import { BotListener, colors, Emitter, mappings, type BotClientEvents } from '#lib'; import { stripIndent } from '#tags'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { EmbedBuilder, Events, MessageType, PermissionFlagsBits, TextChannel } from 'discord.js'; export default class SupportThreadListener extends BotListener { public constructor() { super('supportThread', { emitter: Emitter.Client, event: Events.MessageCreate }); } public async exec(...[message]: BotClientEvents[Events.MessageCreate]): Promise { if (!this.client.config.isProduction || !message.inGuild()) return; if (![MessageType.Default, MessageType.Reply].includes(message.type)) return; if (message.thread) return; if ( && ( !== '444871677176709141' || !message.content.includes('uploaded a log,'))) return; if ( !== mappings.guilds["Moulberry's Bush"]) return; // mb if ( !== mappings.channels['neu-support']) return; if ( [await message.guild.getSetting('prefix'), `<@!${this.client.user!.id}>`, `<@${this.client.user!.id}>`].some((v) => message.content.trim().startsWith(v) ) && this.client.commandHandler.aliases.some((alias) => message.content.includes(alias)) ) return; assert( instanceof TextChannel); if (!!).has(PermissionFlagsBits.CreatePublicThreads)) return; const thread = await message .startThread({ name: `Support - ${}#${}`, autoArchiveDuration: 60, reason: 'Support Thread' }) .catch(() => null); if (!thread) return; const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle('NotEnoughUpdates Support') .setDescription( stripIndent` Welcome to Moulberry Bush Support:tm: Please make sure you have the latest version found in <#693586404256645231>. Additionally if you need help installing the mod be sure to read <#737444942724726915> for a guide on how to do so.` ) .setColor(colors.Blurple); void thread .send({ embeds: [embed] }) .then(() => 'supportThread', `opened a support thread for <<${}>> in <<${}>> in <<${message.guild!.name}>>.` ) ); } }