import { GuildMember, MessageEmbed, Partialize, Role } from 'discord.js'; import { RawGuildMemberData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes'; import { ModLogType } from '../../models/ModLog'; import { BushClient, BushUserResolvable } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient'; import { BushGuild } from './BushGuild'; import { BushRole } from './BushRole'; import { BushUser } from './BushUser'; interface BushPunishmentOptions { reason?: string | null; moderator?: BushUserResolvable; } interface BushTimedPunishmentOptions extends BushPunishmentOptions { duration?: number; } interface AddRoleOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions { role: BushRole | Role; addToModlog: boolean; } interface RemoveRoleOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions { role: BushRole | Role; addToModlog: boolean; } type PunishmentResponse = 'success' | 'error creating modlog entry' | 'failed to dm'; type WarnResponse = PunishmentResponse; type AddRoleResponse = | PunishmentResponse | 'user hierarchy' | 'role managed' | 'client hierarchy' | 'error creating role entry' | 'error adding role'; type RemoveRoleResponse = | PunishmentResponse | 'user hierarchy' | 'role managed' | 'client hierarchy' | 'error removing role entry' | 'error removing role'; type MuteResponse = | PunishmentResponse | 'missing permissions' | 'no mute role' | 'invalid mute role' | 'mute role not manageable' | 'error giving mute role' | 'error creating mute entry'; type UnmuteResponse = | PunishmentResponse | 'missing permissions' | 'no mute role' | 'invalid mute role' | 'mute role not manageable' | 'error removing mute role' | 'error removing mute entry'; type KickResponse = PunishmentResponse | 'missing permissions' | 'error kicking'; interface BushBanOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions { deleteDays?: number; } type BanResponse = PunishmentResponse | 'missing permissions' | 'error creating ban entry' | 'error banning'; export type PartialBushGuildMember = Partialize< BushGuildMember, 'joinedAt' | 'joinedTimestamp', 'user' | 'warn' | 'addRole' | 'removeRole' | 'mute' | 'unmute' | 'bushKick' | 'bushBan' | 'isOwner' | 'isSuperUser' >; export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember { public declare readonly client: BushClient; public declare guild: BushGuild; public declare user: BushUser; public constructor(client: BushClient, data: RawGuildMemberData, guild: BushGuild) { super(client, data, guild); } private async punishDM(punishment: string, reason?: string | null, duration?: number, sendFooter = true): Promise { const ending = await this.guild.getSetting('punishmentEnding'); const dmEmbed = ending && ending.length && sendFooter ? new MessageEmbed().setDescription(ending).setColor(util.colors.newBlurple) : undefined; const dmSuccess = await this.send({ content: `You have been ${punishment} in **${}** ${ duration !== null && duration !== undefined ? duration ? `for ${util.humanizeDuration(duration)} ` : 'permanently ' : '' }for **${reason?.trim() ?? 'No reason provided'}**.`, embeds: dmEmbed ? [dmEmbed] : undefined }).catch(() => false); return !!dmSuccess; } public async warn(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise<{ result: WarnResponse | null; caseNum: number | null }> { let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { // add modlog entry const result = await util.createModLogEntry( { type: ModLogType.WARN, user: this, moderator:, reason: options.reason, guild: this.guild }, true ); caseID = result.log?.id; if (!result || !result.log) return { result: 'error creating modlog entry', caseNum: null }; // dm user const dmSuccess = await this.punishDM('warned', options.reason); dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess; if (!dmSuccess) return { result: 'failed to dm', caseNum: result.caseNum }; return { result: 'success', caseNum: result.caseNum }; })(); if (!['error creating modlog entry'].includes(ret.result)) client.emit('bushWarn', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, dmSuccessEvent!); return ret as { result: WarnResponse | null; caseNum: number | null }; } public async addRole(options: AddRoleOptions): Promise { const ifShouldAddRole = this.#checkIfShouldAddRole(options.role); if (ifShouldAddRole !== true) return ifShouldAddRole; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { if (options.addToModlog || options.duration) { const { log: modlog } = await util.createModLogEntry({ type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_PUNISHMENT_ROLE : ModLogType.PERM_PUNISHMENT_ROLE, guild: this.guild, moderator:, user: this, reason: 'N/A', pseudo: !options.addToModlog }); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; caseID =; if (options.addToModlog || options.duration) { const punishmentEntrySuccess = await util.createPunishmentEntry({ type: 'role', user: this, guild: this.guild, modlog:, duration: options.duration, extraInfo: }); if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error creating role entry'; } } const removeRoleSuccess = await this.roles.add(options.role, `${moderator.tag}`); if (!removeRoleSuccess) return 'error adding role'; return 'success'; })(); if (!['error adding role', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error creating role entry'].includes(ret) && options.addToModlog) client.emit( 'bushPunishRole', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, options.duration ?? 0, options.role as BushRole ); return ret; } public async removeRole(options: RemoveRoleOptions): Promise { const ifShouldAddRole = this.#checkIfShouldAddRole(options.role); if (ifShouldAddRole !== true) return ifShouldAddRole; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { if (options.addToModlog) { const { log: modlog } = await util.createModLogEntry({ type: ModLogType.PERM_PUNISHMENT_ROLE, guild: this.guild, moderator:, user: this, reason: 'N/A' }); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; caseID =; const punishmentEntrySuccess = await util.removePunishmentEntry({ type: 'role', user: this, guild: this.guild }); if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error removing role entry'; } const removeRoleSuccess = await this.roles.remove(options.role, `${moderator.tag}`); if (!removeRoleSuccess) return 'error removing role'; return 'success'; })(); if ( !['error removing role', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error removing role entry'].includes(ret) && options.addToModlog ) client.emit( 'bushPunishRoleRemove', this, moderator, this.guild, caseID!, options.reason ?? undefined, options.role as BushRole ); return ret; } #checkIfShouldAddRole(role: BushRole | Role): true | 'user hierarchy' | 'role managed' | 'client hierarchy' { if (this.roles.highest.position <= role.position && this.guild.ownerId !== { return 'user hierarchy'; } else if (role.managed) { return 'role managed'; } else if (!.roles.highest.position <= role.position) { return 'client hierarchy'; } return true; } public async mute(options: BushTimedPunishmentOptions): Promise { // checks if (!!.permissions.has('MANAGE_ROLES')) return 'missing permissions'; const muteRoleID = await this.guild.getSetting('muteRole'); if (!muteRoleID) return 'no mute role'; const muteRole = this.guild.roles.cache.get(muteRoleID); if (!muteRole) return 'invalid mute role'; if (muteRole.position >=!.roles.highest.position || muteRole.managed) return 'mute role not manageable'; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { // add role const muteSuccess = await this.roles .add(muteRole, `[Mute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`) .catch(async (e) => { await client.console.warn('muteRoleAddError', e); client.console.debug(e); return false; }); if (!muteSuccess) return 'error giving mute role'; // add modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await util.createModLogEntry({ type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_MUTE : ModLogType.PERM_MUTE, user: this, moderator:, reason: options.reason, duration: options.duration, guild: this.guild }); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; caseID =; // add punishment entry so they can be unmuted later const punishmentEntrySuccess = await util.createPunishmentEntry({ type: 'mute', user: this, guild: this.guild, duration: options.duration, modlog: }); if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error creating mute entry'; // dm user const dmSuccess = await this.punishDM('muted', options.reason, options.duration ?? 0); dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess; if (!dmSuccess) return 'failed to dm'; return 'success'; })(); if (!['error giving mute role', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error creating mute entry'].includes(ret)) client.emit( 'bushMute', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, options.duration ?? 0, dmSuccessEvent! ); return ret; } public async unmute(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise { //checks if (!!.permissions.has('MANAGE_ROLES')) return 'missing permissions'; const muteRoleID = await this.guild.getSetting('muteRole'); if (!muteRoleID) return 'no mute role'; const muteRole = this.guild.roles.cache.get(muteRoleID); if (!muteRole) return 'invalid mute role'; if (muteRole.position >=!.roles.highest.position || muteRole.managed) return 'mute role not manageable'; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { //remove role const muteSuccess = await this.roles .remove(muteRole, `[Unmute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`) .catch(async (e) => { await client.console.warn('muteRoleAddError', e?.stack || e); return false; }); if (!muteSuccess) return 'error removing mute role'; //remove modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await util.createModLogEntry({ type: ModLogType.UNMUTE, user: this, moderator:, reason: options.reason, guild: this.guild }); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; caseID =; // remove mute entry const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await util.removePunishmentEntry({ type: 'mute', user: this, guild: this.guild }); if (!removePunishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error removing mute entry'; //dm user const dmSuccess = await this.punishDM('unmuted', options.reason, undefined, false); dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess; if (!dmSuccess) return 'failed to dm'; return 'success'; })(); if (!['error removing mute role', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error removing mute entry'].includes(ret)) client.emit('bushUnmute', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, dmSuccessEvent!); return ret; } public async bushKick(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise { // checks if (!'KICK_MEMBERS') || !this.kickable) return 'missing permissions'; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { // dm user const dmSuccess = await this.punishDM('kicked', options.reason); dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess; // kick const kickSuccess = await this.kick(`${moderator?.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`).catch(() => false); if (!kickSuccess) return 'error kicking'; // add modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await util.createModLogEntry({ type: ModLogType.KICK, user: this, moderator:, reason: options.reason, guild: this.guild }); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; caseID =; if (!dmSuccess) return 'failed to dm'; return 'success'; })(); if (!['error kicking', 'error creating modlog entry'].includes(ret)) client.emit('bushKick', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, dmSuccessEvent!); return ret; } public async bushBan(options: BushBanOptions): Promise { // checks if (!!.permissions.has('BAN_MEMBERS') || !this.bannable) return 'missing permissions'; let caseID: string | undefined = undefined; let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined; const moderator = (await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ??!; const ret = await (async () => { // dm user const dmSuccess = await this.punishDM('banned', options.reason, options.duration ?? 0); dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess; // ban const banSuccess = await this.ban({ reason: `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`, days: options.deleteDays }).catch(() => false); if (!banSuccess) return 'error banning'; // add modlog entry const { log: modlog } = await util.createModLogEntry({ type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_BAN : ModLogType.PERM_BAN, user: this, moderator:, reason: options.reason, duration: options.duration, guild: this.guild }); if (!modlog) return 'error creating modlog entry'; caseID =; // add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later const punishmentEntrySuccess = await util.createPunishmentEntry({ type: 'ban', user: this, guild: this.guild, duration: options.duration, modlog: }); if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return 'error creating ban entry'; if (!dmSuccess) return 'failed to dm'; return 'success'; })(); if (!['error banning', 'error creating modlog entry', 'error creating ban entry'].includes(ret)) client.emit( 'bushBan', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, options.duration ?? 0, dmSuccessEvent! ); return ret; } public get isOwner(): boolean { return client.isOwner(this); } public get isSuperUser(): boolean { return client.isSuperUser(this); } }