export class BushConstants { // Somewhat stolen from @Mzato0001 public static TimeUnits: { [key: string]: { match: RegExp; value: number } } = { years: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:years?|y))/im, value: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 //leap years }, months: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:months?|mon|mo?))/im, value: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30.4375 // average of days in months including leap years }, weeks: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:weeks?|w))/im, value: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 }, days: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:days?|d))/im, value: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 }, hours: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:hours?|hrs?|h))/im, value: 1000 * 60 * 60 }, minutes: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:minutes?|mins?))/im, value: 1000 * 60 }, seconds: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:seconds?|secs?|s))/im, value: 1000 }, milliseconds: { match: / (?:(?-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(?:milliseconds?|msecs?|ms))/im, value: 1 } }; /** A bunch of mappings */ public static mappings = { guilds: { bush: '516977525906341928', tree: '767448775450820639', staff: '784597260465995796', space_ship: '717176538717749358', sbr: '839287012409999391' }, permissions: { CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE: { name: 'Create Invite', important: false }, KICK_MEMBERS: { name: 'Kick Members', important: true }, BAN_MEMBERS: { name: 'Ban Members', important: true }, ADMINISTRATOR: { name: 'Administrator', important: true }, MANAGE_CHANNELS: { name: 'Manage Channels', important: true }, MANAGE_GUILD: { name: 'Manage Server', important: true }, ADD_REACTIONS: { name: 'Add Reactions', important: false }, VIEW_AUDIT_LOG: { name: 'View Audit Log', important: true }, PRIORITY_SPEAKER: { name: 'Priority Speaker', important: true }, STREAM: { name: 'Video', important: false }, VIEW_CHANNEL: { name: 'View Channel', important: false }, SEND_MESSAGES: { name: 'Send Messages', important: false }, SEND_TTS_MESSAGES: { name: 'Send Text-to-Speech Messages', important: true }, MANAGE_MESSAGES: { name: 'Manage Messages', important: true }, EMBED_LINKS: { name: 'Embed Links', important: false }, ATTACH_FILES: { name: 'Attach Files', important: false }, READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY: { name: 'Read Message History', important: false }, MENTION_EVERYONE: { name: 'Mention @​everyone, @​here, and All Roles', important: true }, // name has a zero-width space to prevent accidents USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS: { name: 'Use External Emoji', important: false }, VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS: { name: 'View Server Insights', important: true }, CONNECT: { name: 'Connect', important: false }, SPEAK: { name: 'Speak', important: false }, MUTE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Mute Members', important: true }, DEAFEN_MEMBERS: { name: 'Deafen Members', important: true }, MOVE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Move Members', important: true }, USE_VAD: { name: 'Use Voice Activity', important: false }, CHANGE_NICKNAME: { name: 'Change Nickname', important: false }, MANAGE_NICKNAMES: { name: 'Change Nicknames', important: true }, MANAGE_ROLES: { name: 'Manage Roles', important: true }, MANAGE_WEBHOOKS: { name: 'Manage Webhooks', important: true }, MANAGE_EMOJIS: { name: 'Manage Emojis', important: true }, USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS: { name: 'Use Slash Commands', important: false }, REQUEST_TO_SPEAK: { name: 'Request to Speak', important: false }, USE_PUBLIC_THREADS: { name: 'Use public Threads', important: false }, USE_PRIVATE_THREADS: { name: 'Use Private Threads', important: true } }, features: { ANIMATED_ICON: { name: 'Animated Icon', important: false, emoji: '<:animatedIcon:850774498071412746>', weight: 14 }, BANNER: { name: 'Banner', important: false, emoji: '<:banner:850786673150787614>', weight: 15 }, COMMERCE: { name: 'Store Channels', important: true, emoji: '<:storeChannels:850786692432396338>', weight: 11 }, COMMUNITY: { name: 'Community', important: false, emoji: '<:community:850786714271875094>', weight: 20 }, DISCOVERABLE: { name: 'Discoverable', important: true, emoji: '<:discoverable:850786735360966656>', weight: 6 }, ENABLED_DISCOVERABLE_BEFORE: { name: 'Enabled Discovery Before', important: false, emoji: '<:enabledDiscoverableBefore:850786754670624828>', weight: 7 }, FEATURABLE: { name: 'Featurable', important: true, emoji: '<:featurable:850786776372084756>', weight: 4 }, INVITE_SPLASH: { name: 'Invite Splash', important: false, emoji: '<:inviteSplash:850786798246559754>', weight: 16 }, MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED: { name: 'Membership Verification Gate', important: false, emoji: '<:memberVerificationGateEnabled:850786829984858212>', weight: 18 }, MONETIZATION_ENABLED: { name: 'Monetization Enabled', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 8 }, MORE_EMOJI: { name: 'More Emoji', important: true, emoji: '<:moreEmoji:850786853497602080>', weight: 3 }, MORE_STICKERS: { name: 'More Stickers', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 2 }, NEWS: { name: 'Announcement Channels', important: false, emoji: '<:announcementChannels:850790491796013067>', weight: 17 }, PARTNERED: { name: 'Partnered', important: true, emoji: '<:partneredServer:850794851955507240>', weight: 1 }, PREVIEW_ENABLED: { name: 'Preview Enabled', important: true, emoji: '<:previewEnabled:850790508266913823>', weight: 10 }, RELAY_ENABLED: { name: 'Relay Enabled', important: true, emoji: '<:relayEnabled:850790531441229834>', weight: 5 }, TICKETED_EVENTS_ENABLED: { name: 'Ticketed Events Enabled', important: true, emoji: null, weight: 9 }, VANITY_URL: { name: 'Vanity URL', important: false, emoji: '<:vanityURL:850790553079644160>', weight: 12 }, VERIFIED: { name: 'Verified', important: true, emoji: '<:verified:850795049817473066>', weight: 0 }, VIP_REGIONS: { name: 'VIP Regions', important: false, emoji: '<:VIPRegions:850794697496854538>', weight: 13 }, WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED: { name: 'Welcome Screen Enabled', important: false, emoji: '<:welcomeScreenEnabled:850790575875817504>', weight: 19 } }, otherEmojis: { SERVER_BOOSTER_1: '<:serverBooster1:848740052091142145>', SERVER_BOOSTER_2: '<:serverBooster2:848740090506510388>', SERVER_BOOSTER_3: '<:serverBooster3:848740124992077835>', SERVER_BOOSTER_6: '<:serverBooster6:848740155245461514>', SERVER_BOOSTER_9: '<:serverBooster9:848740188846030889>', SERVER_BOOSTER_12: '<:serverBooster12:848740304365551668>', SERVER_BOOSTER_15: '<:serverBooster15:848740354890137680>', SERVER_BOOSTER_18: '<:serverBooster18:848740402886606868>', SERVER_BOOSTER_24: '<:serverBooster24:848740444628320256>', NITRO: '<:nitro:848740498054971432>', BOOSTER: '<:booster:848747775020892200>', OWNER: '<:owner:848746439311753286>', ADMIN: '<:admin:848963914628333598>', SUPERUSER: '<:superUser:848947986326224926>', DEVELOPER: '<:developer:848954538111139871>', BUSH_VERIFIED: '<:verfied:853360152090771497>', BOOST_1: '<:boostitle:853363736679940127>', BOOST_2: '<:boostitle:853363752728789075>', BOOST_3: '<:boostitle:853363769132056627>', TEXT: '<:text:853375537791893524>', NEWS: '<:announcements:853375553531674644>', VOICE: '<:voice:853375566735212584>', STAGE: '<:stage:853375583521210468>', STORE: '<:store:853375601175691266>', CATEGORY: '<:category:853375615260819476>' }, userFlags: { DISCORD_EMPLOYEE: '<:discordEmployee:848742947826434079>', PARTNERED_SERVER_OWNER: '<:partneredServerOwner:848743051593777152>', HYPESQUAD_EVENTS: '<:hypeSquadEvents:848743108283072553>', BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_1: '<:bugHunter:848743239850393640>', HOUSE_BRAVERY: '<:hypeSquadBravery:848742910563844127>', HOUSE_BRILLIANCE: '<:hypeSquadBrilliance:848742840649646101>', HOUSE_BALANCE: '<:hypeSquadBalance:848742877537370133>', EARLY_SUPPORTER: '<:earlySupporter:848741030102171648>', //'TEAM_USER': '', //'SYSTEM': '', BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_2: '<:bugHunterGold:848743283080822794>', //'VERIFIED_BOT': '', EARLY_VERIFIED_BOT_DEVELOPER: '<:earlyVerifiedBotDeveloper:848741079875846174>' }, status: { online: '<:online:848937141639577690>', idle: '<:idle:848937158261211146>', dnd: '<:dnd:848937173780135986>', offline: '<:offline:848939387277672448>', streaming: '<:streaming:848937187479519242>' }, maybeNitroDiscrims: ['1111', '2222', '3333', '4444', '5555', '6666', '6969', '7777', '8888', '9999'], capes: [ // supporter capes { name: 'patreon1', index: 0 }, { name: 'patreon2', index: 1 }, { name: 'fade', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/fade.gif', index: 2 }, { name: 'lava', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/lava.gif', index: 3 }, { name: 'mcworld', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/mcworld_compressed.gif', index: 4 }, { name: 'negative', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/negative_compressed.gif', index: 5 }, { name: 'space', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/space_compressed.gif', index: 6 }, { name: 'void', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/void.gif', index: 7 }, { name: 'tunnel', custom: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotEnoughUpdates/capes/master/tunnel.gif', index: 8 }, // Staff capes { name: 'contrib', index: 9 }, { name: 'mbstaff', index: 10 }, { name: 'ironmoon', index: 11 }, { name: 'gravy', index: 12 }, { name: 'nullzee', index: 13 }, // partner capes { name: 'thebakery', index: 14 }, { name: 'dsm', index: 15 }, { name: 'packshq', index: 16 }, { name: 'furf', index: 17 }, { name: 'skytils', index: 18 }, { name: 'sbp', index: 19 }, { name: 'subreddit_light', index: 20 }, { name: 'subreddit_dark', index: 21 }, // streamer capes { name: 'alexxoffi', index: 22 }, { name: 'jakethybro', index: 23 }, { name: 'krusty', index: 24 }, { name: 'soldier', index: 25 }, { name: 'zera', index: 26 } ], roleMap: [ { name: '*', id: '792453550768390194' }, { name: 'Admin Perms', id: '746541309853958186' }, { name: 'Sr. Moderator', id: '782803470205190164' }, { name: 'Moderator', id: '737308259823910992' }, { name: 'Helper', id: '737440116230062091' }, { name: 'Trial Helper', id: '783537091946479636' }, { name: 'Contributor', id: '694431057532944425' }, { name: 'Giveaway Donor', id: '784212110263451649' }, { name: 'Giveaway (200m)', id: '810267756426690601' }, { name: 'Giveaway (100m)', id: '801444430522613802' }, { name: 'Giveaway (50m)', id: '787497512981757982' }, { name: 'Giveaway (25m)', id: '787497515771232267' }, { name: 'Giveaway (10m)', id: '787497518241153025' }, { name: 'Giveaway (5m)', id: '787497519768403989' }, { name: 'Giveaway (1m)', id: '787497521084891166' }, { name: 'Suggester', id: '811922322767609877' }, { name: 'Partner', id: '767324547312779274' }, { name: 'Level Locked', id: '784248899044769792' }, { name: 'No Files', id: '786421005039173633' }, { name: 'No Reactions', id: '786421270924361789' }, { name: 'No Links', id: '786421269356740658' }, { name: 'No Bots', id: '786804858765312030' }, { name: 'No VC', id: '788850482554208267' }, { name: 'No Giveaways', id: '808265422334984203' }, { name: 'No Support', id: '790247359824396319' }, { name: 'DJ', id: '782619038403919902' } ], roleWhitelist: { 'Partner': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Suggester': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator', 'Helper', 'Trial Helper', 'Contributor'], 'Level Locked': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'No Files': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'No Reactions': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'No Links': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'No Bots': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'No VC': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'No Giveaways': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator', 'Helper'], 'No Support': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway Donor': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (200m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (100m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (50m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (25m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (10m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (5m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'Giveaway (1m)': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'], 'DJ': ['*', 'Admin Perms', 'Sr. Moderator', 'Moderator'] } }; public static ArgumentMatches = { PHRASE: 'phrase', FLAG: 'flag', OPTION: 'option', REST: 'rest', SEPARATE: 'separate', TEXT: 'text', CONTENT: 'content', REST_CONTENT: 'restContent', NONE: 'none' }; public static ArgumentTypes = { STRING: 'string', LOWERCASE: 'lowercase', UPPERCASE: 'uppercase', CHAR_CODES: 'charCodes', NUMBER: 'number', INTEGER: 'integer', BIGINT: 'bigint', EMOJINT: 'emojint', URL: 'url', DATE: 'date', COLOR: 'color', USER: 'user', USERS: 'users', MEMBER: 'member', MEMBERS: 'members', RELEVANT: 'relevant', RELEVANTS: 'relevants', CHANNEL: 'channel', CHANNELS: 'channels', TEXT_CHANNEL: 'textChannel', TEXT_CHANNELS: 'textChannels', VOICE_CHANNEL: 'voiceChannel', VOICE_CHANNELS: 'voiceChannels', CATEGORY_CHANNEL: 'categoryChannel', CATEGORY_CHANNELS: 'categoryChannels', NEWS_CHANNEL: 'newsChannel', NEWS_CHANNELS: 'newsChannels', STORE_CHANNEL: 'storeChannel', STORE_CHANNELS: 'storeChannels', ROLE: 'role', ROLES: 'roles', EMOJI: 'emoji', EMOJIS: 'emojis', GUILD: 'guild', GUILDS: 'guilds', MESSAGE: 'message', GUILD_MESSAGE: 'guildMessage', RELEVANT_MESSAGE: 'relevantMessage', INVITE: 'invite', MEMBER_MENTION: 'memberMention', CHANNEL_MENTION: 'channelMention', ROLE_MENTION: 'roleMention', EMOJI_MENTION: 'emojiMention', COMMAND_ALIAS: 'commandAlias', COMMAND: 'command', INHIBITOR: 'inhibitor', LISTENER: 'listener' }; public static BlockedReasons = { CLIENT: 'client', BOT: 'bot', OWNER: 'owner', SUPER_USER: 'superUser', GUILD: 'guild', DM: 'dm', AUTHOR_NOT_FOUND: 'authorNotFound', DISABLED_GUILD: 'disabledGuild', DISABLED_GLOBAL: 'disabledGlobal', ROLE_BLACKLIST: 'roleBlacklist', USER_BLACKLIST: 'userBlacklist', RESTRICTED_GUILD: 'restrictedGuild', CHANNEL_BLACKLIST: 'channelBlacklist', RESTRICTED_CHANNEL: 'restrictedChannel' }; public static CommandHandlerEvents = { MESSAGE_BLOCKED: 'messageBlocked', MESSAGE_INVALID: 'messageInvalid', COMMAND_BLOCKED: 'commandBlocked', COMMAND_STARTED: 'commandStarted', COMMAND_FINISHED: 'commandFinished', COMMAND_CANCELLED: 'commandCancelled', COMMAND_LOCKED: 'commandLocked', COMMAND_INVALID: 'commandInvalid', COMMAND_LOCKED_NSFW: 'commandLockedNsfw', MISSING_PERMISSIONS: 'missingPermissions', COOLDOWN: 'cooldown', IN_PROMPT: 'inPrompt', ERROR: 'error', SLASH_ERROR: 'slashError', SLASH_BLOCKED: 'slashCommandBlocked', SLASH_STARTED: 'slashStarted', SLASH_FINISHED: 'slashFinished', SLASH_NOT_FOUND: 'slashNotFound', SLASH_MISSING_PERMISSIONS: 'slashMissingPermissions' }; public static moulberryBushRoleMap = [ { name: '*', id: '792453550768390194' }, { name: 'Admin Perms', id: '746541309853958186' }, { name: 'Sr. Moderator', id: '782803470205190164' }, { name: 'Moderator', id: '737308259823910992' }, { name: 'Helper', id: '737440116230062091' }, { name: 'Trial Helper', id: '783537091946479636' }, { name: 'Contributor', id: '694431057532944425' }, { name: 'Giveaway Donor', id: '784212110263451649' }, { name: 'Giveaway (200m)', id: '810267756426690601' }, { name: 'Giveaway (100m)', id: '801444430522613802' }, { name: 'Giveaway (50m)', id: '787497512981757982' }, { name: 'Giveaway (25m)', id: '787497515771232267' }, { name: 'Giveaway (10m)', id: '787497518241153025' }, { name: 'Giveaway (5m)', id: '787497519768403989' }, { name: 'Giveaway (1m)', id: '787497521084891166' }, { name: 'Suggester', id: '811922322767609877' }, { name: 'Partner', id: '767324547312779274' }, { name: 'Level Locked', id: '784248899044769792' }, { name: 'No Files', id: '786421005039173633' }, { name: 'No Reactions', id: '786421270924361789' }, { name: 'No Links', id: '786421269356740658' }, { name: 'No Bots', id: '786804858765312030' }, { name: 'No VC', id: '788850482554208267' }, { name: 'No Giveaways', id: '808265422334984203' }, { name: 'No Support', id: '790247359824396319' } ]; }