import { Arg, BushClient, CodeBlockLang, CommandMessage, emojis, Global, Pronoun, pronounMapping, regex, Shared, SlashEditMessageType, SlashSendMessageType, timeUnits, type BaseBushArgumentType, type BushInspectOptions, type GlobalCache, type PronounCode, type SharedCache, type SlashMessage } from '#lib'; import { humanizeDuration as humanizeDurationMod } from '@notenoughupdates/humanize-duration'; import assert from 'assert'; import { exec } from 'child_process'; import deepLock from 'deep-lock'; import { Util as AkairoUtil } from 'discord-akairo'; import { cleanCodeBlockContent, Constants as DiscordConstants, EmbedBuilder, escapeCodeBlock, GuildMember, Message, OAuth2Scopes, PermissionFlagsBits, PermissionsBitField, Routes, ThreadMember, User, UserResolvable, type APIEmbed, type APIMessage, type CommandInteraction, type InteractionReplyOptions, type PermissionsString, type Snowflake, type TextChannel } from 'discord.js'; import got from 'got'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { inspect as inspectUtil, promisify } from 'util'; import CommandErrorListener from '../../listeners/commands/commandError.js'; import * as Format from '../common/util/Format.js'; export type StripPrivate = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Record ? StripPrivate : T[K] }; /** * The hastebin urls used to post to hastebin, attempts to post in order */ const hasteURLs: string[] = [ '', // '', '', '', '', '', '' // '' ]; /** * Maps an array of user ids to user objects. * @param ids The list of IDs to map * @returns The list of users mapped */ export async function mapIDs(ids: Snowflake[]): Promise { return await Promise.all( => client.users.fetch(id))); } /** * Capitalizes the first letter of the given text * @param text The text to capitalize * @returns The capitalized text */ export function capitalize(text: string): string { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); } /** * Runs a shell command and gives the output * @param command The shell command to run * @returns The stdout and stderr of the shell command */ export async function shell(command: string): Promise<{ stdout: string; stderr: string }> { return await promisify(exec)(command); } /** * Posts text to hastebin * @param content The text to post * @returns The url of the posted text */ export async function haste(content: string, substr = false): Promise { let isSubstr = false; if (content.length > 400_000 && !substr) { void handleError('haste', new Error(`content over 400,000 characters (${content.length.toLocaleString()})`)); return { error: 'content too long' }; } else if (content.length > 400_000) { content = content.substring(0, 400_000); isSubstr = true; } for (const url of hasteURLs) { try { const res: HastebinRes = await`${url}/documents`, { body: content }).json(); return { url: `${url}/${res.key}`, error: isSubstr ? 'substr' : undefined }; } catch { void client.console.error('haste', `Unable to upload haste to ${url}`); } } return { error: 'unable to post' }; } /** * Resolves a user-provided string into a user object, if possible * @param text The text to try and resolve * @returns The user resolved or null */ export async function resolveUserAsync(text: string): Promise { const idReg = /\d{17,19}/; const idMatch = text.match(idReg); if (idMatch) { try { return await client.users.fetch(text as Snowflake); } catch { // pass } } const mentionReg = /<@!?(?\d{17,19})>/; const mentionMatch = text.match(mentionReg); if (mentionMatch) { try { return await client.users.fetch(mentionMatch.groups!.id as Snowflake); } catch { // pass } } const user = client.users.cache.find((u) => u.username === text); if (user) return user; return null; } /** * Appends the correct ordinal to the given number * @param n The number to append an ordinal to * @returns The number with the ordinal */ export function ordinal(n: number): string { const s = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'], v = n % 100; return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0]); } /** * Chunks an array to the specified size * @param arr The array to chunk * @param perChunk The amount of items per chunk * @returns The chunked array */ export function chunk(arr: T[], perChunk: number): T[][] { return arr.reduce((all, one, i) => { const ch: number = Math.floor(i / perChunk); (all as any[])[ch] = [].concat(all[ch] || [], one as any); return all; }, []); } /** * Fetches a user's uuid from the mojang api. * @param username The username to get the uuid of. * @returns The the uuid of the user. */ export async function mcUUID(username: string, dashed = false): Promise { const apiRes = (await got.get(`${username}`).json()) as UuidRes; return dashed ? apiRes.uuid : apiRes.uuid.replace(/-/g, ''); } /** * Surrounds text in a code block with the specified language and puts it in a hastebin if its too long. * * Embed Description Limit = 4096 characters * * Embed Field Limit = 1024 characters * @param code The content of the code block. * @param length The maximum length of the code block. * @param language The language of the code. * @param substr Whether or not to substring the code if it is too long. * @returns The generated code block */ export async function codeblock( code: string, length: number, language: CodeBlockLang | '' = '', substr = false ): Promise { let hasteOut = ''; code = escapeCodeBlock(code); const prefix = `\`\`\`${language}\n`; const suffix = '\n```'; if (code.length + (prefix + suffix).length >= length) { const haste_ = await haste(code, substr); hasteOut = `Too large to display. ${ haste_.url ? `Hastebin: ${haste_.url}${language ? `.${language}` : ''}${haste_.error ? ` - ${haste_.error}` : ''}` : `${emojis.error} Hastebin: ${haste_.error}` }`; } const FormattedHaste = hasteOut.length ? `\n${hasteOut}` : ''; const shortenedCode = hasteOut ? code.substring(0, length - (prefix + FormattedHaste + suffix).length) : code; const code3 = code.length ? prefix + shortenedCode + suffix + FormattedHaste : prefix + suffix; if (code3.length > length) { void client.console.warn(`codeblockError`, `Required Length: ${length}. Actual Length: ${code3.length}`, true); void client.console.warn(`codeblockError`, code3, true); throw new Error('code too long'); } return code3; } /** * Generate defaults for {@link inspect}. * @param options The options to create defaults with. * @returns The default options combined with the specified options. */ function getDefaultInspectOptions(options?: BushInspectOptions): BushInspectOptions { return { showHidden: options?.showHidden ?? false, depth: options?.depth ?? 2, colors: options?.colors ?? false, customInspect: options?.customInspect ?? true, showProxy: options?.showProxy ?? false, maxArrayLength: options?.maxArrayLength ?? Infinity, maxStringLength: options?.maxStringLength ?? Infinity, breakLength: options?.breakLength ?? 80, compact: options?.compact ?? 3, sorted: options?.sorted ?? false, getters: options?.getters ?? true }; } /** * Maps the key of a credential with a readable version when redacting. * @param key The key of the credential. * @returns The readable version of the key or the original key if there isn't a mapping. */ function mapCredential(key: string): string { const mapping = { token: 'Main Token', devToken: 'Dev Token', betaToken: 'Beta Token', hypixelApiKey: 'Hypixel Api Key', wolframAlphaAppId: 'Wolfram|Alpha App ID', dbPassword: 'Database Password' }; return mapping[key as keyof typeof mapping] || key; } /** * Redacts credentials from a string. * @param text The text to redact credentials from. * @returns The redacted text. */ export function redact(text: string) { for (const credentialName in { ...client.config.credentials, dbPassword: client.config.db.password }) { const credential = { ...client.config.credentials, dbPassword: client.config.db.password }[ credentialName as keyof typeof client.config.credentials ]; const replacement = mapCredential(credentialName); const escapeRegex = /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g; text = text.replace(new RegExp(credential.toString().replace(escapeRegex, '\\$&'), 'g'), `[${replacement} Omitted]`); text = text.replace( new RegExp([...credential.toString()].reverse().join('').replace(escapeRegex, '\\$&'), 'g'), `[${replacement} Omitted]` ); } return text; } /** * Uses {@link inspect} with custom defaults. * @param object - The object you would like to inspect. * @param options - The options you would like to use to inspect the object. * @returns The inspected object. */ export function inspect(object: any, options?: BushInspectOptions): string { const optionsWithDefaults = getDefaultInspectOptions(options); if (!optionsWithDefaults.inspectStrings && typeof object === 'string') return object; return inspectUtil(object, optionsWithDefaults); } /** * Takes an any value, inspects it, redacts credentials, and puts it in a codeblock * (and uploads to hast if the content is too long). * @param input The object to be inspect, redacted, and put into a codeblock. * @param language The language to make the codeblock. * @param inspectOptions The options for {@link BushClientUtil.inspect}. * @param length The maximum length that the codeblock can be. * @returns The generated codeblock. */ export async function inspectCleanRedactCodeblock( input: any, language?: CodeBlockLang | '', inspectOptions?: BushInspectOptions, length = 1024 ) { input = inspect(input, inspectOptions ?? undefined); if (inspectOptions) inspectOptions.inspectStrings = undefined; input = cleanCodeBlockContent(input); input = redact(input); return codeblock(input, length, language, true); } /** * Takes an any value, inspects it, redacts credentials, and uploads it to haste. * @param input The object to be inspect, redacted, and upload. * @param inspectOptions The options for {@link BushClientUtil.inspect}. * @returns The {@link HasteResults}. */ export async function inspectCleanRedactHaste(input: any, inspectOptions?: BushInspectOptions): Promise { input = inspect(input, inspectOptions ?? undefined); input = redact(input); return haste(input, true); } /** * Takes an any value, inspects it and redacts credentials. * @param input The object to be inspect and redacted. * @param inspectOptions The options for {@link BushClientUtil.inspect}. * @returns The redacted and inspected object. */ export function inspectAndRedact(input: any, inspectOptions?: BushInspectOptions): string { input = inspect(input, inspectOptions ?? undefined); return redact(input); } /** * Responds to a slash command interaction. * @param interaction The interaction to respond to. * @param responseOptions The options for the response. * @returns The message sent. */ export async function slashRespond( interaction: CommandInteraction, responseOptions: SlashSendMessageType | SlashEditMessageType ): Promise { const newResponseOptions = typeof responseOptions === 'string' ? { content: responseOptions } : responseOptions; if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) { delete (newResponseOptions as InteractionReplyOptions).ephemeral; // Cannot change a preexisting message to be ephemeral return (await interaction.editReply(newResponseOptions)) as Message | APIMessage; } else { await interaction.reply(newResponseOptions); return await interaction.fetchReply().catch(() => undefined); } } /** * Gets a a configured channel as a TextChannel. * @channel The channel to retrieve. */ export async function getConfigChannel(channel: keyof typeof client['config']['channels']): Promise { return (await client.channels.fetch(client.config.channels[channel])) as unknown as TextChannel; } /** * Takes an array and combines the elements using the supplied conjunction. * @param array The array to combine. * @param conjunction The conjunction to use. * @param ifEmpty What to return if the array is empty. * @returns The combined elements or `ifEmpty`. * * @example * const permissions = oxford(['Administrator', 'SendMessages', 'ManageMessages'], 'and', 'none'); * console.log(permissions); // Administrator, SendMessages and ManageMessages */ export function oxford(array: string[], conjunction: string, ifEmpty?: string): string | undefined { const l = array.length; if (!l) return ifEmpty; if (l < 2) return array[0]; if (l < 3) return array.join(` ${conjunction} `); array = array.slice(); array[l - 1] = `${conjunction} ${array[l - 1]}`; return array.join(', '); } /** * Get the global cache. */ export function getGlobal(): GlobalCache; /** * Get a key from the global cache. * @param key The key to get in the global cache. */ export function getGlobal(key: K): GlobalCache[K]; export function getGlobal(key?: keyof GlobalCache) { return key ?[key] :; } export function getShared(): SharedCache; export function getShared(key: K): SharedCache[K]; export function getShared(key?: keyof SharedCache) { return key ? client.cache.shared[key] : client.cache.shared; } /** * Add or remove an element from an array stored in the Globals database. * @param action Either `add` or `remove` an element. * @param key The key of the element in the global cache to update. * @param value The value to add/remove from the array. */ export async function insertOrRemoveFromGlobal( action: 'add' | 'remove', key: K, value: typeof client['cache']['global'][K][0] ): Promise { const row = (await Global.findByPk(client.config.environment)) ?? (await Global.create({ environment: client.config.environment })); const oldValue: any[] = row[key]; const newValue = addOrRemoveFromArray(action, oldValue, value); row[key] = newValue;[key] = newValue; return await => handleError('insertOrRemoveFromGlobal', e)); } /** * Add or remove an element from an array stored in the Shared database. * @param action Either `add` or `remove` an element. * @param key The key of the element in the shared cache to update. * @param value The value to add/remove from the array. */ export async function insertOrRemoveFromShared< K extends Exclude >(action: 'add' | 'remove', key: K, value: typeof client['cache']['shared'][K][0]): Promise { const row = (await Shared.findByPk(0)) ?? (await Shared.create()); const oldValue: any[] = row[key]; const newValue = addOrRemoveFromArray(action, oldValue, value); row[key] = newValue; client.cache.shared[key] = newValue; return await => handleError('insertOrRemoveFromShared', e)); } /** * Updates an element in the Globals database. * @param key The key in the global cache to update. * @param value The value to set the key to. */ export async function setGlobal( key: K, value: typeof client['cache']['global'][K] ): Promise { const row = (await Global.findByPk(client.config.environment)) ?? (await Global.create({ environment: client.config.environment })); row[key] = value;[key] = value; return await => handleError('setGlobal', e)); } /** * Updates an element in the Shared database. * @param key The key in the shared cache to update. * @param value The value to set the key to. */ export async function setShared>( key: K, value: typeof client['cache']['shared'][K] ): Promise { const row = (await Shared.findByPk(0)) ?? (await Shared.create()); row[key] = value; client.cache.shared[key] = value; return await => handleError('setShared', e)); } /** * Add or remove an item from an array. All duplicates will be removed. * @param action Either `add` or `remove` an element. * @param array The array to add/remove an element from. * @param value The element to add/remove from the array. */ export function addOrRemoveFromArray(action: 'add' | 'remove', array: T[], value: T): T[] { const set = new Set(array); action === 'add' ? set.add(value) : set.delete(value); return [...set]; } /** * Remove an item from an array. All duplicates will be removed. * @param array The array to remove an element from. * @param value The element to remove from the array. */ export function removeFromArray(array: T[], value: T): T[] { return addOrRemoveFromArray('remove', array, value); } /** * Add an item from an array. All duplicates will be removed. * @param array The array to add an element to. * @param value The element to add to the array. */ export function addToArray(array: T[], value: T): T[] { return addOrRemoveFromArray('add', array, value); } /** * Surrounds a string to the begging an end of each element in an array. * @param array The array you want to surround. * @param surroundChar1 The character placed in the beginning of the element. * @param surroundChar2 The character placed in the end of the element. Defaults to `surroundChar1`. */ export function surroundArray(array: string[], surroundChar1: string, surroundChar2?: string): string[] { return => `${surroundChar1}${a}${surroundChar2 ?? surroundChar1}`); } /** * Gets the duration from a specified string. * @param content The string to look for a duration in. * @param remove Whether or not to remove the duration from the original string. * @returns The {@link ParsedDuration}. */ export function parseDuration(content: string, remove = true): ParsedDuration { if (!content) return { duration: 0, content: null }; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let duration: number | null = null; // Try to reduce false positives by requiring a space before the duration, this makes sure it still matches if it is // in the beginning of the argument let contentWithoutTime = ` ${content}`; for (const unit in timeUnits) { const regex = timeUnits[unit as keyof typeof timeUnits].match; const match = regex.exec(contentWithoutTime); const value = Number(match?.groups?.[unit]); if (!isNaN(value)) duration! += value * timeUnits[unit as keyof typeof timeUnits].value; if (remove) contentWithoutTime = contentWithoutTime.replace(regex, ''); } // remove the space added earlier if (contentWithoutTime.startsWith(' ')) contentWithoutTime.replace(' ', ''); return { duration, content: contentWithoutTime }; } /** * Converts a duration in milliseconds to a human readable form. * @param duration The duration in milliseconds to convert. * @param largest The maximum number of units to display for the duration. * @param round Whether or not to round the smallest unit displayed. * @returns A humanized string of the duration. */ export function humanizeDuration(duration: number, largest?: number, round = true): string { if (largest) return humanizeDurationMod(duration, { language: 'en', maxDecimalPoints: 2, largest, round })!; else return humanizeDurationMod(duration, { language: 'en', maxDecimalPoints: 2, round })!; } /** * Creates a formatted relative timestamp from a duration in milliseconds. * @param duration The duration in milliseconds. * @returns The formatted relative timestamp. */ export function timestampDuration(duration: number): string { return ``; } /** * Creates a timestamp from a date. * @param date The date to create a timestamp from. * @param style The style of the timestamp. * @returns The formatted timestamp. * * @see * **Styles:** * - **t**: Short Time ex. `16:20` * - **T**: Long Time ex. `16:20:30 ` * - **d**: Short Date ex. `20/04/2021` * - **D**: Long Date ex. `20 April 2021` * - **f**: Short Date/Time ex. `20 April 2021 16:20` * - **F**: Long Date/Time ex. `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20` * - **R**: Relative Time ex. `2 months ago` */ export function timestamp( date: D, style: TimestampStyle = 'f' ): D extends Date ? string : undefined { if (!date) return date as unknown as D extends Date ? string : undefined; return `` as unknown as D extends Date ? string : undefined; } /** * Creates a human readable representation between a date and the current time. * @param date The date to be compared with the current time. * @param largest The maximum number of units to display for the duration. * @param round Whether or not to round the smallest unit displayed. * @returns A humanized string of the delta. */ export function dateDelta(date: Date, largest?: number, round = true): string { return humanizeDuration(new Date().getTime() - date.getTime(), largest ?? 3, round); } /** * Combines {@link timestamp} and {@link dateDelta} * @param date The date to be compared with the current time. * @param style The style of the timestamp. * @returns The formatted timestamp. * * @see * **Styles:** * - **t**: Short Time ex. `16:20` * - **T**: Long Time ex. `16:20:30 ` * - **d**: Short Date ex. `20/04/2021` * - **D**: Long Date ex. `20 April 2021` * - **f**: Short Date/Time ex. `20 April 2021 16:20` * - **F**: Long Date/Time ex. `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20` * - **R**: Relative Time ex. `2 months ago` */ export function timestampAndDelta(date: Date, style: TimestampStyle = 'D'): string { return `${timestamp(date, style)} (${dateDelta(date)} ago)`; } /** * Convert a hex code to an rbg value. * @param hex The hex code to convert. * @returns The rbg value. */ export function hexToRgb(hex: string): string { const arrBuff = new ArrayBuffer(4); const vw = new DataView(arrBuff); vw.setUint32(0, parseInt(hex, 16), false); const arrByte = new Uint8Array(arrBuff); return `${arrByte[1]}, ${arrByte[2]}, ${arrByte[3]}`; } /** * Wait an amount in milliseconds. * @returns A promise that resolves after the specified amount of milliseconds */ export const sleep = promisify(setTimeout); /** * Send a message in the error logging channel and console for an error. * @param context * @param error */ export async function handleError(context: string, error: Error) { await client.console.error(_.camelCase(context), `An error occurred:\n${formatError(error, false)}`, false); await client.console.channelError({ embeds: await CommandErrorListener.generateErrorEmbed({ type: 'unhandledRejection', error: error, context }) }); } /** * Fetches a user from discord. * @param user The user to fetch * @returns Undefined if the user is not found, otherwise the user. */ export async function resolveNonCachedUser(user: UserResolvable | undefined | null): Promise { if (user == null) return undefined; const resolvedUser = user instanceof User ? user : user instanceof GuildMember ? user.user : user instanceof ThreadMember ? user.user : user instanceof Message ? : undefined; return resolvedUser ?? (await client.users.fetch(user as Snowflake).catch(() => undefined)); } /** * Get the pronouns of a discord user from * @param user The user to retrieve the promises of. * @returns The human readable pronouns of the user, or undefined if they do not have any. */ export async function getPronounsOf(user: User | Snowflake): Promise { const _user = await resolveNonCachedUser(user); if (!_user) throw new Error(`Cannot find user ${user}`); const apiRes = (await got .get(`${}`) .json() .catch(() => undefined)) as { pronouns: PronounCode } | undefined; if (!apiRes) return undefined; assert(apiRes.pronouns); return pronounMapping[apiRes.pronouns!]!; } /** * List the methods of an object. * @param obj The object to get the methods of. * @returns A string with each method on a new line. */ export function getMethods(obj: Record): string { // modified from let props: string[] = []; let obj_: Record = new Object(obj); do { const l = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj_) .concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj_).map((s) => s.toString())) .sort() .filter( (p, i, arr) => typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj_, p)?.['get'] !== 'function' && // ignore getters typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj_, p)?.['set'] !== 'function' && // ignore setters typeof obj_[p] === 'function' && // only the methods p !== 'constructor' && // not the constructor (i == 0 || p !== arr[i - 1]) && // not overriding in this prototype props.indexOf(p) === -1 // not overridden in a child ); const reg = /\(([\s\S]*?)\)/; props = props.concat( (p) => `${obj_[p] && obj_[p][Symbol.toStringTag] === 'AsyncFunction' ? 'async ' : ''}function ${p}(${ reg.exec(obj_[p].toString())?.[1] ? reg .exec(obj_[p].toString())?.[1] .split(', ') .map((arg) => arg.split('=')[0].trim()) .join(', ') : '' });` ) ); } while ( (obj_ = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj_)) && // walk-up the prototype chain Object.getPrototypeOf(obj_) // not the the Object prototype methods (hasOwnProperty, etc...) ); return props.join('\n'); } /** * List the symbols of an object. * @param obj The object to get the symbols of. * @returns An array of the symbols of the object. */ export function getSymbols(obj: Record): symbol[] { let symbols: symbol[] = []; let obj_: Record = new Object(obj); do { const l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj_).sort(); symbols = [...symbols, ...l]; } while ( (obj_ = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj_)) && // walk-up the prototype chain Object.getPrototypeOf(obj_) // not the the Object prototype methods (hasOwnProperty, etc...) ); return symbols; } /** * Uploads an image to imgur. * @param image The image to upload. * @returns The url of the imgur. */ export async function uploadImageToImgur(image: string) { const clientId = client.config.credentials.imgurClientId; const resp = (await got .post('', { headers: { Authorization: `Client-ID ${clientId}`, Accept: 'application/json' }, form: { image: image, type: 'base64' }, followRedirect: true }) .json()) as { data: { link: string } }; return; } /** * Checks if a user has a certain guild permission (doesn't check channel permissions). * @param message The message to check the user from. * @param permissions The permissions to check for. * @returns The missing permissions or null if none are missing. */ export function userGuildPermCheck( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, permissions: typeof PermissionFlagsBits[keyof typeof PermissionFlagsBits][] ): PermissionsString[] | null { if (!message.inGuild()) return null; const missing = message.member?.permissions.missing(permissions) ?? []; return missing.length ? missing : null; } /** * Check if the client has certain permissions in the guild (doesn't check channel permissions). * @param message The message to check the client user from. * @param permissions The permissions to check for. * @returns The missing permissions or null if none are missing. */ export function clientGuildPermCheck(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, permissions: bigint[]): PermissionsString[] | null { const missing = message.guild? ?? []; return missing.length ? missing : null; } /** * Check if the client has permission to send messages in the channel as well as check if they have other permissions * in the guild (or the channel if `checkChannel` is `true`). * @param message The message to check the client user from. * @param permissions The permissions to check for. * @param checkChannel Whether to check the channel permissions instead of the guild permissions. * @returns The missing permissions or null if none are missing. */ export function clientSendAndPermCheck( message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage, permissions: bigint[] = [], checkChannel = false ): PermissionsString[] | null { const missing: PermissionsString[] = []; const sendPerm =!.isThread() ? 'SendMessages' : 'SendMessagesInThreads'; if (!message.inGuild()) return null; if (!!.permissionsIn(!.id).has(sendPerm)) missing.push(sendPerm); missing.push( ...(checkChannel ? message.guild!!.permissionsIn(!.id!).missing(permissions) : clientGuildPermCheck(message, permissions) ?? []) ); return missing.length ? missing : null; } /** * Gets the prefix based off of the message. * @param message The message to get the prefix from. * @returns The prefix. */ export function prefix(message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage): string { return message.util.isSlash ? '/' : client.config.isDevelopment ? 'dev ' : message.util.parsed?.prefix ?? client.config.prefix; } export { deepLock as deepFreeze }; export { Arg as arg }; export { Format as format }; export { DiscordConstants as discordConstants }; export { AkairoUtil as akairo }; /** * The link to invite the bot with all permissions. */ export function invite(client: BushClient) { return client.generateInvite({ permissions: PermissionsBitField.All - PermissionFlagsBits.UseEmbeddedActivities - PermissionFlagsBits.ViewGuildInsights - PermissionFlagsBits.Stream, scopes: [OAuth2Scopes.Bot, OAuth2Scopes.ApplicationsCommands] }); } /** * Asset multiple statements at a time. * @param args */ export function assertAll(...args: any[]): void { for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { assert(args[i], `assertAll index ${i} failed`); } } /** * Casts a string to a duration and reason for slash commands. * @param arg The argument received. * @param message The message that triggered the command. * @returns The casted argument. */ export async function castDurationContent( arg: string | ParsedDuration | null, message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage ): Promise { const res = typeof arg === 'string' ? await Arg.cast('contentWithDuration', message, arg) : arg; return { duration: res?.duration ?? 0, content: res?.content ?? '' }; } /** * Casts a string to a the specified argument type. * @param type The type of the argument to cast to. * @param arg The argument received. * @param message The message that triggered the command. * @returns The casted argument. */ export async function cast( type: T, arg: BaseBushArgumentType[T] | string, message: CommandMessage | SlashMessage ) { return typeof arg === 'string' ? await Arg.cast(type, message, arg) : arg; } /** * Overflows the description of an embed into multiple embeds. * @param embed The options to be applied to the (first) embed. * @param lines Each line of the description as an element in an array. */ export function overflowEmbed(embed: Omit, lines: string[], maxLength = 4096): EmbedBuilder[] { const embeds: EmbedBuilder[] = []; const makeEmbed = () => { embeds.push(new EmbedBuilder().setColor(embed.color ?? null)); return!; }; for (const line of lines) { let current = embeds.length ?! : makeEmbed(); let joined = ? `${}\n${line}` : line; if (joined.length > maxLength) { current = makeEmbed(); joined = line; } current.setDescription(joined); } if (!embeds.length) makeEmbed(); if (; if (embed.title); if (embed.url); if (embed.fields); if (embed.thumbnail); if (embed.footer); if (embed.image); if (embed.timestamp) Date(embed.timestamp)); return embeds; } export async function resolveMessageLinks(content: string | null): Promise { const res: MessageLinkParts[] = []; if (!content) return res; const regex_ = new RegExp(regex.messageLink); let match: RegExpExecArray | null; while (((match = regex_.exec(content)), match !== null)) { const input = match.input; if (!match.groups || !input) continue; if (input.startsWith('<') && input.endsWith('>')) continue; const { guild_id, channel_id, message_id } = match.groups; if (!guild_id || !channel_id || !message_id) continue; res.push({ guild_id, channel_id, message_id }); } return res; } export async function resolveMessagesFromLinks(content: string): Promise { const res: APIMessage[] = []; const links = await resolveMessageLinks(content); if (!links.length) return []; for (const { guild_id, channel_id, message_id } of links) { const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(guild_id); if (!guild) continue; const channel = guild.channels.cache.get(channel_id); if (!channel || (!channel.isTextBased() && !channel.isThread())) continue; const message = (await, message_id)).catch(() => null)) as APIMessage | null; if (!message) continue; res.push(message); } return res; } /** * Formats an error into a string. * @param error The error to format. * @param colors Whether to use colors in the output. * @returns The formatted error. */ export function formatError(error: Error | any, colors = false): string { if (!error) return error; if (typeof error !== 'object') return; if ( getSymbols(error) .map((s) => s.toString()) .includes('Symbol(nodejs.util.inspect.custom)') ) return inspect(error, { colors }); return error.stack; } interface HastebinRes { key: string; } export interface UuidRes { uuid: string; username: string; username_history?: { username: string }[] | null; textures: { custom: boolean; slim: boolean; skin: { url: string; data: string; }; raw: { value: string; signature: string; }; }; created_at: string; } export interface HasteResults { url?: string; error?: 'content too long' | 'substr' | 'unable to post'; } export interface ParsedDuration { duration: number | null; content: string | null; } export interface ParsedDurationRes { duration: number; content: string; } export type TimestampStyle = 't' | 'T' | 'd' | 'D' | 'f' | 'F' | 'R'; export interface MessageLinkParts { guild_id: Snowflake; channel_id: Snowflake; message_id: Snowflake; }