.reduce((all, one, i) => { const ch = Math.floor(i / perChunk); all[ch] = [].concat(all[ch] || [], one); return all; }, []); } /** Commonly Used Colors */ public colors = { default: '#1FD8F1', error: '#EF4947', warn: '#FEBA12', success: '#3BB681', info: '#3B78FF', red: '#ff0000', blue: '#0055ff', aqua: '#00bbff', purple: '#8400ff', blurple: '#5440cd', pink: '#ff00e6', green: '#00ff1e', darkGreen: '#008f11', gold: '#b59400', yellow: '#ffff00', white: '#ffffff', gray: '#a6a6a6', lightGray: '#cfcfcf', darkGray: '#7a7a7a', black: '#000000', orange: '#E86100' }; /** Commonly Used Emojis */ public emojis = { success: '<:checkmark:837109864101707807>', warn: '<:warn:848726900876247050>', error: '<:error:837123021016924261>', successFull: '<:checkmark_full:850118767576088646>', warnFull: '<:warn_full:850118767391539312>', errorFull: '<:error_full:850118767295201350>', mad: '<:mad:783046135392239626>', join: '<:join:850198029809614858>', leave: '<:leave:850198048205307919>', loading: '' }; /** * A simple utility to create and embed with the needed style for the bot */ public createEmbed(color?: string, author?: User | GuildMember): MessageEmbed { if (author instanceof GuildMember) { author = author.user; // Convert to User if GuildMember } let embed = new MessageEmbed().setTimestamp(); if (author) embed = embed.setAuthor( author.username, author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }), `https://discord.com/users/${author.id}` ); if (color) embed = embed.setColor(color); return embed; } public async mcUUID(username: string): Promise { const apiRes = (await got.get(`https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v2/user/${username}`).json()) as uuidRes; return apiRes.uuid.replace(/-/g, ''); } /** Paginates an array of embeds using buttons. */ public async buttonPaginate( message: BushMessage, embeds: MessageEmbed[], text: string | null = null, deleteOnExit?: boolean ): Promise { if (deleteOnExit === undefined) deleteOnExit = true; embeds.forEach((_e, i) => { embeds[i] = embeds[i].setFooter(`Page ${i + 1}/${embeds.length}`); }); const style = Constants.MessageButtonStyles.PRIMARY; let curPage = 0; if (typeof embeds !== 'object') throw 'embeds must be an object'; const msg: Message = await message.util.reply({ content: text, embeds: [embeds[curPage]], components: [getPaginationRow()] }); const filter = (interaction: ButtonInteraction) => interaction.customID.startsWith('paginate_') && interaction.message == msg; const collector = msg.createMessageComponentInteractionCollector({ filter, time: 300000 }); collector.on('collect', async (interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) => { if (interaction.user.id == message.author.id || this.client.config.owners.includes(interaction.user.id)) { switch (interaction.customID) { case 'paginate_beginning': { curPage = 0; await edit(interaction); break; } case 'paginate_back': { curPage--; await edit(interaction); break; } case 'paginate_stop': { if (deleteOnExit) { await interaction.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); if (msg.deletable && !msg.deleted) { await msg.delete(); } } else { await interaction ?.update({ content: `${text ? text + '\n' : ''}Command closed by user.`, embeds: [], components: [] }) .catch(() => undefined); } return; } case 'paginate_next': { curPage++; await edit(interaction); break; } case 'paginate_end': { curPage = embeds.length - 1; await edit(interaction); break; } } } else { return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); } }); collector.on('end', async () => { await msg.edit({ content: text, embeds: [embeds[curPage]], components: [getPaginationRow(true)] }).catch(() => undefined); }); async function edit(interaction: MessageComponentInteraction): Promise { return await interaction ?.update({ content: text, embeds: [embeds[curPage]], components: [getPaginationRow()] }) .catch(() => undefined); } const paginateEmojis = this.paginateEmojis; function getPaginationRow(disableAll = false): MessageActionRow { return new MessageActionRow().addComponents( new MessageButton({ style, customID: 'paginate_beginning', emoji: paginateEmojis.beginning, disabled: disableAll || curPage == 0 }), new MessageButton({ style, customID: 'paginate_back', emoji: paginateEmojis.back, disabled: disableAll || curPage == 0 }), new MessageButton({ style, customID: 'paginate_stop', emoji: paginateEmojis.stop, disabled: disableAll }), new MessageButton({ style, customID: 'paginate_next', emoji: paginateEmojis.forward, disabled: disableAll || curPage == embeds.length - 1 }), new MessageButton({ style, customID: 'paginate_end', emoji: paginateEmojis.end, disabled: disableAll || curPage == embeds.length - 1 }) ); } } /** Sends a message with a button for the user to delete it. */ public async sendWithDeleteButton(message: BushMessage, options: MessageOptions): Promise { updateOptions(); const msg = await message.util.reply(options as MessageOptions & { split?: false }); const filter = (interaction: ButtonInteraction) => interaction.customID == 'paginate__stop' && interaction.message == msg; const collector = msg.createMessageComponentInteractionCollector({ filter, time: 300000 }); collector.on('collect', async (interaction: MessageComponentInteraction) => { if (interaction.user.id == message.author.id || this.client.config.owners.includes(interaction.user.id)) { await interaction.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); if (msg.deletable && !msg.deleted) { await msg.delete(); } return; } else { return await interaction?.deferUpdate().catch(() => undefined); } }); collector.on('end', async () => { updateOptions(true, true); await msg.edit(options as MessageEditOptions).catch(() => undefined); }); const paginateEmojis = this.paginateEmojis; function updateOptions(edit?: boolean, disable?: boolean) { if (edit == undefined) edit = false; if (disable == undefined) disable = false; options.components = [ new MessageActionRow().addComponents( new MessageButton({ style: Constants.MessageButtonStyles.PRIMARY, customID: 'paginate__stop', emoji: paginateEmojis.stop, disabled: disable }) ) ]; if (edit) { options.reply = undefined; } } } /** * Surrounds text in a code block with the specified language and puts it in a hastebin if its too long. * * * Embed Description Limit = 2048 characters * * Embed Field Limit = 1024 characters */ public async codeblock(code: string, length: number, language: 'ts' | 'js' | 'sh' | 'json' | '' = ''): Promise { let hasteOut = ''; const tildes = '```'; const formattingLength = 2 * tildes.length + language.length + 2 * '\n'.length; if (code.length + formattingLength > length) hasteOut = 'Too large to display. Hastebin: ' + (await this.haste(code)); const code2 = code.length > length ? code.substring(0, length - (hasteOut.length + '\n'.length + formattingLength)) : code; return ( tildes + language + '\n' + Util.cleanCodeBlockContent(code2) + '\n' + tildes + (hasteOut.length ? '\n' + hasteOut : '') ); } public async slashRespond( interaction: CommandInteraction, responseOptions: string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions ): Promise { let newResponseOptions: string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions = {}; if (typeof responseOptions === 'string') { newResponseOptions.content = responseOptions; } else { newResponseOptions = responseOptions; } if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) { //@ts-expect-error: stop being dumb delete newResponseOptions.ephemeral; // Cannot change a preexisting message to be ephemeral return (await interaction.editReply(newResponseOptions)) as Message | APIMessage; } else { await interaction.reply(newResponseOptions); return await interaction.fetchReply().catch(() => undefined); } } /** Gets the channel configs as a TextChannel */ public async getConfigChannel(channel: 'log' | 'error' | 'dm'): Promise { return (await this.client.channels.fetch(this.client.config.channels[channel])) as TextChannel; } /** * Takes an array and combines the elements using the supplied conjunction. * * @param {string[]} array The array to combine. * @param {string} conjunction The conjunction to use. * @param {string} ifEmpty What to return if the array is empty. * @returns The combined elements or `ifEmpty` * * @example * const permissions = oxford(['ADMINISTRATOR', 'SEND_MESSAGES', 'MANAGE_MESSAGES'], 'and', 'none'); * console.log(permissions); // ADMINISTRATOR, SEND_MESSAGES and MANAGE_MESSAGES */ public oxford(array: string[], conjunction: string, ifEmpty: string): string { const l = array.length; if (!l) return ifEmpty; if (l < 2) return array[0]; if (l < 3) return array.join(` ${conjunction} `); array = array.slice(); array[l - 1] = `${conjunction} ${array[l - 1]}`; return array.join(', '); } public async insertOrRemoveFromGlobal( action: 'add' | 'remove', key: keyof typeof BushCache['global'], value: any ): Promise { const environment = this.client.config.dev ? 'development' : 'production'; const row = await Global.findByPk(environment); const oldValue: any[] = row[key]; let newValue: any[]; if (action === 'add') { if (!oldValue.includes(action)) oldValue.push(value); newValue = oldValue; } else { newValue = oldValue.filter((ae) => ae !== value); } row[key] = newValue; this.client.cache.global[key] = newValue; return await row.save().catch((e) => this.client.logger.error('insertOrRemoveFromGlobal', e)); } /** * Surrounds a string to the begging an end of each element in an array. * * @param {string[]} array The array you want to surround. * @param {string} surroundChar1 The character placed in the beginning of the element (or end if surroundChar2 isn't supplied). * @param {string} [surroundChar2=surroundChar1] The character placed in the end of the element. * @returns {string[]} */ public surroundArray(array: string[], surroundChar1: string, surroundChar2?: string): string[] { const newArray = []; array.forEach((a) => { newArray.push(`${surroundChar1}${a}${surroundChar2 || surroundChar1}`); }); return newArray; } // public createModLogEntry( // user: User | Snowflake, // guild: Guild | Snowflake, // reason?: string, // type?: ModLogType, // duration?: number, // moderator: User | Snowflake // ): ModLog { // } }