/* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */ import type { BushCategoryChannel, BushClient, BushDMChannel, BushGuild, BushGuildBasedChannel, BushGuildMember, BushNewsChannel, BushStageChannel, BushTextBasedChannel, BushTextChannel, BushThreadChannel, BushVoiceBasedChannel, BushVoiceChannel } from '#lib'; import { StoreChannel, type Collection, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import type { RawGuildChannelData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes'; /** * Represents a guild store channel on Discord. * @deprecated Store channels are deprecated and will be removed from Discord in March 2022. See [Self-serve Game Selling Deprecation](https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414590563479) for more information */ export class BushStoreChannel extends StoreChannel { public declare guild: BushGuild; public declare readonly members: Collection<Snowflake, BushGuildMember>; public declare readonly parent: BushCategoryChannel | null; public constructor(guild: BushGuild, data?: RawGuildChannelData, client?: BushClient) { super(guild, data, client); } } export interface BushStoreChannel extends StoreChannel { isText(): this is BushTextChannel; isDM(): this is BushDMChannel; isVoice(): this is BushVoiceChannel; isCategory(): this is BushCategoryChannel; isNews(): this is BushNewsChannel; isStore(): this is BushStoreChannel; isThread(): this is BushThreadChannel; isStage(): this is BushStageChannel; isTextBased(): this is BushGuildBasedChannel & BushTextBasedChannel; isVoiceBased(): this is BushVoiceBasedChannel; }