import { BotListener, colors, ContextCommandHandlerEvent, Emitter, format, formatError, getErrorHaste, getErrorStack, IFuckedUpError } from '#lib'; import { type ContextMenuCommand, type ContextMenuCommandHandlerEvents } from 'discord-akairo'; import { ChannelType, Client, ContextMenuCommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, GuildTextBasedChannel } from 'discord.js'; export default class ContextCommandErrorListener extends BotListener { public constructor() { super('contextCommandError', { emitter: Emitter.ContextMenuCommandHandler, event: ContextCommandHandlerEvent.Error }); } public exec(...[error, interaction, command]: ContextMenuCommandHandlerEvents[ContextCommandHandlerEvent.Error]) { return ContextCommandErrorListener.handleError(this.client, error, interaction, command); } public static async handleError( client: Client, ...[error, interaction, command]: ContextMenuCommandHandlerEvents[ContextCommandHandlerEvent.Error] ) { try { const errorNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6969696969) + 69; // hehe funny number const channel = === ChannelType.DM ? : (; client.sentry.captureException(error, { level: 'error', user: { id:, username: interaction.user.tag }, extra: { '': command?.id, '':, 'message.type': 'context command', '': ( === ChannelType.DM ? : ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯', '': channel, '': interaction.guild?.id ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯', '': interaction.guild?.name ?? '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯', 'environment': client.config.environment } }); void client.console.error( `contextCommandError`, `an error occurred with the <<${command}>> context command in <<${channel}>> triggered by <<${ interaction?.user?.tag }>>:\n${formatError(error, true)}`, false ); const _haste = getErrorHaste(client, error); const _stack = getErrorStack(client, error); const [haste, stack] = await Promise.all([_haste, _stack]); const options = { interaction, error, errorNum, command, channel, haste, stack }; const errorEmbed = this._generateErrorEmbed({ ...options, type: 'command-log' }); void client.logger.channelError({ embeds: errorEmbed }); if (interaction) { if (!client.config.owners.includes( { const errorUserEmbed = this._generateErrorEmbed({ ...options, type: 'command-user' }); void interaction?.reply({ embeds: errorUserEmbed }).catch(() => null); } else { const errorDevEmbed = this._generateErrorEmbed({ ...options, type: 'command-dev' }); void interaction?.reply({ embeds: errorDevEmbed }).catch(() => null); } } } catch (e) { throw new IFuckedUpError('An error occurred while handling a command error.', error, e); } } private static _generateErrorEmbed(options: { interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction; error: Error | any; type: 'command-log' | 'command-dev' | 'command-user'; errorNum: number; command?: ContextMenuCommand; channel?: string; haste: string[]; stack: string; }): EmbedBuilder[] { const embeds = [new EmbedBuilder().setColor(colors.error)]; if (options.type === 'command-user') { embeds[0] .setTitle('An Error Occurred') .setDescription( `Oh no! ${ options.command ? `While running the command ${format.input(}, a` : 'A' }n error occurred. Please give the developers code ${format.input(`${options.errorNum}`)}.` ) .setTimestamp(); return embeds; } const description: string[] = []; if (options.type === 'command-log') { description.push( `**User:** ${options.interaction.user} (${options.interaction.user.tag})`, `**Command:** ${options.command ?? 'N/A'}`, `**Channel:** <#${}> (${})` ); } description.push(...options.haste); embeds.push(new EmbedBuilder().setColor(colors.error).setTimestamp().setDescription(options.stack.substring(0, 4000))); if (description.length) embeds[0].setDescription(description.join('\n').substring(0, 4000)); if (options.type === 'command-dev' || options.type === 'command-log') embeds[0].setTitle(`ContextCommandError #${format.input(`${options.errorNum}`)}`); return embeds; } }