path: root/src/nbt.rs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-10-19remove compat layer (don't need it), and fix some other small issues with ↵Joey Sacchini
2020-10-19fix mistakes when implementing no_stdJoey Sacchini
2020-10-19allow no_std with allocJoey Sacchini
2020-10-09cargo fmtJoey Sacchini
2020-10-02fix random generation and make raw packet accept a borrowed sliceJoey Sacchini
2020-09-30fix testrandom importsJoey Sacchini
2020-09-29cargo fmtJoey Sacchini
2020-09-29implement automated testing of all data-typesJoey Sacchini
2020-09-29init commitJoey Sacchini