import { AllowedMentions, BotListener, colors, Emitter, emojis, format, mappings, type BotClientEvents } from '#lib'; import { Events, GuildMember, type TextChannel } from 'discord.js'; export default class UserUpdateAutoBanListener extends BotListener { public constructor() { super('userUpdateAutoBan', { emitter: Emitter.Client, event: Events.UserUpdate }); } public async exec(...[_oldUser, newUser]: BotClientEvents['userUpdate']): Promise { if (!this.client.config.isProduction) return; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const user = newUser; const code = this.client.utils.getShared('autoBanCode'); if (!code) return; if (eval(code)) { const member = await this.client.guilds.cache .get(mappings.guilds["Moulberry's Bush"]) ?.members.fetch( .catch(() => undefined); if (!member || !(member instanceof GuildMember)) return; const guild = member.guild; const res = await member.customBan({ reason: '[AutoBan] Impersonation is not allowed.', moderator:! }); if (!['success', 'failed to dm'].includes(res)) { return await guild.error( 'nameAutoBan', `Failed to auto ban ${format.input(member.user.tag)} for blacklisted name, with error: ${format.input(res)}.` ); } await guild .sendLogChannel('automod', { embeds: [ { title: 'Name Auto Ban - User Update', description: `**User:** ${member.user} (${member.user.tag})\n **Action:** Banned for using blacklisted name.`, color:, author: { name: member.user.tag, icon_url: member.displayAvatarURL() } } ] }) .catch(() => {}); const content = res === 'failed to dm' ? `${emojis.warn} Banned ${format.input(member.user.tag)} however I could not send them a dm.` : `${emojis.success} Successfully banned ${format.input(member.user.tag)}.`; (guild.channels.cache.find((c) => === 'general')) ?.send({ content, allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.none() }) .catch(() => {}); } } }