import chalk from 'chalk';
import { DiscordAPIError } from 'discord.js';
import { Op } from 'sequelize';
import { BotTask } from '../lib/extensions/BotTask';
import { Ban } from '../lib/models';

export default class UnbanTask extends BotTask {
	constructor() {
		super('unban', {
			delay: 30_000, // 1/2 min
			runOnStart: true
	async exec(): Promise<void> {
		const rows = await Ban.findAll({
			where: {
				[Op.and]: [
						expires: {
							[]: new Date() // Find all rows with an expiry date before now
			chalk.cyan(`Queried bans, found ${rows.length} expired bans.`)
		for (const row of rows) {
			const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get(row.guild);
			if (!guild) {
				await row.destroy();
			try {
				await guild.members.unban(
					`Unbanning user because tempban expired`
			} catch (e) {
				if (e instanceof DiscordAPIError) {
					// Member not banned, ignore
				} else throw e;
			await row.destroy();
			this.client.logger.verbose(chalk.cyan('Unbanned user'));