import type { BushClient, BushGuild, BushGuildMember, BushGuildMemberResolvable, BushUser, BushUserResolvable } from '#lib'; import { CachedManager, GuildMemberManager, type AddGuildMemberOptions, type BanOptions, type Collection, type FetchMemberOptions, type FetchMembersOptions, type GuildListMembersOptions, type GuildMemberEditData, type GuildPruneMembersOptions, type GuildSearchMembersOptions, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import type { RawGuildMemberData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes'; /** * Manages API methods for GuildMembers and stores their cache. */ export declare class BushGuildMemberManager extends CachedManager implements GuildMemberManager { public constructor(guild: BushGuild, iterable?: Iterable); public declare readonly client: BushClient; /** * The guild this manager belongs to */ public guild: BushGuild; /** * Adds a user to the guild using OAuth2. Requires the `CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE` permission. * @param user The user to add to the guild * @param options Options for adding the user to the guild */ public add( user: BushUserResolvable, options: AddGuildMemberOptions & { fetchWhenExisting: false } ): Promise; public add(user: BushUserResolvable, options: AddGuildMemberOptions): Promise; /** * Bans a user from the guild. * @param user The user to ban * @param options Options for the ban * @returns Result object will be resolved as specifically as possible. * If the GuildMember cannot be resolved, the User will instead be attempted to be resolved. If that also cannot * be resolved, the user id will be the result. * Internally calls the GuildBanManager#create method. * @example * // Ban a user by id (or with a user/guild member object) * guild.members.ban('84484653687267328') * .then(kickInfo => console.log(`Banned ${kickInfo.user?.tag ?? kickInfo.tag ?? kickInfo}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ public ban(user: BushUserResolvable, options?: BanOptions): Promise; /** * Edits a member of the guild. * The user must be a member of the guild * @param user The member to edit * @param data The data to edit the member with * @param reason Reason for editing this user */ public edit(user: BushUserResolvable, data: GuildMemberEditData, reason?: string): Promise; /** * Fetches member(s) from Discord, even if they're offline. * @param options If a UserResolvable, the user to fetch. * If undefined, fetches all members. * If a query, it limits the results to users with similar usernames. * @example * // Fetch all members from a guild * guild.members.fetch() * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetch a single member * guild.members.fetch('66564597481480192') * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetch a single member without checking cache * guild.members.fetch({ user, force: true }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error) * @example * // Fetch a single member without caching * guild.members.fetch({ user, cache: false }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetch by an array of users including their presences * guild.members.fetch({ user: ['66564597481480192', '191615925336670208'], withPresences: true }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetch by query * guild.members.fetch({ query: 'hydra', limit: 1 }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ public fetch( options: BushUserResolvable | FetchMemberOptions | (FetchMembersOptions & { user: BushUserResolvable }) ): Promise; public fetch(options?: FetchMembersOptions): Promise>; /** * Kicks a user from the guild. * The user must be a member of the guild * @param user The member to kick * @param reason Reason for kicking * @returns Result object will be resolved as specifically as possible. * If the GuildMember cannot be resolved, the User will instead be attempted to be resolved. If that also cannot * be resolved, the user's id will be the result. * @example * // Kick a user by id (or with a user/guild member object) * guild.members.kick('84484653687267328') * .then(banInfo => console.log(`Kicked ${banInfo.user?.tag ?? banInfo.tag ?? banInfo}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ public kick(user: BushUserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; /** * Lists up to 1000 members of the guild. * @param options Options for listing members */ public list(options?: GuildListMembersOptions): Promise>; /** * Prunes members from the guild based on how long they have been inactive. * @param options Options for pruning * @returns The number of members that were/will be kicked * @example * // See how many members will be pruned * guild.members.prune({ dry: true }) * .then(pruned => console.log(`This will prune ${pruned} people!`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Actually prune the members * guild.members.prune({ days: 1, reason: 'too many people!' }) * .then(pruned => console.log(`I just pruned ${pruned} people!`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Include members with a specified role * guild.members.prune({ days: 7, roles: ['657259391652855808'] }) * .then(pruned => console.log(`I just pruned ${pruned} people!`)) * .catch(console.error); */ public prune(options: GuildPruneMembersOptions & { dry?: false; count: false }): Promise; public prune(options?: GuildPruneMembersOptions): Promise; /** * Searches for members in the guild based on a query. * @param options Options for searching members */ public search(options: GuildSearchMembersOptions): Promise>; /** * Unbans a user from the guild. Internally calls the {@link GuildBanManager.remove} method. * @param user The user to unban * @param reason Reason for unbanning user * @returns The user that was unbanned * @example * // Unban a user by id (or with a user/guild member object) * guild.members.unban('84484653687267328') * .then(user => console.log(`Unbanned ${user.username} from ${}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ public unban(user: BushUserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise; }