import { ActivePunishment, ActivePunishmentType, BushTask, Time } from '#lib'; import assert from 'assert/strict'; import { Op } from 'sequelize'; export default class RemoveExpiredPunishmentsTask extends BushTask { public constructor() { super('removeExpiredPunishments', { delay: 15 * Time.Second, runOnStart: true }); } public async exec() { const expiredEntries = await ActivePunishment.findAll({ where: { expires: { []: new Date( + 15 * Time.Second) // Find all rows with an expiry date before 15 seconds from now } } }); void this.client.logger.verbose( `removeExpiredPunishments`, `Queried punishments, found <<${expiredEntries.length}>> expired punishments.` ); for (const entry of expiredEntries) { const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get(entry.guild); if (!guild) continue; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises setTimeout(async () => { const member = guild.members.cache.get(entry.user); const user = await this.client.utils.resolveNonCachedUser(entry.user); assert(guild); switch (entry.type) { case ActivePunishmentType.BAN: { assert(user); const result = await guild.bushUnban({ user: user, reason: 'Punishment expired' }); if (['success', 'user not banned', 'cannot resolve user'].includes(result)) await entry.destroy(); else throw new Error(result); void this.client.logger.verbose(`removeExpiredPunishments`, `Unbanned ${entry.user}.`); break; } case ActivePunishmentType.BLOCK: { if (!member) { await entry.destroy(); // channel overrides are removed when the member leaves the guild return; } const result = await member.bushUnblock({ reason: 'Punishment expired', channel: entry.extraInfo }); if (['success', 'user not blocked'].includes(result)) await entry.destroy(); else throw new Error(result); void this.client.logger.verbose(`removeExpiredPunishments`, `Unblocked ${entry.user}.`); break; } case ActivePunishmentType.MUTE: { if (!member) return; const result = await member.bushUnmute({ reason: 'Punishment expired' }); if (['success', 'failed to dm'].includes(result)) await entry.destroy(); else throw new Error(result); void this.client.logger.verbose(`removeExpiredPunishments`, `Unmuted ${entry.user}.`); break; } case ActivePunishmentType.ROLE: { if (!member) return; const role = guild?.roles?.cache?.get(entry.extraInfo); if (!role) throw new Error(`Cannot unmute ${member.user.tag} because I cannot find the mute role.`); const result = await member.bushRemoveRole({ reason: 'Punishment expired', role: role, addToModlog: true }); if (['success', 'failed to dm'].includes(result)) await entry.destroy(); else throw new Error(result); void this.client.logger.verbose(`removeExpiredPunishments`, `Removed a punishment role from ${entry.user}.`); break; } } }, entry.expires!.getTime() - new Date().getTime()); } } }