import * as assert from 'assert'; import chalk from 'chalk'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars import { MessageEmbed, Util, type Message, type PartialTextBasedChannelFields } from 'discord.js'; import { inspect } from 'util'; import { type BushSendMessageType } from '../extensions/discord-akairo/BushClient'; /** * A custom logging utility for the bot. */ export class BushLogger { /** * Parses the content surrounding by `<<>>` and emphasizes it with the given color or by making it bold. * @param content The content to parse. * @param color The color to emphasize the content with. * @param discordFormat Whether or not to format the content for discord. * @returns The formatted content. */ static #parseFormatting( content: any, color: 'blueBright' | 'blackBright' | 'redBright' | 'yellowBright' | 'greenBright' | '', discordFormat = false ): string | typeof content { if (typeof content !== 'string') return content; const newContent: Array = content.split(/<<|>>/); const tempParsedArray: Array = []; newContent.forEach((value, index) => { if (index % 2 !== 0) { tempParsedArray.push(discordFormat ? `**${Util.escapeMarkdown(value)}**` : color ? chalk[color](value) : value); } else { tempParsedArray.push(discordFormat ? Util.escapeMarkdown(value) : value); } }); return tempParsedArray.join(''); } /** * Inspects the content and returns a string. * @param content The content to inspect. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `2`. * @param colors Whether or not to use colors in the output. Defaults to `true`. * @returns The inspected content. */ static #inspectContent(content: any, depth = 2, colors = true): string { if (typeof content !== 'string') { return inspect(content, { depth, colors }); } return content; } /** * Strips ANSI color codes from a string. * @param text The string to strip color codes from. * @returns A string without ANSI color codes. */ static #stripColor(text: string): string { return text.replace( // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex /[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g, '' ); } /** * Generates a formatted timestamp for logging. * @returns The formatted timestamp. */ static #getTimeStamp(): string { const now = new Date(); const hours = now.getHours(); const minute = now.getMinutes(); let hour = hours; let amOrPm: 'AM' | 'PM' = 'AM'; if (hour > 12) { amOrPm = 'PM'; hour = hour - 12; } return `${hour >= 10 ? hour : `0${hour}`}:${minute >= 10 ? minute : `0${minute}`} ${amOrPm}`; } /** * Logs information. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header displayed before the content, displayed in cyan. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright blue. * @param sendChannel Should this also be logged to discord? Defaults to false. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to 0. */ public static get log() { return; } /** * Sends a message to the log channel. * @param message The parameter to pass to {@link PartialTextBasedChannelFields.send}. * @returns The message sent. */ public static async channelLog(message: BushSendMessageType): Promise { const channel = await util.getConfigChannel('log'); return await channel.send(message).catch(() => null); } /** * Sends a message to the error channel. * @param message The parameter to pass to {@link PartialTextBasedChannelFields.send}. * @returns The message sent. */ public static async channelError(message: BushSendMessageType): Promise { const channel = await util.getConfigChannel('error'); if (!channel) { void this.error( 'BushLogger', `Could not find error channel, was originally going to send: \n${util.inspect(message, { colors: true })}\n${new Error().stack?.substring(8)}`, false ); return null; } return await channel.send(message); } /** * Logs debug information. Only works in dev is enabled in the config. * @param content The content to log. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static debug(content: any, depth = 0): void { if (!client.config.isDevelopment) return; const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); console.log(`${chalk.bgMagenta(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.magenta('[Debug]')}`, newContent); } /** * Logs raw debug information. Only works in dev is enabled in the config. * @param content The content to log. */ public static debugRaw(...content: any): void { if (!client.config.isDevelopment) return; console.log(`${chalk.bgMagenta(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.magenta('[Debug]')}`, ...content); } /** * Logs verbose information. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header printed before the content, displayed in grey. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright black. * @param sendChannel Should this also be logged to discord? Defaults to `false`. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static async verbose(header: string, content: any, sendChannel = false, depth = 0): Promise { if (!client.config.logging.verbose) return; const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); `${chalk.bgGrey(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.grey(`[${header}]`)} ${this.#parseFormatting(newContent, 'blackBright')}` ); if (!sendChannel) return; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**[${header}]** ${this.#parseFormatting(this.#stripColor(newContent), '', true)}`) .setColor(util.colors.gray) .setTimestamp(); await this.channelLog({ embeds: [embed] }); } /** * Logs very verbose information. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header printed before the content, displayed in grey. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright black. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static async superVerbose(header: string, content: any, depth = 0): Promise { if (!client.config.logging.verbose) return; const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); `${chalk.bgHex('#8423b8')(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.hex('#8423b8')(`[${header}]`)} ${this.#parseFormatting( newContent, 'blackBright' )}` ); } /** * Logs information. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header displayed before the content, displayed in cyan. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright blue. * @param sendChannel Should this also be logged to discord? Defaults to `false`. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static async info(header: string, content: any, sendChannel = true, depth = 0): Promise { if (! return; const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); `${chalk.bgCyan(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.cyan(`[${header}]`)} ${this.#parseFormatting(newContent, 'blueBright')}` ); if (!sendChannel) return; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**[${header}]** ${this.#parseFormatting(this.#stripColor(newContent), '', true)}`) .setColor( .setTimestamp(); await this.channelLog({ embeds: [embed] }); } /** * Logs warnings. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header displayed before the content, displayed in yellow. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright yellow. * @param sendChannel Should this also be logged to discord? Defaults to `false`. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static async warn(header: string, content: any, sendChannel = true, depth = 0): Promise { const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); console.warn( `${chalk.bgYellow(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.yellow(`[${header}]`)} ${this.#parseFormatting( newContent, 'yellowBright' )}` ); if (!sendChannel) return; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**[${header}]** ${this.#parseFormatting(this.#stripColor(newContent), '', true)}`) .setColor(util.colors.warn) .setTimestamp(); await this.channelError({ embeds: [embed] }); } /** * Logs errors. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header displayed before the content, displayed in bright red. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright red. * @param sendChannel Should this also be logged to discord? Defaults to `false`. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static async error(header: string, content: any, sendChannel = true, depth = 0): Promise { const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); console.error( `${chalk.bgRedBright(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.redBright(`[${header}]`)} ${this.#parseFormatting( newContent, 'redBright' )}` ); if (!sendChannel) return; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**[${header}]** ${this.#parseFormatting(this.#stripColor(newContent), '', true)}`) .setColor(util.colors.error) .setTimestamp(); await this.channelError({ embeds: [embed] }); return; } /** * Logs successes. Highlight information by surrounding it in `<<>>`. * @param header The header displayed before the content, displayed in green. * @param content The content to log, highlights displayed in bright green. * @param sendChannel Should this also be logged to discord? Defaults to `false`. * @param depth The depth the content will inspected. Defaults to `0`. */ public static async success(header: string, content: any, sendChannel = true, depth = 0): Promise { const newContent = this.#inspectContent(content, depth, true); console.log( `${chalk.bgGreen(this.#getTimeStamp())} ${chalk.greenBright(`[${header}]`)} ${this.#parseFormatting( newContent, 'greenBright' )}` ); if (!sendChannel) return; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**[${header}]** ${this.#parseFormatting(this.#stripColor(newContent), '', true)}`) .setColor(util.colors.success) .setTimestamp(); await this.channelLog({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(() => {}); } /** * Asserts a condition. If the condition is false, an error is thrown. * @param type The type of assertion. * @param actual The value to test. * @param expected The expected value. * @param message The error to throw if the assertion fails. */ public static assert(type: AssertTypeEqual, actual: unknown, expected: T, message: Error): asserts actual is T; public static assert(type: AssertTypeNotEqual, actual: unknown, expected: T, message: Error): void; public static assert(type: AssertType, actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message: Error): void { assert[type](actual, expected, message); } } export type AssertTypeEqual = 'deepEqual' | 'deepStrictEqual' | 'equal' | 'strictEqual'; export type AssertTypeNotEqual = 'notDeepEqual' | 'notDeepStrictEqual' | 'notEqual' | 'notStrictEqual'; export type AssertType = AssertTypeEqual | AssertTypeNotEqual; /** @typedef {PartialTextBasedChannelFields} vscodeDontDeleteMyImportTy */