{ "item.ygasi.skill_book": "§6Skill Book", "item.ygasi.skill_book.tooltip": "Right click to open", "creative.ygasi.group": "Ygasi", "commands.ygasi.skillpoints.reset": "Skill Points reset to 0 for %s.", "commands.ygasi.skillpoints.add": "Skill Points increased by %s for %s.", "commands.ygasi.skillpoints.get": "%s has %s unspent Skill Points and %s total Skill Points.", "commands.ygasi.config.reload": "Config reloaded.", "gui.ygasi.branch.title": "Skill Points: %s", "gui.ygasi.branch.mercenary.title": "§c§lMercenary", "gui.ygasi.branch.wizardry.title": "§5§lWizardry", "gui.ygasi.branch.druidry.title": "§a§lDruidry", "gui.ygasi.branch.extra.title": "§9§lExtra", "gui.ygasi.branch.info.title": "§6§lInfo", "gui.ygasi.branch.info.main": "§6§lYgasi Skill Advancement System:\n§r§3When using Ygasi, every time you get an Advancement, you will get a §6Skill Point!§3 Then when you gather enough skill points throughout your journey you can unlock new interesting skills in the §6skill book§3 and improve your game experience, from protecting yourself from falling to summoning a horde of undead you can do everything with just a bit of patience, skill and fun!", "gui.ygasi.branch.reset.title": "§4§lReset", "gui.ygasi.branch.reset.lore": "§8This will reset all your skills and give you back all of your skill points.", "gui.ygasi.branch.reset.lore2": "§c§lThis action cannot be undone.", "gui.ygasi.branch.cost": "§3Cost: %s", "gui.ygasi.branch.unlock": "§aYou have unlocked the %s §abranch!", "gui.ygasi.branch.no.skill": "§cYou don't have enough skill points to unlock this branch!", "gui.ygasi.branch.no.unlock": "§cYou already have a branch unlocked!", "gui.ygasi.reset.confirm.title": "§a§lConfirm", "gui.ygasi.reset.confirm.lore": "§8Are you sure?", "gui.ygasi.reset.deny.title": "§c§lDeny", "gui.ygasi.reset.deny.lore": "§8Go back", "gui.ygasi.reset.success": "§aYou have reset your skills!", "gui.ygasi.reset.fail": "§cYou don't have enough skill points to reset your skills!", "gui.ygasi.branches.fail": "§cYou have not unlocked this branch yet!", "config.ygasi.title": "§5§lYgasi Config", "config.ygasi.pointsRewarded.title": "Points rewarded per advancement", "config.ygasi.branchCost.title": "Branch Cost", "config.ygasi.enableSkillBook.title": "Enable Skill Book on first login", "config.ygasi.T1Cost.title": "The cost for tier 1 skills", "config.ygasi.T2Cost.title": "The cost for tier 2 skills", "config.ygasi.T3Cost.title": "The cost for tier 3 skills", "config.ygasi.invalid.number": "§4The number you entered is invalid!", "config.ygasi.current": "§8Current: §3" }