import { abbreviatedNumber, contentWithDuration, discordEmoji, duration, durationSeconds, globalUser, messageLink, permission, roleWithDuration, snowflake } from '#args'; import { BushBaseGuildEmojiManager, BushChannelManager, BushClientEvents, BushClientUser, BushGuildManager, BushUserManager, BushUserResolvable, Config } from '#lib'; import { patch, type PatchedElements } from '@notenoughupdates/events-intercept'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'; import { AkairoClient, ContextMenuCommandHandler, version as akairoVersion } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ActivityType, Options, Partials, Structures, version as discordJsVersion, type Awaitable, type If, type InteractionReplyOptions, type Message, type MessageEditOptions, type MessageOptions, type MessagePayload, type ReplyMessageOptions, type Snowflake, type WebhookEditMessageOptions } from 'discord.js'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { google } from 'googleapis'; import snakeCase from 'lodash.snakecase'; import path from 'path'; import readline from 'readline'; import type { Options as SequelizeOptions, Sequelize as SequelizeType } from 'sequelize'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import UpdateCacheTask from '../../../tasks/updateCache.js'; import UpdateStatsTask from '../../../tasks/updateStats.js'; import { HighlightManager } from '../../common/HighlightManager.js'; import { ActivePunishment } from '../../models/instance/ActivePunishment.js'; import { Guild as GuildModel } from '../../models/instance/Guild.js'; import { Highlight } from '../../models/instance/Highlight.js'; import { Level } from '../../models/instance/Level.js'; import { ModLog } from '../../models/instance/ModLog.js'; import { Reminder } from '../../models/instance/Reminder.js'; import { StickyRole } from '../../models/instance/StickyRole.js'; import { Global } from '../../models/shared/Global.js'; import { Shared } from '../../models/shared/Shared.js'; import { Stat } from '../../models/shared/Stat.js'; import { AllowedMentions } from '../../utils/AllowedMentions.js'; import { BushCache } from '../../utils/BushCache.js'; import { BushConstants } from '../../utils/BushConstants.js'; import { BushLogger } from '../../utils/BushLogger.js'; import { BushButtonInteraction } from '../discord.js/BushButtonInteraction.js'; import { BushCategoryChannel } from '../discord.js/BushCategoryChannel.js'; import { BushChatInputCommandInteraction } from '../discord.js/BushChatInputCommandInteraction.js'; import { BushDMChannel } from '../discord.js/BushDMChannel.js'; import { BushGuild } from '../discord.js/BushGuild.js'; import { BushGuildEmoji } from '../discord.js/BushGuildEmoji.js'; import { BushGuildMember } from '../discord.js/BushGuildMember.js'; import { BushMessage } from '../discord.js/BushMessage.js'; import { BushMessageReaction } from '../discord.js/BushMessageReaction.js'; import { BushNewsChannel } from '../discord.js/BushNewsChannel.js'; import { BushPresence } from '../discord.js/BushPresence.js'; import { BushRole } from '../discord.js/BushRole.js'; import { BushSelectMenuInteraction } from '../discord.js/BushSelectMenuInteraction.js'; import { BushStoreChannel } from '../discord.js/BushStoreChannel.js'; import { BushTextChannel } from '../discord.js/BushTextChannel.js'; import { BushThreadChannel } from '../discord.js/BushThreadChannel.js'; import { BushThreadMember } from '../discord.js/BushThreadMember.js'; import { BushUser } from '../discord.js/BushUser.js'; import { BushVoiceChannel } from '../discord.js/BushVoiceChannel.js'; import { BushVoiceState } from '../discord.js/BushVoiceState.js'; import { BushClientUtil } from './BushClientUtil.js'; import { BushCommandHandler } from './BushCommandHandler.js'; import { BushInhibitorHandler } from './BushInhibitorHandler.js'; import { BushListenerHandler } from './BushListenerHandler.js'; import { BushTaskHandler } from './BushTaskHandler.js'; const { Sequelize } = (await import('sequelize')).default; export type BushReplyMessageType = string | MessagePayload | ReplyMessageOptions; export type BushEditMessageType = string | MessageEditOptions | MessagePayload; export type BushSlashSendMessageType = string | MessagePayload | InteractionReplyOptions; export type BushSlashEditMessageType = string | MessagePayload | WebhookEditMessageOptions; export type BushSendMessageType = string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions; const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false }); const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); /** * The main hub for interacting with the Discord API. */ export class BushClient extends AkairoClient { public declare channels: BushChannelManager; public declare readonly emojis: BushBaseGuildEmojiManager; public declare guilds: BushGuildManager; public declare user: If; public declare users: BushUserManager; public declare util: BushClientUtil; public declare ownerID: Snowflake[]; /** * Whether or not the client is ready. */ public customReady = false; /** * Stats for the client. */ public stats: BushStats = { cpu: undefined, commandsUsed: 0n }; /** * The configuration for the client. */ public config: Config; /** * The handler for the bot's listeners. */ public listenerHandler: BushListenerHandler; /** * The handler for the bot's command inhibitors. */ public inhibitorHandler: BushInhibitorHandler; /** * The handler for the bot's commands. */ public commandHandler: BushCommandHandler; /** * The handler for the bot's tasks. */ public taskHandler: BushTaskHandler; /** * The handler for the bot's context menu commands. */ public contextMenuCommandHandler: ContextMenuCommandHandler; /** * The database connection for this instance of the bot (production, beta, or development). */ public instanceDB: SequelizeType; /** * The database connection that is shared between all instances of the bot. */ public sharedDB: SequelizeType; /** * A custom logging system for the bot. */ public logger = BushLogger; /** * Constants for the bot. */ public constants = BushConstants; /** * Cached global and guild database data. */ public cache = new BushCache(); /** * Sentry error reporting for the bot. */ public sentry!: typeof Sentry; /** * Manages most aspects of the highlight command */ public highlightManager = new HighlightManager(); /** * The perspective api */ public perspective: any; /** * @param config The configuration for the bot. */ public constructor(config: Config) { super({ ownerID: config.owners, intents: Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits) .map((i) => (typeof i === 'string' ? GatewayIntentBits[i as keyof typeof GatewayIntentBits] : i)) .reduce((acc, p) => acc | p, 0), partials: Object.keys(Partials).map((p) => Partials[p as keyof typeof Partials]), presence: { activities: [{ name: 'Beep Boop', type: ActivityType.Watching }], status: 'online' }, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.users(), // No everyone or role mentions by default makeCache: Options.cacheWithLimits({}), failIfNotExists: false, rest: { api: '' }, // todo: remove this when is merged jsonTransformer }); patch(this); this.token = config.token as If; this.config = config; this.util = new BushClientUtil(this); /* =-=-= handlers =-=-= */ this.listenerHandler = new BushListenerHandler(this, { directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'listeners'), automateCategories: true }); this.inhibitorHandler = new BushInhibitorHandler(this, { directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'inhibitors'), automateCategories: true }); this.taskHandler = new BushTaskHandler(this, { directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'tasks'), automateCategories: true }); this.commandHandler = new BushCommandHandler(this, { directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'commands'), prefix: async ({ guild }: Message) => { if (this.config.isDevelopment) return 'dev '; if (!guild) return this.config.prefix; const prefix = await (guild as BushGuild).getSetting('prefix'); return (prefix ?? this.config.prefix) as string; }, allowMention: true, handleEdits: true, commandUtil: true, commandUtilLifetime: 300_000, // 5 minutes argumentDefaults: { prompt: { start: 'Placeholder argument prompt. **If you see this please tell my developers**.', retry: 'Placeholder failed argument prompt. **If you see this please tell my developers**.', modifyStart: (_: Message, str: string): string => `${str}\n\n Type \`cancel\` to cancel the command`, modifyRetry: (_: Message, str: string): string => `${str.replace('{error}', this.util.emojis.error)}\n\n Type \`cancel\` to cancel the command`, timeout: ':hourglass: You took too long the command has been cancelled.', ended: 'You exceeded the maximum amount of tries the command has been cancelled', cancel: 'The command has been cancelled', retries: 3, time: 3e4 }, otherwise: '' }, automateCategories: false, autoRegisterSlashCommands: true, skipBuiltInPostInhibitors: true, useSlashPermissions: false, aliasReplacement: /-/g }); this.contextMenuCommandHandler = new ContextMenuCommandHandler(this, { directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'context-menu-commands'), automateCategories: true }); /* =-=-= databases =-=-= */ const sharedDBOptions: SequelizeOptions = { username: this.config.db.username, password: this.config.db.password, dialect: 'postgres', host:, port: this.config.db.port, logging: this.config.logging.db ? (sql) => this.logger.debug(sql) : false, timezone: 'America/New_York' }; this.instanceDB = new Sequelize({ ...sharedDBOptions, database: this.config.isDevelopment ? 'bushbot-dev' : this.config.isBeta ? 'bushbot-beta' : 'bushbot' }); this.sharedDB = new Sequelize({ ...sharedDBOptions, database: 'bushbot-shared' }); } /** * A custom logging system for the bot. */ public get console(): typeof BushLogger { return this.logger; } /** * Constants for the bot. */ public get consts(): typeof BushConstants { return this.constants; } /** * Extends discord.js structures before the client is instantiated. */ public static extendStructures(): void { Structures.extend('GuildEmoji', () => BushGuildEmoji); Structures.extend('DMChannel', () => BushDMChannel); Structures.extend('TextChannel', () => BushTextChannel); Structures.extend('VoiceChannel', () => BushVoiceChannel); Structures.extend('CategoryChannel', () => BushCategoryChannel); Structures.extend('NewsChannel', () => BushNewsChannel); Structures.extend('StoreChannel', () => BushStoreChannel); Structures.extend('ThreadChannel', () => BushThreadChannel); Structures.extend('GuildMember', () => BushGuildMember); Structures.extend('ThreadMember', () => BushThreadMember); Structures.extend('Guild', () => BushGuild); Structures.extend('Message', () => BushMessage); Structures.extend('MessageReaction', () => BushMessageReaction); Structures.extend('Presence', () => BushPresence); Structures.extend('VoiceState', () => BushVoiceState); Structures.extend('Role', () => BushRole); Structures.extend('User', () => BushUser); Structures.extend('ChatInputCommandInteraction', () => BushChatInputCommandInteraction); Structures.extend('ButtonInteraction', () => BushButtonInteraction); Structures.extend('SelectMenuInteraction', () => BushSelectMenuInteraction); } /** * Initializes the bot. */ public async init() { if (!process.version.startsWith('v17.')) { void (await this.console.error('version', `Please use node <>, not <<${process.version}>>.`, false)); process.exit(2); } this.perspective = await google.discoverAPI('$discovery/rest?version=v1alpha1'); this.commandHandler.useInhibitorHandler(this.inhibitorHandler); this.commandHandler.useListenerHandler(this.listenerHandler); this.commandHandler.useTaskHandler(this.taskHandler); this.commandHandler.useContextMenuCommandHandler(this.contextMenuCommandHandler); this.commandHandler.ignorePermissions = this.config.owners; this.commandHandler.ignoreCooldown = [ Set([...this.config.owners, ...this.cache.shared.superUsers])]; this.listenerHandler.setEmitters({ client: this, commandHandler: this.commandHandler, inhibitorHandler: this.inhibitorHandler, listenerHandler: this.listenerHandler, taskHandler: this.taskHandler, contextMenuCommandHandler: this.contextMenuCommandHandler, process, stdin: rl, gateway:, rest:, ws: }); this.commandHandler.resolver.addTypes({ duration, contentWithDuration, permission, snowflake, discordEmoji, roleWithDuration, abbreviatedNumber, durationSeconds, globalUser, messageLink }); this.sentry = Sentry; this.sentry.setTag('process',; this.sentry.setTag('discord.js', discordJsVersion); this.sentry.setTag('discord-akairo', akairoVersion); void this.logger.success('startup', `Successfully connected to <>.`, false); // loads all the handlers const handlers = { commands: this.commandHandler, contextMenuCommands: this.contextMenuCommandHandler, listeners: this.listenerHandler, inhibitors: this.inhibitorHandler, tasks: this.taskHandler }; const handlerPromises = Object.entries(handlers).map(([handlerName, handler]) => handler .loadAll() .then(() => { void this.logger.success('startup', `Successfully loaded <<${handlerName}>>.`, false); }) .catch((e) => { void this.logger.error('startup', `Unable to load loader <<${handlerName}>> with error:\n${e?.stack || e}`, false); if (process.argv.includes('dry')) process.exit(1); }) ); await Promise.allSettled(handlerPromises); } /** * Connects to the database, initializes models, and creates tables if they do not exist. */ public async dbPreInit() { try { await this.instanceDB.authenticate(); GuildModel.initModel(this.instanceDB, this); ModLog.initModel(this.instanceDB); ActivePunishment.initModel(this.instanceDB); Level.initModel(this.instanceDB); StickyRole.initModel(this.instanceDB); Reminder.initModel(this.instanceDB); Highlight.initModel(this.instanceDB); await this.instanceDB.sync({ alter: true }); // Sync all tables to fix everything if updated await this.console.success('startup', `Successfully connected to <>.`, false); } catch (e) { await this.console.error( 'startup', `Failed to connect to <> with error:\n${util.inspect(e, { colors: true, depth: 1 })}`, false ); process.exit(2); } try { await this.sharedDB.authenticate(); Stat.initModel(this.sharedDB); Global.initModel(this.sharedDB); Shared.initModel(this.sharedDB); await this.sharedDB.sync({ // Sync all tables to fix everything if updated // if another instance restarts we don't want to overwrite new changes made in development alter: this.config.isDevelopment ? true : false }); await this.console.success('startup', `Successfully connected to <>.`, false); } catch (e) { await this.console.error( 'startup', `Failed to connect to <> with error:\n${util.inspect(e, { colors: true, depth: 1 })}`, false ); process.exit(2); } } /** * Starts the bot */ public async start() { this.intercept('ready', async (arg, done) => { const promises = this.guilds.cache .filter((g) => g.large) .map((guild) => { return guild.members.fetch(); }); await Promise.all(promises); this.customReady = true; this.taskHandler.startAll(); return done(null, `intercepted ${arg}`); }); try { await this.highlightManager.syncCache(); await UpdateCacheTask.init(this); void this.console.success('startup', `Successfully created <>.`, false); this.stats.commandsUsed = await UpdateStatsTask.init(); await this.login(this.token!); } catch (e) { await this.console.error('start', util.inspect(e, { colors: true, depth: 1 }), false); process.exit(1); } } /** * Logs out, terminates the connection to Discord, and destroys the client. */ public override destroy(relogin = false): void | Promise { super.destroy(); if (relogin) { return this.login(this.token!); } } public override isOwner(user: BushUserResolvable): boolean { return this.config.owners.includes(this.users.resolveId(user!)!); } public override isSuperUser(user: BushUserResolvable): boolean { const userID = this.users.resolveId(user)!; return client.cache.shared.superUsers.includes(userID) || this.config.owners.includes(userID); } } export interface BushClient extends EventEmitter, PatchedElements { on(event: K, listener: (...args: BushClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable): this; // on(event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable): this; once(event: K, listener: (...args: BushClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable): this; // once(event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable): this; emit(event: K, ...args: BushClientEvents[K]): boolean; // emit(event: Exclude, ...args: unknown[]): boolean; off(event: K, listener: (...args: BushClientEvents[K]) => Awaitable): this; // off(event: Exclude, listener: (...args: any[]) => Awaitable): this; removeAllListeners(event?: K): this; // removeAllListeners(event?: Exclude): this; } export interface BushStats { /** * The average cpu usage of the bot from the past 60 seconds. */ cpu: number | undefined; /** * The total number of times any command has been used. */ commandsUsed: bigint; } // exported as const enum from discord-api-types enum GatewayIntentBits { Guilds = 1, GuildMembers = 2, GuildBans = 4, GuildEmojisAndStickers = 8, GuildIntegrations = 16, GuildWebhooks = 32, GuildInvites = 64, GuildVoiceStates = 128, GuildPresences = 256, GuildMessages = 512, GuildMessageReactions = 1024, GuildMessageTyping = 2048, DirectMessages = 4096, DirectMessageReactions = 8192, DirectMessageTyping = 16384, GuildScheduledEvents = 65536 } function jsonTransformer(obj: any): any { if (typeof obj !== 'object' || !obj) return obj; if (Array.isArray(obj)) return; return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => [snakeCase(key), jsonTransformer(value)])); }