import { Snowflake } from 'discord.js'; import { DataTypes, Sequelize } from 'sequelize'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { BaseModel } from './BaseModel'; export enum ModLogType { PERM_BAN = 'PERM_BAN', TEMP_BAN = 'TEMP_BAN', UNBAN = 'UNBAN', KICK = 'KICK', PERM_MUTE = 'PERM_MUTE', TEMP_MUTE = 'TEMP_MUTE', UNMUTE = 'UNMUTE', WARN = 'WARN', PERM_PUNISHMENT_ROLE = 'PERM_PUNISHMENT_ROLE', TEMP_PUNISHMENT_ROLE = 'TEMP_PUNISHMENT_ROLE', REMOVE_PUNISHMENT_ROLE = 'REMOVE_PUNISHMENT_ROLE', PERM_CHANNEL_BLOCK = 'PERM_CHANNEL_BLOCK', TEMP_CHANNEL_BLOCK = 'TEMP_CHANNEL_BLOCK', CHANNEL_UNBLOCK = 'CHANNEL_UNBLOCK' } export interface ModLogModel { id: string; type: ModLogType; user: Snowflake; moderator: Snowflake; reason: string; duration: number; guild: Snowflake; } export interface ModLogModelCreationAttributes { id?: string; type: ModLogType; user: Snowflake; moderator: Snowflake; reason?: string; duration?: number; guild: Snowflake; } export class ModLog extends BaseModel implements ModLogModel { /** * The primary key of the modlog entry. */ public get id(): string { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set id(_: string) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } /** * The type of punishment. */ public get type(): ModLogType { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set type(_: ModLogType) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } /** * The user being punished. */ public get user(): Snowflake { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set user(_: Snowflake) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } /** * The user carrying out the punishment. */ public get moderator(): Snowflake { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set moderator(_: Snowflake) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } /** * The reason the user is getting punished */ public get reason(): string | null { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set reason(_: string | null) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } /** * The amount of time the user is getting punished for. */ public get duration(): number | null { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set duration(_: number | null) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } /** * The guild the user is getting punished in. */ public get guild(): Snowflake { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } public set guild(_: Snowflake) { throw new Error('This should never be executed'); } static initModel(sequelize: Sequelize): void { ModLog.init( { id: { type: DataTypes.STRING, primaryKey: true, allowNull: false, defaultValue: uuidv4 }, type: { type: DataTypes.STRING, //# This is not an enum because of a sequelize issue: allowNull: false }, user: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false }, moderator: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false }, duration: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: true }, reason: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: true }, guild: { type: DataTypes.STRING, references: { model: 'Guilds', key: 'id' } } }, { sequelize: sequelize } ); } }