import type {
} from '#lib';
import {
type MessageOptions,
type MessagePayload,
type UserResolvable
} from 'discord.js';
import type { RawGuildData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Moderation } from '../../common/util/Moderation.js';
import { Guild as GuildDB } from '../../models/Guild.js';
import { ModLogType } from '../../models/ModLog.js';
* Represents a guild (or a server) on Discord.
* It's recommended to see if a guild is available before performing operations or reading data from it. You can
* check this with {@link BushGuild.available}.
export class BushGuild extends Guild {
public declare readonly client: BushClient;
public declare readonly me: BushGuildMember | null;
public declare members: BushGuildMemberManager;
public declare channels: GuildChannelManager;
public constructor(client: BushClient, data: RawGuildData) {
super(client, data);
* Checks if the guild has a certain custom feature.
* @param feature The feature to check for
public async hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise {
const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
return features.includes(feature);
* Adds a custom feature to the guild.
* @param feature The feature to add
* @param moderator The moderator responsible for adding a feature
public async addFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: BushGuildMember): Promise {
const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
const newFeatures = util.addOrRemoveFromArray('add', features, feature);
return (await this.setSetting('enabledFeatures', newFeatures, moderator)).enabledFeatures;
* Removes a custom feature from the guild.
* @param feature The feature to remove
* @param moderator The moderator responsible for removing a feature
public async removeFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: BushGuildMember): Promise {
const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
const newFeatures = util.addOrRemoveFromArray('remove', features, feature);
return (await this.setSetting('enabledFeatures', newFeatures, moderator)).enabledFeatures;
* Makes a custom feature the opposite of what it was before
* @param feature The feature to toggle
* @param moderator The moderator responsible for toggling a feature
public async toggleFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: BushGuildMember): Promise {
return (await this.hasFeature(feature))
? await this.removeFeature(feature, moderator)
: await this.addFeature(feature, moderator);
* Fetches a custom setting for the guild
* @param setting The setting to get
public async getSetting(setting: K): Promise {
return (
client.cache.guilds.get([setting] ??
((await GuildDB.findByPk( ??{ id: }))[setting]
* Sets a custom setting for the guild
* @param setting The setting to change
* @param value The value to change the setting to
* @param moderator The moderator to responsible for changing the setting
public async setSetting>(
setting: K,
value: GuildDB[K],
moderator?: BushGuildMember
): Promise {
const row = (await GuildDB.findByPk( ??{ id: });
const oldValue = row[setting] as GuildDB[K];
row[setting] = value;
client.cache.guilds.set(, row.toJSON() as GuildDB);
client.emit('bushUpdateSettings', setting, this, oldValue, row[setting], moderator);
return await;
* Get a the log channel configured for a certain log type.
* @param logType The type of log channel to get.
* @returns Either the log channel or undefined if not configured.
public async getLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType): Promise {
const channelId = (await this.getSetting('logChannels'))[logType];
if (!channelId) return undefined;
return (
(this.channels.cache.get(channelId) as BushTextChannel | undefined) ??
((await this.channels.fetch(channelId)) as BushTextChannel | null) ??
* Bans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and creates a punishment entry.
* @param options Options for banning the user.
* @returns A string status message of the ban.
public async bushBan(options: BushBanOptions): Promise {
// checks
if (!!.permissions.has('BAN_MEMBERS')) return 'missing permissions';
let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
const user = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user))!;
const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator!)) ?? client.user!;
const ret = await (async () => {
await this.members.cache.get('banned', options.reason, options.duration ?? 0);
// ban
const banSuccess = await this.bans
.create(user?.id ?? options.user, {
reason: `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`,
days: options.deleteDays
.catch(() => false);
if (!banSuccess) return 'error banning';
// add modlog entry
const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_BAN : ModLogType.PERM_BAN,
user: user,
reason: options.reason,
duration: options.duration,
guild: this,
evidence: options.evidence
if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry';
caseID =;
// add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later
const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
type: 'ban',
user: user,
guild: this,
duration: options.duration,
if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error creating ban entry';
return 'success';
if (!['error banning', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error creating ban entry'].includes(ret))
client.emit('bushBan', user, moderator, this, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, options.duration ?? 0);
return ret;
* Unbans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and destroys the punishment entry.
* @param options Options for unbanning the user.
* @returns A status message of the unban.
public async bushUnban(options: BushUnbanOptions): Promise {
let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
const user = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.user))!;
const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!;
const ret = await (async () => {
const bans = await this.bans.fetch();
let notBanned = false;
if (!bans.has( notBanned = true;
const unbanSuccess = await this.bans
.remove(user, `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`)
.catch((e) => {
if (e?.code === 'UNKNOWN_BAN') {
notBanned = true;
return true;
} else return false;
if (notBanned) return 'user not banned';
if (!unbanSuccess) return 'error unbanning';
// add modlog entry
const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
type: ModLogType.UNBAN,
reason: options.reason,
guild: this
if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry';
caseID =;
// remove punishment entry
const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.removePunishmentEntry({
type: 'ban',
guild: this
if (!removePunishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error removing ban entry';
const userObject = client.users.cache.get(;
const dmSuccess = await userObject
`You have been unbanned from **${util.discord.escapeMarkdown(this.toString())}** for **${
options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'
.catch(() => false);
dmSuccessEvent = !!dmSuccess;
return 'success';
if (!['error unbanning', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error removing ban entry'].includes(ret))
client.emit('bushUnban', user, moderator, this, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, dmSuccessEvent!);
return ret;
* Sends a message to the guild's specified logging channel
* @param logType The corresponding channel that the message will be sent to
* @param message The parameters for {@link BushTextChannel.send}
public async sendLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType, message: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions) {
const logChannel = await this.getLogChannel(logType);
if (!logChannel || logChannel.type !== 'GUILD_TEXT') return;
if (!logChannel.permissionsFor(!.id)?.has(['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS'])) return;
return await logChannel.send(message).catch(() => null);
* Sends a formatted error message in a guild's error log channel
* @param title The title of the error embed
* @param message The description of the error embed
public async error(title: string, message: string) {
void, message.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, '<<$1>>'));
void this.sendLogChannel('error', { embeds: [{ title: title, description: message, color: util.colors.error }] });
* Denies send permissions in specified channels
* @param options The options for locking down the guild
public async lockdown(options: LockdownOptions): Promise {
if (!options.all && ! return 'all not chosen and no channel specified';
const channelIds = options.all ? await this.getSetting('lockdownChannels') : [!.id];
if (!channelIds.length) return 'no channels configured';
const mappedChannels = => this.channels.cache.get(id));
const invalidChannels = mappedChannels.filter((c) => c === undefined);
if (invalidChannels.length) return `invalid channel configured: ${invalidChannels.join(', ')}`;
const moderator = this.members.resolve(options.moderator);
if (!moderator) return 'moderator not found';
const errors = new Collection();
let successCount = 0;
for (const _channel of mappedChannels) {
const channel = _channel!;
if (!channel.permissionsFor(!.id)?.has(['MANAGE_CHANNELS'])) {
errors.set(, new Error('client no permission'));
} else if (!channel.permissionsFor(options.moderator)?.has(['MANAGE_CHANNELS'])) {
errors.set(, new Error('moderator no permission'));
const reason = `${options.unlock ? 'Unlocking' : 'Locking Down'} Channel | ${moderator.user.tag} | ${
options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'
if (channel.isThread()) {
const lockdownSuccess = await channel.parent?.permissionOverwrites
.edit(, { SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADS: options.unlock ? null : false }, { reason })
.catch((e) => e);
if (lockdownSuccess instanceof Error) errors.set(, lockdownSuccess);
else successCount++;
} else {
const lockdownSuccess = await channel.permissionOverwrites
.edit(, { SEND_MESSAGES: options.unlock ? null : false }, { reason })
.catch((e) => e);
if (lockdownSuccess instanceof Error) errors.set(, lockdownSuccess);
else successCount++;
if (errors.size) return errors;
else return `success: ${successCount}`;
* Options for unbanning a user
interface BushUnbanOptions {
* The user to unban
user: BushUserResolvable | BushUser;
* The reason for unbanning the user
reason?: string | null;
* The moderator who unbanned the user
moderator?: BushUserResolvable;
* Options for banning a user
interface BushBanOptions {
* The user to ban
user: BushUserResolvable | UserResolvable;
* The reason to ban the user
reason?: string | null;
* The moderator who banned the user
moderator?: BushUserResolvable;
* The duration of the ban
duration?: number;
* The number of days to delete the user's messages for
deleteDays?: number;
* The evidence for the ban
evidence?: string;
type PunishmentResponse = 'success' | 'missing permissions' | 'error creating modlog entry';
* Response returned when banning a user
type BanResponse = PunishmentResponse | 'error banning' | 'error creating ban entry';
* Response returned when unbanning a user
type UnbanResponse = PunishmentResponse | 'user not banned' | 'error unbanning' | 'error removing ban entry';
* Options for locking down channel(s)
interface LockdownOptions {
* The moderator responsible for the lockdown
moderator: BushGuildMemberResolvable;
* Whether to lock down all (specified) channels
all: boolean;
* Reason for the lockdown
reason?: string;
* A specific channel to lockdown
channel?: BushThreadChannel | BushNewsChannel | BushTextChannel;
* Whether or not to unlock the channel(s) instead of locking them
unlock?: boolean;
* Response returned when locking down a channel
type LockdownResponse =
| `success: ${number}`
| 'all not chosen and no channel specified'
| 'no channels configured'
| `invalid channel configured: ${string}`
| 'moderator not found'
| Collection;