/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import { ArgumentGenerator, ArgumentOptions, ArgumentPromptOptions, ArgumentTypeCaster, Command, CommandOptions } from 'discord-akairo'; import { Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import { BushMessage } from '../discord.js/BushMessage'; import { BushClient } from './BushClient'; import { BushCommandHandler } from './BushCommandHandler'; import { BushSlashMessage } from './BushSlashMessage'; type BushArgumentType = | 'string' | 'lowercase' | 'uppercase' | 'charCodes' | 'number' | 'integer' | 'bigint' | 'emojint' | 'url' | 'date' | 'color' | 'user' | 'users' | 'member' | 'members' | 'relevant' | 'relevants' | 'channel' | 'channels' | 'textChannel' | 'textChannels' | 'voiceChannel' | 'voiceChannels' | 'categoryChannel' | 'categoryChannels' | 'newsChannel' | 'newsChannels' | 'storeChannel' | 'storeChannels' | 'stageChannel' | 'stageChannels' | 'threadChannel' | 'threadChannels' | 'role' | 'roles' | 'emoji' | 'emojis' | 'guild' | 'guilds' | 'message' | 'guildMessage' | 'relevantMessage' | 'invite' | 'userMention' | 'memberMention' | 'channelMention' | 'roleMention' | 'emojiMention' | 'commandAlias' | 'command' | 'inhibitor' | 'listener' | 'duration'; interface BaseBushArgumentOptions extends ArgumentOptions { id: string; description?: string; prompt?: ArgumentPromptOptions; } export interface BushArgumentOptions extends BaseBushArgumentOptions { type?: BushArgumentType; } export interface CustomBushArgumentOptions extends BaseBushArgumentOptions { type?: ArgumentTypeCaster | (string | string[])[] | RegExp | string; } export interface BushCommandOptions extends CommandOptions { hidden?: boolean; restrictedChannels?: Snowflake[]; restrictedGuilds?: Snowflake[]; description: { content: string; usage: string | string[]; examples: string | string[]; }; args?: BushArgumentOptions[] | CustomBushArgumentOptions[] | ArgumentGenerator; category: string; completelyHide?: boolean; } export class BushCommand extends Command { public declare client: BushClient; public declare handler: BushCommandHandler; public options: BushCommandOptions; /** The channels the command is limited to run in. */ public restrictedChannels: Snowflake[]; /** The guilds the command is limited to run in. */ public restrictedGuilds: Snowflake[]; /** Whether the command is hidden from the help command. */ public hidden: boolean; /** Completely hide this command from the help command. */ public completelyHide: boolean; public constructor(id: string, options?: BushCommandOptions) { super(id, options); options.category; this.options = options; this.hidden = options.hidden || false; this.restrictedChannels = options.restrictedChannels; this.restrictedGuilds = options.restrictedGuilds; this.completelyHide = options.completelyHide; } public exec(message: BushMessage, args: any): any; public exec(message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, args: any): any { super.exec(message, args); } }