import typing from .input.keyboard import KeyboardCallback from .app import TxtGameApp class SceneTxtGameApp(TxtGameApp): MAIN_SCENE_T: typing.Type['Scene'] = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.scene_stack = [] def push_scene(self, scene_t: typing.Type['Scene']): if self.scene_stack: self.scene_stack[-1].on_pause() self.scene_stack += [scene_t(self)] self.scene_stack[-1].on_enter() def pop_scene(self): self.scene_stack[-1].on_exit() del self.scene_stack[-1] if not self.scene_stack: self.exit() return self.scene_stack[-2].on_resume() def update(self, delta): if not self.scene_stack: # TODO: better lifecycles in TxtGameApp so we dont have to hack this self.push_scene(self.MAIN_SCENE_T) super().update(delta) print("Scene Stack:", ' > '.join(type(x).__name__ for x in self.scene_stack)) self.scene_stack[-1].update(delta) class Scene: def __init__(self, app: 'SceneTxtGameApp'): = app def pop_scene(self): """Exits this scene and returns control to the parent scene""" def push_scene(self, scene_t: typing.Type['Scene']): """Pushes a scene type onto the scene stack""" def on_exit(self): """Called when the scene is removed from the scene tree""" def on_enter(self): """Called when the scene is first entered in the scene tree""" pass def on_pause(self): """Called when another scene takes update priority over this scene without unloading this scene""" pass def on_resume(self): """Called when this scene takes over update priority after previously using it to another scene""" pass def update(self, delta: float): """Render the current scene""" pass