import { Guild, User } from 'discord.js'; import { ModLogType } from '../..'; import { Guild as GuildDB, GuildModel } from '../../models/Guild'; import { BushClient, BushUserResolvable } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient'; export class BushGuild extends Guild { public declare readonly client: BushClient; // I cba to do this //// public declare members: GuildMemberManager; public constructor(client: BushClient, data: unknown) { super(client, data); } public async getSetting(setting: K): Promise { return ((await GuildDB.findByPk( ??{ id: }))[setting]; } public async setSetting(setting: K, value: GuildDB[K]): Promise { const row = (await GuildDB.findByPk( ??{ id: }); row[setting] = value; return await; } public async unban(options: { user: BushUserResolvable | User; reason?: string; moderator?: BushUserResolvable; }): Promise< | 'success' | 'missing permissions' | 'user not banned' | 'error unbanning' | 'error creating modlog entry' | 'error removing ban entry' > { const user = this.client.users.resolveId(options.user); const moderator = this.client.users.cache.get(this.client.users.resolveId(options.moderator)); const bans = await this.bans.fetch(); let notBanned = false; if (!bans.has(user)) notBanned = true; const unbanSuccess = this.bans.remove(user, `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason || 'No reason provided.'}`).catch((e) => { if (e?.code === 'UNKNOWN_BAN') { notBanned = true; return true; } else return false; }); if (!unbanSuccess) return 'error unbanning'; // add modlog entry const modlog = await this.client.util .createModLogEntry({ type: ModLogType.UNBAN, user, moderator:, reason: options.reason, guild: this }) .catch(() => null); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; // remove punishment entry const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await this.client.util .removePunishmentEntry({ type: 'ban', user, guild: this }) .catch(() => null); if (!removePunishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error removing ban entry'; const userObject = this.client.users.cache.get(user); userObject?.send(`You have been unbanned from **${this}** for **${options.reason || 'No reason provided'}**.`); if (notBanned) return 'user not banned'; return 'success'; } }