/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import {
	type BushClient,
	type BushGuild,
	type BushGuildTextBasedChannel,
	type BushGuildTextChannelResolvable,
	type BushRole,
	type BushThreadChannelResolvable,
	type BushUser
} from '#lib';
import { GuildMember, PermissionFlagsBits, type Partialize, type Role } from 'discord.js';
import type { RawGuildMemberData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */

 * Represents a member of a guild on Discord.
export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
	public declare readonly client: BushClient;
	public declare guild: BushGuild;
	public declare user: BushUser;

	public constructor(client: BushClient, data: RawGuildMemberData, guild: BushGuild) {
		super(client, data, guild);

	 * Send a punishment dm to the user.
	 * @param modlog The modlog case id so the user can make an appeal.
	 * @param punishment The punishment that the user has received.
	 * @param reason The reason for the user's punishment.
	 * @param duration The duration of the punishment.
	 * @param sendFooter Whether or not to send the guild's punishment footer with the dm.
	 * @returns Whether or not the dm was sent successfully.
	public async bushPunishDM(
		punishment: PunishmentTypeDM,
		reason?: string | null,
		duration?: number,
		modlog?: string,
		sendFooter = true
	): Promise<boolean> {
		return Moderation.punishDM({
			guild: this.guild,
			user: this,
			reason: reason ?? undefined,

	 * Warn the user, create a modlog entry, and send a dm to the user.
	 * @param options Options for warning the user.
	 * @returns An object with the result of the warning, and the case number of the warn.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushWarn}
	public async bushWarn(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise<{ result: WarnResponse; caseNum: number | null }> {
		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return { result: warnResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER, caseNum: null };

		const ret = await (async (): Promise<{ result: WarnResponse; caseNum: number | null }> => {
			// add modlog entry
			const result = await Moderation.createModLogEntry(
					type: ModLogType.WARN,
					user: this,
					moderator: moderator.id,
					reason: options.reason,
					guild: this.guild,
					evidence: options.evidence,
					hidden: options.silent ?? false
			caseID = result.log?.id;
			if (!result || !result.log) return { result: warnResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, caseNum: null };

			if (!options.silent) {
				// dm user
				const dmSuccess = await this.bushPunishDM('warned', options.reason);
				dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess;
				if (!dmSuccess) return { result: warnResponse.DM_ERROR, caseNum: result.caseNum };

			return { result: warnResponse.SUCCESS, caseNum: result.caseNum };
		if (!([warnResponse.MODLOG_ERROR] as const).includes(ret.result) && !options.silent)
			client.emit('bushWarn', this, moderator, this.guild, options.reason ?? undefined, caseID!, dmSuccessEvent!);
		return ret;

	 * Add a role to the user, if it is a punishment create a modlog entry, and create a punishment entry if it is temporary or a punishment.
	 * @param options Options for adding a role to the user.
	 * @returns A status message for adding the add.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushPunishRole}
	public async bushAddRole(options: AddRoleOptions): Promise<AddRoleResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageRoles)) return addRoleResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
		const ifShouldAddRole = this.#checkIfShouldAddRole(options.role, options.moderator);
		if (ifShouldAddRole !== true) return ifShouldAddRole;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return addRoleResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			if (options.addToModlog || options.duration) {
				const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
					type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_PUNISHMENT_ROLE : ModLogType.PERM_PUNISHMENT_ROLE,
					guild: this.guild,
					moderator: moderator.id,
					user: this,
					reason: 'N/A',
					pseudo: !options.addToModlog,
					evidence: options.evidence,
					hidden: options.silent ?? false

				if (!modlog) return addRoleResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
				caseID = modlog.id;

				if (options.addToModlog || options.duration) {
					const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
						type: 'role',
						user: this,
						guild: this.guild,
						modlog: modlog.id,
						duration: options.duration,
						extraInfo: options.role.id
					if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return addRoleResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR;

			const removeRoleSuccess = await this.roles.add(options.role, `${moderator.tag}`);
			if (!removeRoleSuccess) return addRoleResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			return addRoleResponse.SUCCESS;
		if (
				[addRoleResponse.ACTION_ERROR, addRoleResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, addRoleResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR] as const
			).includes(ret) &&
			options.addToModlog &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
				options.duration ?? 0,
				options.role as BushRole,
		return ret;

	 * Remove a role from the user, if it is a punishment create a modlog entry, and destroy a punishment entry if it was temporary or a punishment.
	 * @param options Options for removing a role from the user.
	 * @returns A status message for removing the role.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushPunishRoleRemove}
	public async bushRemoveRole(options: RemoveRoleOptions): Promise<RemoveRoleResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageRoles)) return removeRoleResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
		const ifShouldAddRole = this.#checkIfShouldAddRole(options.role, options.moderator);
		if (ifShouldAddRole !== true) return ifShouldAddRole;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return removeRoleResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			if (options.addToModlog) {
				const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
					guild: this.guild,
					moderator: moderator.id,
					user: this,
					reason: 'N/A',
					evidence: options.evidence,
					hidden: options.silent ?? false

				if (!modlog) return removeRoleResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
				caseID = modlog.id;

				const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.removePunishmentEntry({
					type: 'role',
					user: this,
					guild: this.guild,
					extraInfo: options.role.id

				if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return removeRoleResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR;

			const removeRoleSuccess = await this.roles.remove(options.role, `${moderator.tag}`);
			if (!removeRoleSuccess) return removeRoleResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			return removeRoleResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (
				] as const
			).includes(ret) &&
			options.addToModlog &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
				options.role as BushRole,
		return ret;

	 * Check whether or not a role should be added/removed from the user based on hierarchy.
	 * @param role The role to check if can be modified.
	 * @param moderator The moderator that is trying to add/remove the role.
	 * @returns `true` if the role should be added/removed or a string for the reason why it shouldn't.
		role: BushRole | Role,
		moderator?: BushGuildMember
	): true | 'user hierarchy' | 'role managed' | 'client hierarchy' {
		if (moderator && moderator.roles.highest.position <= role.position && this.guild.ownerId !== this.user.id) {
			return shouldAddRoleResponse.USER_HIERARCHY;
		} else if (role.managed) {
			return shouldAddRoleResponse.ROLE_MANAGED;
		} else if (this.guild.me!.roles.highest.position <= role.position) {
			return shouldAddRoleResponse.CLIENT_HIERARCHY;
		return true;

	 * Mute the user, create a modlog entry, creates a punishment entry, and dms the user.
	 * @param options Options for muting the user.
	 * @returns A status message for muting the user.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushMute}
	public async bushMute(options: BushTimedPunishmentOptions): Promise<MuteResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageRoles)) return muteResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
		const muteRoleID = await this.guild.getSetting('muteRole');
		if (!muteRoleID) return muteResponse.NO_MUTE_ROLE;
		const muteRole = this.guild.roles.cache.get(muteRoleID);
		if (!muteRole) return muteResponse.MUTE_ROLE_INVALID;
		if (muteRole.position >= this.guild.me!.roles.highest.position || muteRole.managed)
			return muteResponse.MUTE_ROLE_NOT_MANAGEABLE;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return muteResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// add role
			const muteSuccess = await this.roles
				.add(muteRole, `[Mute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`)
				.catch(async (e) => {
					await client.console.warn('muteRoleAddError', e);
					return false;
			if (!muteSuccess) return muteResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_MUTE : ModLogType.PERM_MUTE,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				duration: options.duration,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false

			if (!modlog) return muteResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			// add punishment entry so they can be unmuted later
			const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
				type: 'mute',
				user: this,
				guild: this.guild,
				duration: options.duration,
				modlog: modlog.id

			if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return muteResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR;

			if (!options.silent) {
				// dm user
				const dmSuccess = await this.bushPunishDM('muted', options.reason, options.duration ?? 0, modlog.id);
				dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess;
				if (!dmSuccess) return muteResponse.DM_ERROR;

			return muteResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (
			!([muteResponse.ACTION_ERROR, muteResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, muteResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR] as const).includes(ret) &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
				options.duration ?? 0,
		return ret;

	 * Unmute the user, create a modlog entry, remove the punishment entry, and dm the user.
	 * @param options Options for unmuting the user.
	 * @returns A status message for unmuting the user.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushUnmute}
	public async bushUnmute(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise<UnmuteResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageRoles)) return unmuteResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
		const muteRoleID = await this.guild.getSetting('muteRole');
		if (!muteRoleID) return unmuteResponse.NO_MUTE_ROLE;
		const muteRole = this.guild.roles.cache.get(muteRoleID);
		if (!muteRole) return unmuteResponse.MUTE_ROLE_INVALID;
		if (muteRole.position >= this.guild.me!.roles.highest.position || muteRole.managed)
			return unmuteResponse.MUTE_ROLE_NOT_MANAGEABLE;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return unmuteResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// remove role
			const muteSuccess = await this.roles
				.remove(muteRole, `[Unmute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`)
				.catch(async (e) => {
					await client.console.warn('muteRoleAddError', e?.stack || e);
					return false;
			if (!muteSuccess) return unmuteResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: ModLogType.UNMUTE,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false

			if (!modlog) return unmuteResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			// remove mute entry
			const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.removePunishmentEntry({
				type: 'mute',
				user: this,
				guild: this.guild

			if (!removePunishmentEntrySuccess) return unmuteResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR;

			if (!options.silent) {
				// dm user
				const dmSuccess = await this.bushPunishDM('unmuted', options.reason, undefined, '', false);
				dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess;
				if (!dmSuccess) return unmuteResponse.DM_ERROR;

			return unmuteResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (
				[unmuteResponse.ACTION_ERROR, unmuteResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, unmuteResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR] as const
			).includes(ret) &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
		return ret;

	 * Kick the user, create a modlog entry, and dm the user.
	 * @param options Options for kicking the user.
	 * @returns A status message for kicking the user.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushKick}
	public async bushKick(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise<KickResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me?.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.KickMembers) || !this.kickable)
			return kickResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return kickResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;
		const ret = await (async () => {
			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: ModLogType.KICK,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false
			if (!modlog) return kickResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			// dm user
			const dmSuccess = options.silent ? null : await this.bushPunishDM('kicked', options.reason, undefined, modlog.id);
			dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess ?? undefined;

			// kick
			const kickSuccess = await this.kick(`${moderator?.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`).catch(() => false);
			if (!kickSuccess) return kickResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			if (dmSuccess === false) return kickResponse.DM_ERROR;
			return kickResponse.SUCCESS;
		if (!([kickResponse.ACTION_ERROR, kickResponse.MODLOG_ERROR] as const).includes(ret) && !options.silent)
				options.reason ?? undefined,
		return ret;

	 * Ban the user, create a modlog entry, create a punishment entry, and dm the user.
	 * @param options Options for banning the user.
	 * @returns A status message for banning the user.
	 * @emits {@link BushClientEvents.bushBan}
	public async bushBan(options: BushBanOptions): Promise<Exclude<BanResponse, typeof banResponse['ALREADY_BANNED']>> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers) || !this.bannable) return banResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return banResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		// ignore result, they should still be banned even if their mute cannot be removed
		await this.bushUnmute({
			reason: 'User is about to be banned, a mute is no longer necessary.',
			moderator: this.guild.me!,
			silent: true

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_BAN : ModLogType.PERM_BAN,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				duration: options.duration,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false
			if (!modlog) return banResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			// dm user
			const dmSuccess = options.silent
				? null
				: await this.bushPunishDM('banned', options.reason, options.duration ?? 0, modlog.id);
			dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess ?? undefined;

			// ban
			const banSuccess = await this.ban({
				reason: `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`,
				deleteMessageDays: options.deleteDays
			}).catch(() => false);
			if (!banSuccess) return banResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later
			const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
				type: 'ban',
				user: this,
				guild: this.guild,
				duration: options.duration,
				modlog: modlog.id
			if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return banResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR;

			if (!dmSuccess) return banResponse.DM_ERROR;
			return banResponse.SUCCESS;
		if (
			!([banResponse.ACTION_ERROR, banResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, banResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR] as const).includes(ret) &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
				options.duration ?? 0,
		return ret;

	 * Prevents a user from speaking in a channel.
	 * @param options Options for blocking the user.
	public async bushBlock(options: BlockOptions): Promise<BlockResponse> {
		const channel = this.guild.channels.resolve(options.channel);
		if (!channel || (!channel.isTextBased() && !channel.isThread())) return blockResponse.INVALID_CHANNEL;

		// checks
		if (!channel.permissionsFor(this.guild.me!)!.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels))
			return blockResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return blockResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// change channel permissions
			const channelToUse = channel.isThread() ? channel.parent! : channel;
			const perm = channel.isThread() ? { SendMessagesInThreads: false } : { SendMessages: false };
			const blockSuccess = await channelToUse.permissionOverwrites
				.edit(this, perm, { reason: `[Block] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}` })
				.catch(() => false);
			if (!blockSuccess) return blockResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_CHANNEL_BLOCK : ModLogType.PERM_CHANNEL_BLOCK,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false
			if (!modlog) return blockResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			// add punishment entry so they can be unblocked later
			const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
				type: 'block',
				user: this,
				guild: this.guild,
				duration: options.duration,
				modlog: modlog.id,
				extraInfo: channel.id
			if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return blockResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR;

			// dm user
			const dmSuccess = options.silent
				? null
				: await Moderation.punishDM({
						punishment: 'blocked',
						reason: options.reason ?? undefined,
						duration: options.duration ?? 0,
						modlog: modlog.id,
						guild: this.guild,
						user: this,
						sendFooter: true,
						channel: channel.id
			dmSuccessEvent = !!dmSuccess;
			if (!dmSuccess) return blockResponse.DM_ERROR;

			return blockResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (
			!([blockResponse.ACTION_ERROR, blockResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, blockResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR] as const).includes(
			) &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
				options.duration ?? 0,
		return ret;

	 * Allows a user to speak in a channel.
	 * @param options Options for unblocking the user.
	public async bushUnblock(options: UnblockOptions): Promise<UnblockResponse> {
		const _channel = this.guild.channels.resolve(options.channel);
		if (!_channel || (!_channel.isText() && !_channel.isThread())) return unblockResponse.INVALID_CHANNEL;
		const channel = _channel as BushGuildTextBasedChannel;

		// checks
		if (!channel.permissionsFor(this.guild.me!)!.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels))
			return unblockResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return unblockResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// change channel permissions
			const channelToUse = channel.isThread() ? channel.parent! : channel;
			const perm = channel.isThread() ? { SendMessagesInThreads: null } : { SendMessages: null };
			const blockSuccess = await channelToUse.permissionOverwrites
				.edit(this, perm, { reason: `[Unblock] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}` })
				.catch(() => false);
			if (!blockSuccess) return unblockResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: ModLogType.CHANNEL_UNBLOCK,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false
			if (!modlog) return unblockResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			// remove punishment entry
			const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.removePunishmentEntry({
				type: 'block',
				user: this,
				guild: this.guild,
				extraInfo: channel.id
			if (!punishmentEntrySuccess) return unblockResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// dm user
			const dmSuccess = options.silent
				? null
				: await Moderation.punishDM({
						punishment: 'unblocked',
						reason: options.reason ?? undefined,
						guild: this.guild,
						user: this,
						sendFooter: false,
						channel: channel.id
			dmSuccessEvent = !!dmSuccess;
			if (!dmSuccess) return blockResponse.DM_ERROR;

			dmSuccessEvent = !!dmSuccess;
			if (!dmSuccess) return unblockResponse.DM_ERROR;

			return unblockResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (
			!([unblockResponse.ACTION_ERROR, unblockResponse.MODLOG_ERROR, unblockResponse.ACTION_ERROR] as const).includes(ret) &&
				options.reason ?? undefined,
		return ret;

	 * Mutes a user using discord's timeout feature.
	 * @param options Options for timing out the user.
	public async bushTimeout(options: BushTimeoutOptions): Promise<TimeoutResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ModerateMembers)) return timeoutResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;

		const twentyEightDays = Time.Day * 28;
		if (options.duration > twentyEightDays) return timeoutResponse.INVALID_DURATION;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return timeoutResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// timeout
			const timeoutSuccess = await this.timeout(
				`${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`
			).catch(() => false);
			if (!timeoutSuccess) return timeoutResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: ModLogType.TIMEOUT,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				duration: options.duration,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false

			if (!modlog) return timeoutResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			if (!options.silent) {
				// dm user
				const dmSuccess = await this.bushPunishDM('timedout', options.reason, options.duration, modlog.id);
				dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess;
				if (!dmSuccess) return timeoutResponse.DM_ERROR;

			return timeoutResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (!([timeoutResponse.ACTION_ERROR, timeoutResponse.MODLOG_ERROR] as const).includes(ret) && !options.silent)
				options.reason ?? undefined,
				options.duration ?? 0,
		return ret;

	 * Removes a timeout from a user.
	 * @param options Options for removing the timeout.
	public async bushRemoveTimeout(options: BushPunishmentOptions): Promise<RemoveTimeoutResponse> {
		// checks
		if (!this.guild.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ModerateMembers)) return removeTimeoutResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;

		let caseID: string | undefined = undefined;
		let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
		const moderator = await util.resolveNonCachedUser(options.moderator ?? this.guild.me);
		if (!moderator) return removeTimeoutResponse.CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER;

		const ret = await (async () => {
			// remove timeout
			const timeoutSuccess = await this.timeout(null, `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`).catch(
				() => false
			if (!timeoutSuccess) return removeTimeoutResponse.ACTION_ERROR;

			// add modlog entry
			const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
				type: ModLogType.REMOVE_TIMEOUT,
				user: this,
				moderator: moderator.id,
				reason: options.reason,
				guild: this.guild,
				evidence: options.evidence,
				hidden: options.silent ?? false

			if (!modlog) return removeTimeoutResponse.MODLOG_ERROR;
			caseID = modlog.id;

			if (!options.silent) {
				// dm user
				const dmSuccess = await this.bushPunishDM('untimedout', options.reason, undefined, '', false);
				dmSuccessEvent = dmSuccess;
				if (!dmSuccess) return removeTimeoutResponse.DM_ERROR;

			return removeTimeoutResponse.SUCCESS;

		if (!([removeTimeoutResponse.ACTION_ERROR, removeTimeoutResponse.MODLOG_ERROR] as const).includes(ret) && !options.silent)
				options.reason ?? undefined,
		return ret;

	 * Whether or not the user is an owner of the bot.
	public isOwner(): boolean {
		return client.isOwner(this);

	 * Whether or not the user is a super user of the bot.
	public isSuperUser(): boolean {
		return client.isSuperUser(this);

 * Options for punishing a user.
export interface BushPunishmentOptions {
	 * The reason for the punishment.
	reason?: string | null;

	 * The moderator who punished the user.
	moderator?: BushGuildMember;

	 * Evidence for the punishment.
	evidence?: string;

	 * Makes the punishment silent by not sending the user a punishment dm and not broadcasting the event to be logged.
	silent?: boolean;

 * Punishment options for punishments that can be temporary.
export interface BushTimedPunishmentOptions extends BushPunishmentOptions {
	 * The duration of the punishment.
	duration?: number;

 * Options for a role add punishment.
export interface AddRoleOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions {
	 * The role to add to the user.
	role: BushRole | Role;

	 * Whether to create a modlog entry for this punishment.
	addToModlog: boolean;

 * Options for a role remove punishment.
export interface RemoveRoleOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions {
	 * The role to remove from the user.
	role: BushRole | Role;

	 * Whether to create a modlog entry for this punishment.
	addToModlog: boolean;

 * Options for banning a user.
export interface BushBanOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions {
	 * The number of days to delete the user's messages for.
	deleteDays?: number;

 * Options for blocking a user from a channel.
export interface BlockOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions {
	 * The channel to block the user from.
	channel: BushGuildTextChannelResolvable | BushThreadChannelResolvable;

 * Options for unblocking a user from a channel.
export interface UnblockOptions extends BushPunishmentOptions {
	 * The channel to unblock the user from.
	channel: BushGuildTextChannelResolvable | BushThreadChannelResolvable;

 * Punishment options for punishments that can be temporary.
export interface BushTimeoutOptions extends BushPunishmentOptions {
	 * The duration of the punishment.
	duration: number;

type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];

export const basePunishmentResponse = Object.freeze({
	SUCCESS: 'success',
	MODLOG_ERROR: 'error creating modlog entry',
	ACTION_ERROR: 'error performing action',
	CANNOT_RESOLVE_USER: 'cannot resolve user'
} as const);

export const dmResponse = Object.freeze({
	DM_ERROR: 'failed to dm'
} as const);

export const permissionsResponse = Object.freeze({
	MISSING_PERMISSIONS: 'missing permissions'
} as const);

export const punishmentEntryAdd = Object.freeze({
	PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_ADD_ERROR: 'error creating punishment entry'
} as const);

export const punishmentEntryRemove = Object.freeze({
	PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR: 'error removing punishment entry'
} as const);

export const shouldAddRoleResponse = Object.freeze({
	USER_HIERARCHY: 'user hierarchy',
	CLIENT_HIERARCHY: 'client hierarchy',
	ROLE_MANAGED: 'role managed'
} as const);

export const baseBlockResponse = Object.freeze({
	INVALID_CHANNEL: 'invalid channel'
} as const);

export const baseMuteResponse = Object.freeze({
	NO_MUTE_ROLE: 'no mute role',
	MUTE_ROLE_INVALID: 'invalid mute role',
	MUTE_ROLE_NOT_MANAGEABLE: 'mute role not manageable'
} as const);

export const warnResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

export const addRoleResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

export const removeRoleResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

export const muteResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

export const unmuteResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

export const kickResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

export const banResponse = Object.freeze({
	ALREADY_BANNED: 'already banned'
} as const);

export const blockResponse = Object.freeze({

export const unblockResponse = Object.freeze({

export const timeoutResponse = Object.freeze({
	INVALID_DURATION: 'duration too long'
} as const);

export const removeTimeoutResponse = Object.freeze({
} as const);

 * Response returned when warning a user.
export type WarnResponse = ValueOf<typeof warnResponse>;

 * Response returned when adding a role to a user.
export type AddRoleResponse = ValueOf<typeof addRoleResponse>;

 * Response returned when removing a role from a user.
export type RemoveRoleResponse = ValueOf<typeof removeRoleResponse>;

 * Response returned when muting a user.
export type MuteResponse = ValueOf<typeof muteResponse>;

 * Response returned when unmuting a user.
export type UnmuteResponse = ValueOf<typeof unmuteResponse>;

 * Response returned when kicking a user.
export type KickResponse = ValueOf<typeof kickResponse>;

 * Response returned when banning a user.
export type BanResponse = ValueOf<typeof banResponse>;

 * Response returned when blocking a user.
export type BlockResponse = ValueOf<typeof blockResponse>;

 * Response returned when unblocking a user.
export type UnblockResponse = ValueOf<typeof unblockResponse>;

 * Response returned when timing out a user.
export type TimeoutResponse = ValueOf<typeof timeoutResponse>;

 * Response returned when removing a timeout from a user.
export type RemoveTimeoutResponse = ValueOf<typeof removeTimeoutResponse>;

export type PartialBushGuildMember = Partialize<BushGuildMember, 'joinedAt' | 'joinedTimestamp' | 'pending'>;

 * @typedef {BushClientEvents} VSCodePleaseDontRemove