use crate::{types::*, uuid::*, *}; use std::fmt::Debug; #[cfg(test)] use crate::protocol::TestRandom; use std::cell::Cell; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum PacketDirection { ClientBound, ServerBound, } impl PacketDirection { pub fn opposite(&self) -> Self { use PacketDirection::*; match self { ClientBound => ServerBound, ServerBound => ClientBound, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum State { Handshaking, Status, Login, Play, } impl State { pub fn name(&self) -> String { use State::*; match self { Handshaking => "Handshaking", Status => "Status", Login => "Login", Play => "Play", } .to_owned() } } define_protocol!(Packet578, PacketDirection, State, i32, Id => { // handshaking Handshake, 0x00, Handshaking, ServerBound => HandshakeSpec { version: VarInt, server_address: String, server_port: u16, next_state: HandshakeNextState }, // status StatusRequest, 0x00, Status, ServerBound => StatusRequestSpec {}, StatusPing, 0x01, Status, ServerBound => StatusPingSpec { payload: i64 }, StatusResponse, 0x00, Status, ClientBound => StatusResponseSpec { response: super::status::StatusSpec }, StatusPong, 0x01, Status, ClientBound => StatusPongSpec { payload: i64 }, // login LoginDisconnect, 0x00, Login, ClientBound => LoginDisconnectSpec { message: Chat }, LoginEncryptionRequest, 0x01, Login, ClientBound => LoginEncryptionRequestSpec { server_id: String, public_key: VarIntCountedArray, verify_token: VarIntCountedArray }, LoginSuccess, 0x02, Login, ClientBound => LoginSuccessSpec { uuid_string: String, username: String }, LoginSetCompression, 0x03, Login, ClientBound => LoginSetCompressionSpec { threshold: VarInt }, LoginPluginRequest, 0x04, Login, ClientBound => LoginPluginRequestSpec { message_id: VarInt, channel: String, data: RemainingBytes }, LoginStart, 0x00, Login, ServerBound => LoginStartSpec { name: String }, LoginEncryptionResponse, 0x01, Login, ServerBound => LoginEncryptionResponseSpec { shared_secret: VarIntCountedArray, verify_token: VarIntCountedArray }, LoginPluginResponse, 0x02, Login, ServerBound => LoginPluginResponseSpec { message_id: VarInt, successful: bool, data: RemainingBytes }, // play // client bound PlaySpawnEntity, 0x00, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnEntitySpec { entity_id: VarInt, object_uuid: UUID4, entity_type: VarInt, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, pitch: Angle, yaw: Angle, data: i32, velocity_x: i16, velocity_y: i16, velocity_z: i16 }, PlaySpawnExperienceOrb, 0x01, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnExperienceOrbSpec { entity_id: VarInt, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, count: i16 }, PlaySpawnWeatherEntity, 0x02, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnWeatherEntitySpec { entity_id: VarInt, entity_type: u8, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64 }, PlaySpawnLivingEntity, 0x03, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnLivingEntitySpec { entity_id: VarInt, entity_uuid: UUID4, entity_type: VarInt, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, yaw: Angle, pitch: Angle, head_pitch: Angle, velocity_x: i16, velocity_y: i16, velocity_z: i16 }, PlaySpawnPainting, 0x04, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnPaintingSpec { entity_id: VarInt, entity_uuid: UUID4, motive: VarInt, location: IntPosition, direction: CardinalDirection }, PlaySpawnPlayer, 0x05, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnPlayerSpec { entity_id: VarInt, uuid: UUID4, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, yaw: Angle, pitch: Angle }, PlayEntityAnimation, 0x06, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityAnimationSpec { entity_id: VarInt, animation: EntityAnimationKind }, PlayStatistics, 0x07, Play, ClientBound => PlayStatisticsSpec { entries: VarIntCountedArray }, PlayAcknowledgePlayerDigging, 0x08, Play, ClientBound => PlayAcknowledgePlayerDiggingSpec { location: IntPosition, block: VarInt, status: DiggingStatus, successful: bool }, PlayBlockBreakAnimation, 0x09, Play, ClientBound => PlayBlockBreakAnimationSpec { entity_id: VarInt, location: IntPosition, destroy_stage: i8 }, PlayBlockEntityData, 0x0A, Play, ClientBound => PlayBlockEntityDataSpec { location: IntPosition, action: BlockEntityDataAction, nbt_data: NamedNbtTag }, PlayBlockAction, 0x0B, Play, ClientBound => PlayBlockActionSpec { location: IntPosition, action_id: u8, action_payload: u8, block_type: VarInt }, PlayBlockChange, 0x0C, Play, ClientBound => PlayBlockChangeSpec { location: IntPosition, block_id: VarInt }, PlayBossBar, 0x0D, Play, ClientBound => PlayBossBarSpec { uuid: UUID4, action: BossBarAction }, PlayServerDifficulty, 0x0E, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerDifficultySpec { difficulty: Difficulty, locked: bool }, PlayServerChatMessage, 0x0F, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerChatMessageSpec { message: Chat, position: ChatPosition }, PlayMultiBlockChange, 0x10, Play, ClientBound => PlayMultiBlockChangeSpec { chunk_x: i32, chunk_z: i32, changes: VarIntCountedArray }, PlayTabComplete, 0x11, Play, ClientBound => PlayTabCompleteSpec { id: VarInt, start: VarInt, length: VarInt, matches: VarIntCountedArray }, // SKIP PlayDeclareCommands PlayDeclareCommands, 0x12, Play, ClientBound => PlayDeclareCommandsSpec { raw_data: RemainingBytes }, PlayServerWindowConfirmation, 0x13, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerWindowConfirmationSpec { window_id: u8, action_number: i16, accepted: bool }, PlayServerCloseWindow, 0x14, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerCloseWindowSpec { window_id: u8 }, PlayWindowItems, 0x15, Play, ClientBound => PlayWindowItemsSpec { window_id: u8, slots: ShortCountedArray> }, PlayWindowProperty, 0x16, Play, ClientBound => PlayWindowPropertySpec { window_id: u8, property: i16, value: i16 }, PlaySetSlot, 0x17, Play, ClientBound => PlaySetSlotSpec { window_id: u8, slow: i16, slot_data: Option }, PlaySetCooldown, 0x18, Play, ClientBound => PlaySetCooldownSpec { item_id: VarInt, cooldown_ticks: VarInt }, PlayServerPluginMessage, 0x19, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerPluginMessageSpec { channel: String, data: RemainingBytes }, PlayNamedSoundEffect, 0x1A, Play, ClientBound => PlayNamedSoundEffectSpec { sound_name: String, sound_category: SoundCategory, position_x: FixedInt, position_y: FixedInt, position_z: FixedInt, volume: f32, pitch: f32 }, PlayDisconnect, 0x1B, Play, ClientBound => PlayDisconnectSpec { reason: Chat }, PlayEntityStatus, 0x1C, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityStatusSpec { entity_id: i32, raw_status: u8 // todo deal with the gigantic table }, PlayExplosion, 0x1D, Play, ClientBound => PlayExplosionSpec { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, strength: f32, records: IntCountedArray, player_motion_x: f32, player_motion_y: f32, player_motion_z: f32 }, PlayUnloadChunk, 0x1E, Play, ClientBound => PlayUnloadChunkSpec { x: i32, y: i32 }, PlayChangeGameState, 0x1F, Play, ClientBound => PlayChangeGameStateSpec { reason: GameChangeReason }, PlayOpenHorseWindow, 0x20, Play, ClientBound => PlayOpenHorseWindowSpec { window_id: u8, number_of_slots: VarInt, entity_id: i32 }, PlayServerKeepAlive, 0x21, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerKeepAliveSpec { id: i64 }, PlayChunkData, 0x22, Play, ClientBound => PlayChunkDataWrapper { data: ChunkData }, PlayEffect, 0x23, Play, ClientBound => PlayEffectSpec { effect_id: i32, location: IntPosition, data: i32, disable_relative_volume: bool }, PlayParticle, 0x24, Play, ClientBound => PlayParticleSpec { particle_id: i32, long_distance: bool, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, offset_x: f32, offset_y: f32, offset_z: f32, particle_data: i32, data: RemainingBytes // todo }, PlayUpdateLight, 0x25, Play, ClientBound => PlayUpdateLightSpec { chunk_x: VarInt, chunk_z: VarInt, update: LightingUpdateSpec }, PlayJoinGame, 0x26, Play, ClientBound => PlayJoinGameSpec { entity_id: i32, gamemode: GameMode, dimension: Dimension, hashed_seed: i64, max_players: u8, level_type: String, view_distance: VarInt, reduced_debug_info: bool, enable_respawn_screen: bool }, PlayMapData, 0x27, Play, ClientBound => PlayMapDataSpec { map_id: VarInt, scale: i8, tracking_position: bool, locked: bool, icons: VarIntCountedArray, columns: MapColumns }, PlayTradeList, 0x28, Play, ClientBound => PlayTradeListSpec { window_id: VarInt, trades: ByteCountedArray, villager_level: VarInt, experience: VarInt, regular_villager: bool, can_restock: bool }, PlayEntityPosition, 0x29, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityPositionSpec { entity_id: VarInt, delta_x: i16, delta_y: i16, delta_z: i16, on_ground: bool }, PlayEntityPositionAndRotation, 0x2A, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityPositionAndRotationSpec { entity_id: VarInt, delta_x: i16, delta_y: i16, delta_z: i16, yaw: Angle, pitch: Angle, on_ground: bool }, PlayEntityRotation, 0x2B, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityRotationSpec { entity_id: VarInt, yaw: Angle, pitch: Angle, on_ground: bool }, PlayEntityMovement, 0x2C, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityMovementSpec { entity_id: VarInt }, PlayServerVehicleMove, 0x2D, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityVehicleMoveSpec { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, yaw: f32, pitch: f32 }, PlayOpenBook, 0x2E, Play, ClientBound => PlayOpenBookSpec { hand: Hand }, PlayOpenWindow, 0x2F, Play, ClientBound => PlayOpenWindowSpec { id: VarInt, kind: WindowType, title: String }, PlayOpenSignEditor, 0x30, Play, ClientBound => PlayOpenSignEditorSpec { location: IntPosition }, PlayCraftRecipeResponse, 0x31, Play, ClientBound => PlayCraftRecipeResponseSpec { window_id: u8, recipe: String }, PlayServerPlayerAbilities, 0x32, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerPlayerAbilitiesSpec { flags: PlayerAbilityFlags, flying_speed: f32, field_of_view_modifier: f32 }, PlayCombatEvent, 0x33, Play, ClientBound => PlayCombatEventSpec { event: CombatEvent }, PlayPlayerInfo, 0x34, Play, ClientBound => PlayPlayerInfoSpec { actions: PlayerInfoActionList }, PlayFacePlayer, 0x35, Play, ClientBound => PlayFacePlayerSpec { face_kind: FacePlayerKind, target_x: f64, target_y: f64, target_z: f64, entity: Option }, PlayServerPlayerPositionAndLook, 0x36, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerPlayerPositionAndLookSpec { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, yaw: f32, pitch: f32, flags: PositionAndLookFlags, teleport_id: VarInt }, PlayUnlockRecipes, 0x37, Play, ClientBound => PlayUnlockRecipesSpec { action: RecipeUnlockAction, crafting_book_open: bool, crafting_book_active: bool, smelting_book_open: bool, smelting_book_active: bool, recipe_ids: VarIntCountedArray, other_recipe_ids: RemainingBytes // todo }, PlayDestroyEntities, 0x38, Play, ClientBound => PlayDestroyEntitiesSpec { entity_ids: VarIntCountedArray }, PlayRemoveEntityEffect, 0x39, Play, ClientBound => PlayRemoveEntityEffectSpec { entity_id: VarInt, effect: EntityEffectKind }, PlayResourcePackSend, 0x3A, Play, ClientBound => PlayResourcePackSendSpec { url: String, hash: String }, PlayRespawn, 0x3B, Play, ClientBound => PlayRespawnSpec { dimension: Dimension, hashed_seed: i64, gamemode: GameMode, level_type: String }, PlayEntityHeadLook, 0x3C, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityHeadLookSpec { entity_id: VarInt, head_yaw: Angle }, PlaySelectAdvancementTab, 0x3D, Play, ClientBound => PlaySelectAdvancementTabSpec { identifier: Option }, PlayWorldBorder, 0x3E, Play, ClientBound => PlayWorldBorderSpec { action: WorldBorderAction }, PlayCamera, 0x3F, Play, ClientBound => PlayCameraSpec { camera_id: VarInt }, PlayServerHeldItemChange, 0x40, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerHeldItemChangeSpec { slot: i8 }, PlayUpdateViewPosition, 0x41, Play, ClientBound => PlayUpdateViewPositionSpec { chunk_x: VarInt, chunk_z: VarInt }, PlayUpdateViewDistance, 0x42, Play, ClientBound => PlayUpdateViewDistanceSpec { view_distance: VarInt }, PlayDisplayScoreboard, 0x43, Play, ClientBound => PlayDisplayScoreboardSpec { position: ScoreboardPosition, score_name: String }, PlayEntityMetadata, 0x44, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityMetadataSpec { entity_id: VarInt, metadata_raw: RemainingBytes }, PlayAttachEntity, 0x45, Play, ClientBound => PlayAttachEntitySpec { attached_entity_id: i32, holding_entity_id: i32 }, PlayEntityVelocity, 0x46, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityVelocitySpec { entity_id: VarInt, velocity_x: i16, velocity_y: i16, velocity_z: i16 }, PlayEntityEquipment, 0x47, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityEquiptmentSpec { entity_id: VarInt, slot: EquipmentSlot, item: Option }, PlaySetExperience, 0x48, Play, ClientBound => PlaySetExperienceSpec { experience_bar: f32, level: VarInt, total_experience: VarInt }, PlayUpdatehealth, 0x49, Play, ClientBound => PlayUpdateHealthSpec { health: f32, food: VarInt, saturation: f32 }, PlayScoreboardObjective, 0x4A, Play, ClientBound => PlayScoreboardObjectiveSpec { objective_name: String, action: ScoreboardObjectiveAction }, PlaySetPassengers, 0x4B, Play, ClientBound => PlaySetPassengersSpec { entity_id: VarInt, passenger_entitiy_ids: VarIntCountedArray }, PlayTeams, 0x4C, Play, ClientBound => PlayTeamsSpec { team_name: String, action: TeamAction }, PlayUpdateScore, 0x4D, Play, ClientBound => PlayUpdateScoreSpec { entity_name: TeamMember, update: UpdateScoreSpec }, PlaySpawnPosition, 0x4E, Play, ClientBound => PlaySpawnPositionSpec { location: IntPosition }, PlayTimeUpdate, 0x4F, Play, ClientBound => PlayTimeUpdateSpec { world_age: i64, time_of_day: i64 }, PlayTitle, 0x50, Play, ClientBound => PlayTitleSpec { action: TitleActionSpec }, PlayEntitySoundEffect, 0x51, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntitySoundEffectSpec { sound_id: VarInt, sound_category: SoundCategory, entity_id: VarInt, volume: f32, pitch: f32 }, PlaySoundEffect, 0x52, Play, ClientBound => PlaySoundEffectSpec { sound_id: VarInt, sound_category: SoundCategory, position_x: FixedInt, position_y: FixedInt, position_z: FixedInt, volume: f32, pitch: f32 }, // todo stop sound PlayerPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, 0x54, Play, ClientBound => PlayPlayerListHeaderAndFooterSpec { header: Chat, footer: Chat }, PlayNbtQueryResponse, 0x55, Play, ClientBound => PlayNbtQueryResponseSpec { transaction_id: VarInt, nbt: NamedNbtTag }, PlayCollectItem, 0x56, Play, ClientBound => PlayCollectItemSpec { collected_entity_id: VarInt, collector_entity_id: VarInt, pickup_item_count: VarInt }, PlayEntityTeleport, 0x57, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityTeleportSpec { entity_id: VarInt, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, yaw: Angle, pitch: Angle, on_ground: bool }, // todo advancements PlayAdvancements, 0x58, Play, ClientBound => PlayAdvancementsSpec { raw: RemainingBytes }, PlayEntityProperties, 0x59, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityPropertiesSpec { entity_id: VarInt, properties: IntCountedArray }, PlayEntityEffect, 0x5A, Play, ClientBound => PlayEntityEffectSpec { entity_id: VarInt, effect_id: EntityEffectKind, amplifier: i8, duration_ticks: VarInt, flags: EntityEffectFlags }, PlayDeclareRecipes, 0x5B, Play, ClientBound => PlayDeclareRecipesSpec { recipes: VarIntCountedArray }, PlayTags, 0x5C, Play, ClientBound => PlayTagsSpec { block_tags: VarIntCountedArray, item_tags: VarIntCountedArray, fluid_tags: VarIntCountedArray, entity_tags: VarIntCountedArray }, // play server bound PlayTeleportConfirm, 0x00, Play, ServerBound => PlayTeleportConfirmSpec { teleport_id: VarInt }, PlayQueryBlockNbt, 0x01, Play, ServerBound => PlayQueryBlockNbtSpec { transaction_id: VarInt, location: IntPosition }, PlayQueryEntityNbt, 0x0D, Play, ServerBound => PlayQueryEntityNbtSpec { transaction_id: VarInt, entity_id: VarInt }, PlaySetDifficulty, 0x02, Play, ServerBound => PlaySetDifficultySpec { new_difficulty: Difficulty }, PlayClientChatMessage, 0x03, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientChatMessageSpec { message: String }, PlayClientStatus, 0x04, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientStatusSpec { action: ClientStatusAction }, PlayClientSettings, 0x05, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientSettingsSpec { locale: String, view_distance: i8, chat_mode: ClientChatMode, chat_colors: bool, displayed_skin_parts: ClientDisplayedSkinParts, main_hand: ClientMainHand }, PlayClientTabComplete, 0x06, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientTabCompleteSpec { transaction_id: VarInt, text: String }, PlayClientWindowConfirmation, 0x07, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientWindowConfirmationSpec { window_id: i8, action_num: i16, accepted: bool }, PlayClickWindowButton, 0x08, Play, ServerBound => PlayClickWindowButtonSpec { window_id: i8, button_id: i8 }, PlayClickWindow, 0x09, Play, ServerBound => PlayClickWindowSpec { window_id: u8, slot: i16, button: i8, action_number: i16, mode: InventoryOperationMode, clicked_item: Option }, PlayClientCloseWindow, 0x0A, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientCloseWindowSpec { window_id: u8 }, PlayClientPluginMessage, 0x0B, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientPluginMessageSpec { channel: String, data: RemainingBytes }, PlayEditBook, 0x0C, Play, ServerBound => PlayEditBookSpec { new_book: Option, is_signing: bool, hand: Hand }, PlayInteractEntity, 0x0E, Play, ServerBound => PlayInteractEntitySpec { entity_id: VarInt, kind: InteractKind }, PlayClientKeepAlive, 0x0F, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientKeepAliveSpec { id: i64 }, PlayLockDifficulty, 0x10, Play, ServerBound => PlayLockDifficultySpec { locked: bool }, PlayPlayerPosition, 0x11, Play, ServerBound => PlayPlayerPositionSpec { x: f64, feet_y: f64, z: f64, on_ground: bool }, PlayClientPlayerPositionAndRotation, 0x12, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientPlayerPositionAndRotationSpec { x: f64, feet_y: f64, z: f64, yaw: f32, pitch: f32, on_ground: bool }, PlayPlayerRotation, 0x13, Play, ServerBound => PlayPlayerRotationSpec { yaw: f32, pitch: f32, on_ground: bool }, PlayPlayerMovement, 0x14, Play, ServerBound => PlayPlayerMovementSpec { on_ground: bool }, PlayClientVehicleMove, 0x15, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientVehicleMoveSpec { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, yaw: f32, pitch: f32 }, PlaySteerBoat, 0x16, Play, ServerBound => PlaySteerBoatSpec { left_paddle_turning: bool, right_paddle_turning: bool }, PlayPickItem, 0x17, Play, ServerBound => PlayPickItemSpec { slot_idx: VarInt }, PlayCraftRecipeRequest, 0x18, Play, ServerBound => PlayCraftRecipeRequestSpec { window_id: i8, recipe: String, make_all: bool }, PlayClientPlayerAbilities, 0x19, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientPlayerAbilitiesSpec { flags: ClientPlayerAbilities, flying_speed: f32, walking_speed: f32 }, PlayPlayerDigging, 0x1A, Play, ServerBound => PlayPlayerDiggingSpec { status: PlayerDiggingStatus, location: IntPosition, face: DiggingFace }, PlayEntityAction, 0x1B, Play, ServerBound => PlayEntityActionSpec { entity_id: VarInt, action: EntityActionKind, jump_boot: VarInt }, PlaySteerVehicle, 0x1C, Play, ServerBound => PlaySteerVehicleSpec { sideways: f32, forward: f32, flags: SteerVehicleFlags }, // todo recipe book data PlayNameItem, 0x1E, Play, ServerBound => PlayNameItemSpec { name: String }, PlayResourcePackStatus, 0x1F, Play, ServerBound => PlayResourcePackStatusSpec { status: ResourcePackStatus }, // todo advancement tab PlaySelectTrade, 0x21, Play, ServerBound => PlaySelectTradeSpec { selected_slot: VarInt }, PlaySetBeaconEffect, 0x22, Play, ServerBound => PlaySetBeaconEffectSpec { primary_effect: VarInt, secondary_effect: VarInt }, PlayClientHeldItemChange, 0x23, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientHeldItemChangeSpec { slot: i16 }, PlayUpdateCommandBlock, 0x24, Play, ServerBound => PlayUpdateCommandBlockSpec { location: IntPosition, command: String, mode: CommandBlockMode, flags: CommandBlockFlags }, PlayUpdateCommandBlockMinecart, 0x25, Play, ServerBound => PlayUpdateCommandBlockMinecartSpec { entity_id: VarInt, command: String, track_output: bool }, PlayCreativeInventoryAction, 0x26, Play, ServerBound => PlayCreativeInventoryActionSpec { slot: i16, clicked_item: Option }, PlayUpdateJigsawBlock, 0x27, Play, ServerBound => PlayUpdateJigsawBlockSpec { location: IntPosition, attachment_type: String, target_pool: String, final_state: String }, PlayUpdateStructureBlock, 0x28, Play, ServerBound => PlayUpdateStructureBlockSpec { location: IntPosition, action: UpdateStructureBlockAction, mode: UpdateStructureBlockMode, name: String, offset_x: i8, offset_y: i8, offset_z: i8, size_x: i8, size_y: i8, size_z: i8, mirror: UpdateStructureBlockMirror, rotation: UpdateStructureBlockRotation, metadata: String, integrity: f32, seed: VarLong, flags: UpdateStructureBlockFlags }, PlayUpdateSign, 0x29, Play, ServerBound => PlayUpdateSignSpec { location: IntPosition, line1: String, line2: String, line3: String, line4: String }, PlayClientAnimation, 0x2A, Play, ServerBound => PlayClientAnimationSpec { hand: Hand }, PlaySpectate, 0x2B, Play, ServerBound => PlaySpectateSpec { target: UUID4 }, PlayBlockPlacement, 0x2C, Play, ServerBound => PlayBlockPlacementSpec { hand: Hand, location: IntPosition, face: DiggingFace, cursor_position_x: f32, cursor_position_y: f32, cursor_position_z: f32, inside_block: bool }, PlayUseItem, 0x2D, Play, ServerBound => PlayUseItemSpec { hand: Hand } }); // helper types // handshake enum proto_byte_enum!(HandshakeNextState, 0x01 :: Status, 0x02 :: Login ); #[inline] fn varint_to_usize(v: VarInt) -> usize { v.into() } #[inline] fn varint_from_usize(u: usize) -> VarInt { u.into() } counted_array_type!( VarIntCountedArray, VarInt, varint_to_usize, varint_from_usize ); #[inline] fn i16_to_usize(v: i16) -> usize { v as usize } #[inline] fn i16_from_usize(u: usize) -> i16 { u as i16 } counted_array_type!(ShortCountedArray, i16, i16_to_usize, i16_from_usize); #[inline] fn i32_to_usize(v: i32) -> usize { v as usize } #[inline] fn i32_from_usize(u: usize) -> i32 { u as i32 } counted_array_type!(IntCountedArray, i32, i32_to_usize, i32_from_usize); #[inline] fn i8_to_usize(v: i8) -> usize { v as usize } #[inline] fn i8_from_usize(u: usize) -> i8 { u as i8 } counted_array_type!(ByteCountedArray, i8, i8_to_usize, i8_from_usize); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct RemainingBytes { pub data: Vec, } impl Serialize for RemainingBytes { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { to.serialize_bytes( } } impl Deserialize for RemainingBytes { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { Deserialized::ok( RemainingBytes { data: Vec::from(data), }, &[], ) } } impl Into> for RemainingBytes { fn into(self) -> Vec { } } impl From> for RemainingBytes { fn from(data: Vec) -> Self { Self { data } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for RemainingBytes { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { let size: usize = rand::random::() % 256; let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(size); for _ in 0..size { out.push(rand::random()); } Self { data: out } } } proto_byte_enum!(CardinalDirection, 0x00 :: South, 0x01 :: West, 0x02 :: North, 0x03:: East ); proto_byte_enum!(EntityAnimationKind, 0x00 :: SwingMainArm, 0x01 :: TakeDamage, 0x02 :: LeaveBed, 0x03 :: SwingOffHand, 0x04 :: CriticalEffect, 0x05 :: MagicCriticalEffect ); proto_varint_enum!(StatisticCategory, 0x00 :: Mined, 0x01 :: Crafted, 0x02 :: Used, 0x03 :: Broken, 0x04 :: PickedUp, 0x05 :: Dropped, 0x06 :: Killed, 0x07 :: KilledBy, 0x08 :: Custom ); proto_varint_enum!(StatisticKind, 0x00 :: LeaveGame, 0x01 :: PlayOneMinute, 0x02 :: TimeSinceDeath, 0x03 :: SneakTime, 0x04 :: WealkOneCm, 0x05 :: CrouchOneCm, 0x06 :: SprintOneCm, 0x07 :: SwimOneCm, 0x08 :: FallOneCm, 0x09 :: ClimbOneCm, 0x0A :: FlyOneCm, 0x0B :: DiveOneCm, 0x0C :: MinecartOneCm, 0x0D :: BoatOneCm, 0x0E :: PigOneCm, 0x0F :: HorseOneCm, 0x10 :: AviateOneCm, 0x11 :: Jumps, 0x12 :: Drops, 0x13 :: DamageDealt, 0x14 :: DamageTaken, 0x15 :: Deaths, 0x16 :: MobKills, 0x17 :: AnimalsBread, 0x18 :: PlayerKills, 0x19 :: FishCaught, 0x1A :: TalkedToVillager, 0x1B :: TradedWithVillager, 0x1C :: EatCakeSlice, 0x1D :: FillCauldron, 0x1E :: UseCauldron, 0x1F :: CleanArmor, 0x20 :: CleanBanner, 0x21 :: InteractWithBrewingStand, 0x22 :: InteractWithBeaccon, 0x23 :: InspectDropper, 0x24 :: InspectHopper, 0x25 :: InspectDispenser, 0x26 :: PlayNoteBlock, 0x27 :: TuneNoteBlock, 0x28 :: PotFlower, 0x29 :: TriggerTrappedChest, 0x2A :: OpenEnderChest, 0x2B :: EnchantItem, 0x2C :: PlayRecord, 0x2D :: InteractWithFurnace, 0x2E :: InteractWithCraftingTable, 0x2F :: OpenChest, 0x30 :: SleepInBed, 0x31 :: OpenShulkerBox ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(Statistic { category: StatisticCategory, statistic: StatisticKind, value: VarInt }); proto_byte_enum!(DiggingStatus, 0x00 :: Started, 0x01 :: Cancelled, 0x02 :: Finished ); proto_byte_enum!(BlockEntityDataAction, 0x01 :: SetMobSpawnerData, 0x02 :: SetCommandBlockText, 0x03 :: SetBeaconLevelAndPower, 0x04 :: SetMobHeadRotationAndSkin, 0x05 :: DeclareConduit, 0x06 :: SetBannerColorAndPatterns, 0x07 :: SetStructureTileEntityData, 0x08 :: SetEndGatewayDestination, 0x09 :: SetSignText, 0x0B :: DeclareBed, 0x0C :: SetJigsawBlockData, 0x0D :: SetCampfireItems, 0x0E :: BeehiveInformation ); proto_byte_enum!(Difficulty, 0x00 :: Peaceful, 0x01 :: Easy, 0x02 :: Normal, 0x03 :: Hard ); proto_byte_enum!(ChatPosition, 0x00 :: ChatBox, 0x01 :: SystemMessage, 0x02 :: Hotbar ); #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct BlockChangeHorizontalPosition { pub rel_x: u8, pub rel_z: u8, } impl Serialize for BlockChangeHorizontalPosition { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { to.serialize_byte((self.rel_x & 0xF) << 4 | (self.rel_z & 0xF)) } } impl Deserialize for BlockChangeHorizontalPosition { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { Ok( u8::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| BlockChangeHorizontalPosition { rel_x: (b >> 4) & 0xF, rel_z: b & 0xF, }), ) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for BlockChangeHorizontalPosition { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { BlockChangeHorizontalPosition { rel_x: rand::random::() % 16, rel_z: rand::random::() % 16, } } } __protocol_body_def_helper!(MultiBlockChangeRecord { horizontal_position: BlockChangeHorizontalPosition, y_coordinate: u8, block_id: VarInt }); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum BossBarAction { Add(BossBarAddSpec), Remove, UpdateHealth(BossBarUpdateHealthSpec), UpdateTitle(BossBarUpdateTitleSpec), UpdateStyle(BossBarUpdateStyleSpec), UpdateFlags(BossBarUpdateFlagsSpec), } impl Serialize for BossBarAction { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use BossBarAction::*; to.serialize_other(&VarInt(match self { Add(_) => 0x00, Remove => 0x01, UpdateHealth(_) => 0x02, UpdateTitle(_) => 0x03, UpdateStyle(_) => 0x04, UpdateFlags(_) => 0x05, }))?; match self { Add(body) => to.serialize_other(body), Remove => Ok(()), UpdateHealth(body) => to.serialize_other(body), UpdateTitle(body) => to.serialize_other(body), UpdateStyle(body) => to.serialize_other(body), UpdateFlags(body) => to.serialize_other(body), } } } impl Deserialize for BossBarAction { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: type_id, data, } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; use BossBarAction::*; match type_id.0 { 0x00 => Ok(BossBarAddSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Add(body))), 0x01 => Deserialized::ok(Remove, data), 0x02 => { Ok(BossBarUpdateHealthSpec::mc_deserialize(data)? .map(move |body| UpdateHealth(body))) } 0x03 => Ok( BossBarUpdateTitleSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| UpdateTitle(body)) ), 0x04 => Ok( BossBarUpdateStyleSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| UpdateStyle(body)) ), 0x05 => Ok( BossBarUpdateFlagsSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| UpdateFlags(body)) ), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid boss bar action id {:x}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for BossBarAction { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { // todo BossBarAction::Remove } } proto_varint_enum!(BossBarColor, 0x00 :: Pink, 0x01 :: Blue, 0x02 :: Red, 0x03 :: Green, 0x04 :: Yellow, 0x05 :: Purple, 0x06 :: White ); proto_varint_enum!(BossBarDivision, 0x00 :: NoDivision, 0x01 :: SixNotches, 0x02 :: TenNotches, 0x03 :: TwelveNotches, 0x04 :: TwentyNotches ); proto_byte_flag!(BossBarFlags, 0x01 :: darken_sky, 0x02 :: dragon_bar, 0x04 :: create_fog ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(BossBarAddSpec { title: Chat, health: f32, color: BossBarColor, division: BossBarDivision, flags: BossBarFlags }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(BossBarUpdateHealthSpec { health: f32 }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(BossBarUpdateTitleSpec { title: String }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(BossBarUpdateStyleSpec { color: BossBarColor, dividers: BossBarDivision }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(BossBarUpdateFlagsSpec { flags: BossBarFlags }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(TabCompleteMatch { match_: String, tooltip: Option }); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TeamAction { Create(TeamActionCreateSpec), Remove, UpdateInfo(TeamActionUpdateInfoSpec), AddPlayers(TeamActionPlayerList), RemovePlayers(TeamActionPlayerList), } impl Serialize for TeamAction { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use TeamAction::*; to.serialize_byte(match self { Create(_) => 0x00, Remove => 0x01, UpdateInfo(_) => 0x02, AddPlayers(_) => 0x03, RemovePlayers(_) => 0x04, })?; match self { Create(body) => to.serialize_other(body), UpdateInfo(body) => to.serialize_other(body), AddPlayers(body) => to.serialize_other(body), RemovePlayers(body) => to.serialize_other(body), _ => Ok(()), } } } impl Deserialize for TeamAction { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: id, data } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?; use TeamAction::*; match id { 0x00 => Ok(TeamActionCreateSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Create(body))), 0x01 => Deserialized::ok(Remove, data), 0x02 => { Ok(TeamActionUpdateInfoSpec::mc_deserialize(data)? .map(move |body| UpdateInfo(body))) } 0x03 => { Ok(TeamActionPlayerList::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| AddPlayers(body))) } 0x04 => Ok( TeamActionPlayerList::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| RemovePlayers(body)) ), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid team action id {}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for TeamAction { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { let rand_idx = rand::random::() % 5; use TeamAction::*; match rand_idx { 0 => Create(TeamActionCreateSpec::test_gen_random()), 1 => Remove, 2 => UpdateInfo(TeamActionUpdateInfoSpec::test_gen_random()), 3 => AddPlayers(TeamActionPlayerList::test_gen_random()), 4 => RemovePlayers(TeamActionPlayerList::test_gen_random()), impossible => panic!("impossible condition because modulus {}", impossible), } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TeamMember { Player(String), Entity(UUID4), } impl Serialize for TeamMember { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use TeamMember::*; match self { Player(username) => username.mc_serialize(to), Entity(entity_id) => entity_id.to_string().mc_serialize(to), } } } impl Deserialize for TeamMember { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { use TeamMember::*; Ok(String::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |raw| { if let Some(entity_id) = UUID4::parse(raw.as_str()) { Entity(entity_id) } else { Player(raw) } })) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for TeamMember { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { use TeamMember::*; let rand_bool: bool = rand::random(); if rand_bool { Player(String::test_gen_random()) } else { Entity(UUID4::random()) } } } proto_str_enum!(TeamTagNameVisibility, "always" :: Always, "hideForOtherTeams" :: HideForOtherTeams, "hideForOwnTeam" :: HideForOwnTeam, "never" :: Never ); proto_str_enum!(TeamCollisionRule, "always" :: Always, "pushForOtherTeams" :: PushForOtherTeams, "pushOwnTeam" :: PushOwnTeam, "never" :: Never ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(TeamActionPlayerList { entities: VarIntCountedArray }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(TeamActionCreateSpec { display_name: Chat, friendly_flags: TeamFriendlyFlags, tag_name_visibility: TeamTagNameVisibility, collision_rule: TeamCollisionRule, color: VarInt, prefix: Chat, suffix: Chat, entities: VarIntCountedArray }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(TeamActionUpdateInfoSpec { display_name: Chat, friendly_flags: TeamFriendlyFlags, tag_name_visibility: TeamTagNameVisibility, collision_rule: TeamCollisionRule, color: VarInt, prefix: Chat, suffix: Chat }); proto_byte_flag!(TeamFriendlyFlags, 0x01 :: allow_friendly_fire, 0x02 :: show_invisible_teammates ); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum UpdateScoreAction { Upsert(VarInt), Remove, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct UpdateScoreSpec { pub objective_name: String, pub action: UpdateScoreAction, } impl Serialize for UpdateScoreSpec { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use UpdateScoreAction::*; to.serialize_byte(match self.action { Upsert(_) => 0x0, Remove => 0x01, })?; to.serialize_other(&self.objective_name)?; if let Upsert(value) = &self.action { to.serialize_other(value)?; } Ok(()) } } impl Deserialize for UpdateScoreSpec { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: action_id, data, } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: objective_name, data, } = String::mc_deserialize(data)?; use UpdateScoreAction::*; let Deserialized { value: action, data, } = match action_id { 0x00 => Ok(VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |value| Upsert(value))), 0x01 => Deserialized::ok(Remove, data), other => DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid update score action {}", other )) .into(), }?; Deserialized::ok( Self { objective_name, action, }, data, ) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for UpdateScoreSpec { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { use UpdateScoreAction::*; let rand_bool = rand::random::(); let action = if rand_bool { Upsert(VarInt::test_gen_random()) } else { Remove }; Self { objective_name: String::test_gen_random(), action, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TitleActionSpec { SetTitle(Chat), SetSubtitle(Chat), SetActionBar(Chat), SetTimesAndDisplay(TitleTimesSpec), Hide, Reset, } impl Serialize for TitleActionSpec { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use TitleActionSpec::*; VarInt(match self { SetTitle(_) => 0x00, SetSubtitle(_) => 0x01, SetActionBar(_) => 0x02, SetTimesAndDisplay(_) => 0x03, Hide => 0x04, Reset => 0x05, }) .mc_serialize(to)?; match self { SetTitle(body) => to.serialize_other(body), SetSubtitle(body) => to.serialize_other(body), SetActionBar(body) => to.serialize_other(body), SetTimesAndDisplay(body) => to.serialize_other(body), _ => Ok(()), } } } impl Deserialize for TitleActionSpec { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: action_id, data, } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; use TitleActionSpec::*; match action_id.0 { 0x00 => Ok(Chat::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| SetTitle(body))), 0x01 => Ok(Chat::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| SetSubtitle(body))), 0x02 => Ok(Chat::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| SetActionBar(body))), 0x03 => { Ok(TitleTimesSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| SetTimesAndDisplay(body))) } 0x04 => Deserialized::ok(Hide, data), 0x05 => Deserialized::ok(Reset, data), other => { DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!("invalid title action id {}", other)) .into() } } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for TitleActionSpec { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { let action_id = rand::random::() % 6; use TitleActionSpec::*; match action_id { 0 => SetTitle(Chat::test_gen_random()), 1 => SetSubtitle(Chat::test_gen_random()), 2 => SetActionBar(Chat::test_gen_random()), 3 => SetTimesAndDisplay(TitleTimesSpec::test_gen_random()), 4 => Hide, 5 => Reset, _ => panic!("impossible condition, modulo 6"), } } } __protocol_body_def_helper!(TitleTimesSpec { fade_in: i32, stay: i32, fade_out: i32 }); proto_varint_enum!(SoundCategory, 0x00 :: Master, 0x01 :: Music, 0x02 :: Records, 0x03 :: Weather, 0x04 :: Block, 0x05 :: Hostile, 0x06 :: Neutral, 0x07 :: Player, 0x08 :: Ambient, 0x09 :: Voice ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(ExplosionRecord { x: i8, y: i8, z: i8 }); proto_byte_enum!(GameMode, 0x00 :: Survival, 0x01 :: Creative, 0x02 :: Adventure, 0x03 :: Spectator ); proto_byte_enum!(WinGameAction, 0x00 :: Respawn, 0x01 :: RollCreditsAndRespawn ); proto_byte_enum!(DemoEvent, 0x00 :: ShowWelcomeScreen, 0x65 :: TellMovementControls, 0x66 :: TellJumpControl, 0x67 :: TellInventoryControl, 0x68 :: EndDemo ); proto_byte_enum!(RespawnRequestType, 0x00 :: Screen, 0x01 :: Immediate ); proto_int_enum!(Dimension, -0x01 :: Nether, 0x00 :: Overworld, 0x01 :: End ); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum GameChangeReason { NoRespawnAvailable, EndRaining, BeginRaining, ChangeGameMode(GameMode), WinGame(WinGameAction), Demo(DemoEvent), ArrowHitPlayer, RainLevelChange(f32), ThunderLevelChange(f32), PufferfishSting, ElderGuardianMobAppearance, Respawn(RespawnRequestType), } impl Serialize for GameChangeReason { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use GameChangeReason::*; to.serialize_byte(match self { NoRespawnAvailable => 0x00, EndRaining => 0x01, BeginRaining => 0x02, ChangeGameMode(_) => 0x03, WinGame(_) => 0x04, Demo(_) => 0x05, ArrowHitPlayer => 0x06, RainLevelChange(_) => 0x07, ThunderLevelChange(_) => 0x08, PufferfishSting => 0x09, ElderGuardianMobAppearance => 0x0A, Respawn(_) => 0x0B, })?; let value = match self { ChangeGameMode(body) => body.as_byte() as f32, WinGame(body) => body.as_byte() as f32, Demo(body) => body.as_byte() as f32, RainLevelChange(body) => *body, ThunderLevelChange(body) => *body, Respawn(body) => body.as_byte() as f32, _ => 0 as f32, }; to.serialize_other(&value) } } impl Deserialize for GameChangeReason { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: reason_id, data, } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value, data } = f32::mc_deserialize(data)?; use GameChangeReason::*; let out = match reason_id { 0x00 => Ok(NoRespawnAvailable), 0x01 => Ok(EndRaining), 0x02 => Ok(BeginRaining), 0x03 => Ok(ChangeGameMode( GameMode::from_byte(value as u8) .map(move |v| Ok(v)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "unknown gamemode value {}", value ))) })?, )), 0x04 => Ok(WinGame( WinGameAction::from_byte(value as u8) .map(move |v| Ok(v)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "unknown WinGame value {}", value ))) })?, )), 0x05 => Ok(Demo( DemoEvent::from_byte(value as u8) .map(move |v| Ok(v)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "unknown DemoEvent value {}", value ))) })?, )), 0x06 => Ok(ArrowHitPlayer), 0x07 => Ok(RainLevelChange(value)), 0x08 => Ok(ThunderLevelChange(value)), 0x09 => Ok(PufferfishSting), 0x0A => Ok(ElderGuardianMobAppearance), 0x0B => Ok(Respawn( RespawnRequestType::from_byte(value as u8) .map(move |v| Ok(v)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid respawn reason {}", value ))) })?, )), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid game change reason id {}", other ))), }?; Deserialized::ok(out, data) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for GameChangeReason { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { // todo GameChangeReason::PufferfishSting } } proto_varint_enum!(MapIconType, 0x00 :: WhiteArrow, 0x01 :: GreenArrow, 0x02 :: RedArrow, 0x03 :: BlueArrow, 0x04 :: WhiteCross, 0x05 :: RedPointer, 0x06 :: WhiteCircle, 0x07 :: SmallWhiteCircle, 0x08 :: Mansion, 0x09 :: Temple, 0x0A :: WhiteBanner, 0x0B :: OrangeBanner, 0x0C :: MagentaBanner, 0x0D :: YellowBanner, 0x0E :: LimeBanner, 0x0F :: PinkBanner, 0x10 :: GrayBanner, 0x11 :: LightGrayBanner, 0x12 :: CyanBanner, 0x13 :: PurpleBanner, 0x14 :: BlueBanner, 0x15 :: BrownBanner, 0x16 :: GreenBanner, 0x17 :: RedBanner, 0x18 :: BlackBanner, 0x19 :: TreasureMarker ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(MapIconSpec { kind: MapIconType, x: i8, z: i8, direction: i8, display_name: Option }); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum MapColumns { NoUpdates, Updated(MapColumnsSpec), } __protocol_body_def_helper!(MapColumnsSpec { columns: u8, rows: u8, x: u8, z: u8, data: VarIntCountedArray }); impl Serialize for MapColumns { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use MapColumns::*; match self { NoUpdates => to.serialize_other(&0u8), Updated(body) => to.serialize_other(body), } } } impl Deserialize for MapColumns { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: columns, data: rest, } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?; use MapColumns::*; match columns { 0x00 => Deserialized::ok(NoUpdates, rest), _ => Ok(MapColumnsSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |v| Updated(v))), } } } impl Into> for MapColumns { fn into(self) -> Option { use MapColumns::*; match self { NoUpdates => None, Updated(body) => Some(body), } } } impl From> for MapColumns { fn from(other: Option) -> Self { use MapColumns::*; match other { Some(body) => Updated(body), None => NoUpdates, } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for MapColumns { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { >::test_gen_random().into() } } __protocol_body_def_helper!(TradeSpec { input_item_1: Option, output_item: Option, input_item_2: Option, trade_disabled: bool, trade_uses: i32, max_trade_uses: i32, xp: i32, special_price: i32, price_multiplier: f32, demand: i32 }); proto_varint_enum!(Hand, 0x00 :: MainHand, 0x01 :: OffHand ); proto_varint_enum!(WindowType, 0x00 :: GenericOneRow, 0x01 :: GenericTwoRow, 0x02 :: GenericThreeRow, 0x03 :: GenericFourRow, 0x04 :: GenericFiveRow, 0x05 :: GenericSixRow, 0x06 :: GenericSquare, 0x07 :: Anvil, 0x08 :: Beacon, 0x09 :: BlastFurnace, 0x0A :: BrewingStand, 0x0B :: CraftingTable, 0x0C :: EnchantmentTable, 0x0D :: Furnace, 0x0E :: Grindstone, 0x0F :: Hopper, 0x10 :: Lectern, 0x11 :: Loom, 0x12 :: Merchant, 0x13 :: ShulkerBox, 0x14 :: Smoker, 0x15 :: Cartography, 0x16 :: StoneCutter ); proto_byte_flag!(PlayerAbilityFlags, 0x01 :: invulnerable, 0x02 :: flying, 0x04 :: allow_flying, 0x08 :: instant_break ); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum CombatEvent { Enter, End(CombatEndSpec), EntityDead(CombatEntityDeadSpec), } __protocol_body_def_helper!(CombatEndSpec { duration_ticks: VarInt, entity_id: i32 }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(CombatEntityDeadSpec { player_id: VarInt, entity_id: i32, message: Chat }); impl Serialize for CombatEvent { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use CombatEvent::*; to.serialize_other(&VarInt(match self { Enter => 0x00, End(_) => 0x01, EntityDead(_) => 0x02, }))?; match self { End(body) => to.serialize_other(body)?, EntityDead(body) => to.serialize_other(body)?, _ => {} } Ok(()) } } impl Deserialize for CombatEvent { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: action_id, data, } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; use CombatEvent::*; match action_id.0 { 0x00 => Deserialized::ok(Enter, data), 0x01 => Ok(CombatEndSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| End(body))), 0x02 => { Ok(CombatEntityDeadSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| EntityDead(body))) } other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid combat event id {:?}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for CombatEvent { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { CombatEvent::Enter // todo } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct PlayerInfoAction { pub uuid: UUID4, pub action: A, } impl Serialize for PlayerInfoAction where A: Serialize + Clone + PartialEq + Debug, { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { to.serialize_other(&self.uuid)?; to.serialize_other(&self.action) } } impl Deserialize for PlayerInfoAction where A: Deserialize + Clone + PartialEq + Debug, { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: uuid, data } = UUID4::mc_deserialize(data)?; Ok(A::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |action| Self { uuid, action })) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum PlayerInfoActionList { Add(Vec>), UpdateGameMode(Vec>), UpdateLatency(Vec>), UpdateDisplayName(Vec>>), Remove(Vec), } __protocol_body_def_helper!(PlayerAddActionSpec { name: String, properties: VarIntCountedArray, game_mode: GameMode, ping_ms: VarInt, display_name: Option }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(PlayerAddProperty { name: String, value: String, signature: Option }); impl PlayerInfoActionList { pub fn player_ids(&self) -> Vec { use PlayerInfoActionList::*; match self { Add(vec) => vec.iter().map(move |v| v.uuid).collect(), UpdateGameMode(vec) => vec.iter().map(move |v| v.uuid).collect(), UpdateLatency(vec) => vec.iter().map(move |v| v.uuid).collect(), UpdateDisplayName(vec) => vec.iter().map(move |v| v.uuid).collect(), Remove(vec) => vec.clone(), } } pub fn id(&self) -> VarInt { use PlayerInfoActionList::*; match self { Add(_) => 0x00, UpdateGameMode(_) => 0x01, UpdateLatency(_) => 0x02, UpdateDisplayName(_) => 0x03, Remove(_) => 0x04, } .into() } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { use PlayerInfoActionList::*; match self { Add(vec) => vec.len(), UpdateGameMode(vec) => vec.len(), UpdateLatency(vec) => vec.len(), UpdateDisplayName(vec) => vec.len(), Remove(vec) => vec.len(), } } } impl Serialize for PlayerInfoActionList { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { let id =; to.serialize_other(&id)?; let len = VarInt(self.len() as i32); to.serialize_other(&len)?; use PlayerInfoActionList::*; match self { Add(body) => serialize_vec_directly(body, to), UpdateGameMode(body) => serialize_vec_directly(body, to), UpdateLatency(body) => serialize_vec_directly(body, to), UpdateDisplayName(body) => serialize_vec_directly(body, to), Remove(body) => serialize_vec_directly(body, to), } } } impl Deserialize for PlayerInfoActionList { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: action_id, data, } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: raw_count, mut data, } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let count = raw_count.0 as usize; use PlayerInfoActionList::*; match action_id.0 { 0x00 => Ok(deserialize_vec_directly(count, &mut data)?.map(move |v| Add(v))), 0x01 => Ok(deserialize_vec_directly(count, &mut data)?.map(move |v| UpdateGameMode(v))), 0x02 => Ok(deserialize_vec_directly(count, &mut data)?.map(move |v| UpdateLatency(v))), 0x03 => { Ok(deserialize_vec_directly(count, &mut data)?.map(move |v| UpdateDisplayName(v))) } 0x04 => Ok(deserialize_vec_directly(count, &mut data)?.map(move |v| Remove(v))), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid player info action id {}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for PlayerInfoActionList { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { PlayerInfoActionList::Remove(vec![UUID4::random()]) } } fn serialize_vec_directly( items: &Vec, to: &mut S, ) -> SerializeResult { for item in items { to.serialize_other(item)?; } Ok(()) } fn deserialize_vec_directly( count: usize, mut data: &[u8], ) -> DeserializeResult> { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(count); for _ in 0..count { let Deserialized { value: item, data: rest, } = I::mc_deserialize(data)?; data = rest; out.push(item); } Deserialized::ok(out, data) } proto_varint_enum!(FacePlayerKind, 0x00 :: Feet, 0x01 :: Eyes ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(FacePlayerEntityTarget { entity_id: VarInt, kind: FacePlayerKind }); proto_byte_flag!(PositionAndLookFlags, 0x01 :: x, 0x02 :: y, 0x04 :: z, 0x08 :: y_rotation, 0x10 :: x_rotation ); proto_byte_enum!(EntityEffectKind, 0x01 :: Speed, 0x02 :: Slowness, 0x03 :: Haste, 0x04 :: MiningFatigue, 0x05 :: Strength, 0x06 :: InstantHealth, 0x07 :: InstantDamage, 0x08 :: JumpBoost, 0x09 :: Nausea, 0x0A :: Regeneration, 0x0B :: Resistance, 0x0C :: FireResistance, 0x0D :: WaterBreathing, 0x0E :: Invisibility, 0x0F :: Blindness, 0x10 :: NightVision, 0x11 :: Hunger, 0x12 :: Weakness, 0x13 :: Poison, 0x14 :: Wither, 0x15 :: HealthBoost, 0x16 :: Absorption, 0x17 :: Saturation, 0x18 :: Glowing, 0x19 :: Levetation, 0x1A :: Luck, 0x1B :: Unluck, 0x1C :: SlowFalling, 0x1D :: ConduitPower, 0x1E :: DolphinsGrace, 0x1F :: BadOmen, 0x20 :: HeroOfTheVillage ); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum WorldBorderAction { SetSize(WorldBorderSetSizeSpec), LerpSize(WorldBorderLerpSizeSpec), SetCenter(WorldBorderSetCenterSpec), Initialize(WorldBorderInitiaializeSpec), SetWarningTime(WorldBorderWarningTimeSpec), SetWarningBlocks(WorldBorderWarningBlocksSpec), } __protocol_body_def_helper!(WorldBorderSetSizeSpec { diameter: f64 }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(WorldBorderLerpSizeSpec { old_diameter: f64, new_diameter: f64, speed: VarLong }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(WorldBorderSetCenterSpec { x: f64, z: f64 }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(WorldBorderInitiaializeSpec { x: f64, z: f64, old_diameter: f64, new_diameter: f64, speed: VarLong, portal_teleport_boundary: VarLong, warning_time: VarInt, warning_blocks: VarInt }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(WorldBorderWarningTimeSpec { warning_time: VarInt }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(WorldBorderWarningBlocksSpec { warning_blocks: VarInt }); impl WorldBorderAction { pub fn id(&self) -> VarInt { use WorldBorderAction::*; match self { SetSize(_) => 0x00, LerpSize(_) => 0x01, SetCenter(_) => 0x02, Initialize(_) => 0x03, SetWarningTime(_) => 0x04, SetWarningBlocks(_) => 0x05, } .into() } } impl Serialize for WorldBorderAction { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { let id =; to.serialize_other(&id)?; use WorldBorderAction::*; match self { SetSize(body) => to.serialize_other(body), LerpSize(body) => to.serialize_other(body), SetCenter(body) => to.serialize_other(body), Initialize(body) => to.serialize_other(body), SetWarningTime(body) => to.serialize_other(body), SetWarningBlocks(body) => to.serialize_other(body), } } } impl Deserialize for WorldBorderAction { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: id, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; use WorldBorderAction::*; match id.0 { 0x00 => { Ok(WorldBorderSetSizeSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| SetSize(body))) } 0x01 => { Ok(WorldBorderLerpSizeSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| LerpSize(body))) } 0x02 => Ok( WorldBorderSetCenterSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| SetCenter(body)) ), 0x03 => Ok(WorldBorderInitiaializeSpec::mc_deserialize(data)? .map(move |body| Initialize(body))), 0x04 => Ok(WorldBorderWarningTimeSpec::mc_deserialize(data)? .map(move |body| SetWarningTime(body))), 0x05 => Ok(WorldBorderWarningBlocksSpec::mc_deserialize(data)? .map(move |body| SetWarningBlocks(body))), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid world border action id {}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for WorldBorderAction { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { WorldBorderAction::SetSize(WorldBorderSetSizeSpec { diameter: f64::test_gen_random(), }) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub enum ScoreboardPosition { List, Sidebar, BelowName, TeamSpecific(i8), } impl ScoreboardPosition { pub fn id(&self) -> i8 { use ScoreboardPosition::*; match self { List => 0x00, Sidebar => 0x01, BelowName => 0x02, TeamSpecific(team_id) => 0x03 + team_id, } } } impl Serialize for ScoreboardPosition { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { to.serialize_byte( as u8) } } impl Deserialize for ScoreboardPosition { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: id, data } = i8::mc_deserialize(data)?; use ScoreboardPosition::*; let res = match id { 0x00 => Ok(List), 0x01 => Ok(Sidebar), 0x02 => Ok(BelowName), other => { if other >= 3 && other <= 12 { Ok(TeamSpecific(other - 0x03)) } else { Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid scoreboard position id {}", id ))) } } }?; Deserialized::ok(res, data) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for ScoreboardPosition { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { ScoreboardPosition::Sidebar } } proto_varint_enum!(EquipmentSlot, 0x00 :: MainHand, 0x01 :: OffHand, 0x02 :: ArmorBoots, 0x03 :: ArmorLeggings, 0x04 :: ArmorChestplate, 0x05 :: ArmorHelmet ); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum ScoreboardObjectiveAction { Create(ScoreboardObjectiveSpec), Remove, UpdateText(ScoreboardObjectiveSpec), } proto_varint_enum!(ScoreboardObjectiveKind, 0x00 :: Integer, 0x01 :: Hearts ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(ScoreboardObjectiveSpec { text: Chat, kind: ScoreboardObjectiveKind }); impl ScoreboardObjectiveAction { pub fn id(&self) -> i8 { use ScoreboardObjectiveAction::*; match self { Create(_) => 0x00, Remove => 0x01, UpdateText(_) => 0x02, } } } impl Serialize for ScoreboardObjectiveAction { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { let id =; to.serialize_other(&id)?; use ScoreboardObjectiveAction::*; match self { Create(body) => to.serialize_other(body), UpdateText(body) => to.serialize_other(body), _ => Ok(()), } } } impl Deserialize for ScoreboardObjectiveAction { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: id, data } = i8::mc_deserialize(data)?; use ScoreboardObjectiveAction::*; match id { 0x00 => { Ok(ScoreboardObjectiveSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Create(body))) } 0x01 => Deserialized::ok(Remove, data), 0x02 => Ok( ScoreboardObjectiveSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| UpdateText(body)) ), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid scoreboard objective action id {}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for ScoreboardObjectiveAction { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { ScoreboardObjectiveAction::Remove } } __protocol_body_def_helper!(EntityPropertySpec { key: String, value: f64, modifiers: VarIntCountedArray }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(EntityPropertyModifierSpec { uuid: UUID4, amount: f64, operation: EntityPropertyModifierOperation }); proto_byte_enum!(EntityPropertyModifierOperation, 0x00 :: AddSubtractAmount, 0x01 :: AddSubtractAmountPercentOfCurrent, 0x02 :: MultiplyByAmountPercent ); proto_byte_flag!(EntityEffectFlags, 0x01 :: ambient, 0x02 :: show_particles, 0x04 :: show_icon ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(TagSpec { name: String, entries: VarIntCountedArray }); proto_varint_enum!(ClientStatusAction, 0x00 :: PerformRespawn, 0x01 :: RequestStats ); proto_varint_enum!(ClientChatMode, 0x00 :: Enabled, 0x01 :: CommandsOnly, 0x02 :: Hidden ); proto_varint_enum!(ClientMainHand, 0x00 :: Left, 0x01 :: Right ); proto_byte_flag!(ClientDisplayedSkinParts, 0x01 :: cape_enabled, 0x02 :: jacket_enabled, 0x04 :: left_sleeve_enabled, 0x08 :: right_sleeve_enabled, 0x10 :: left_pants_leg_enabled, 0x20 :: right_pant_legs_enabled, 0x40 :: hat_enabled ); proto_varint_enum!(InventoryOperationMode, 0x00 :: MouseClick, 0x01 :: ShiftClick, 0x02 :: NumberClick, 0x03 :: MiddleClick, 0x04 :: DropClick, 0x05 :: Drag, 0x06 :: DoubleClick ); __protocol_body_def_helper!(InteractAtSpec { target_x: f32, target_y: f32, target_z: f32, hand: Hand }); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum InteractKind { Interact, Attack, InteractAt(InteractAtSpec), } impl InteractKind { pub fn id(&self) -> VarInt { use InteractKind::*; match self { Interact => 0x00, Attack => 0x01, InteractAt(_) => 0x02, } .into() } } impl Serialize for InteractKind { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { let id =; to.serialize_other(&id)?; use InteractKind::*; match self { InteractAt(body) => to.serialize_other(body), _ => Ok(()), } } } impl Deserialize for InteractKind { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: id, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; use InteractKind::*; match id.0 { 0x00 => Deserialized::ok(Interact, data), 0x01 => Deserialized::ok(Attack, data), 0x02 => Ok(InteractAtSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| InteractAt(body))), other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid entity interact kind id {}", other ))), } } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for InteractKind { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { InteractKind::Attack } } proto_byte_flag!(ClientPlayerAbilities, 0x01 :: creative, 0x02 :: flying, 0x04 :: fly_enabled, 0x08 :: damaged_disabled ); proto_varint_enum!(PlayerDiggingStatus, 0x00 :: Started, 0x01 :: Cancelled, 0x02 :: Finished, 0x03 :: DropStack, 0x04 :: DropItem, 0x05 :: ShootArrowOrFishEating, 0x06 :: SwapItemInHand ); proto_byte_enum!(DiggingFace, 0x00 :: Bottom, 0x01 :: Top, 0x02 :: North, 0x03 :: South, 0x04 :: West, 0x05 :: East ); proto_varint_enum!(EntityActionKind, 0x00 :: StartSneaking, 0x01 :: StopSneaking, 0x02 :: LeaveBed, 0x03 :: StartSprinting, 0x04 :: StopSprinting, 0x05 :: StartJumpWithHorse, 0x06 :: StopJumpWithHorse, 0x07 :: OpenHorseInventory, 0x08 :: StartFlyingWithElytra ); proto_byte_flag!(SteerVehicleFlags, 0x01 :: jump, 0x02 :: unmount ); proto_varint_enum!(ResourcePackStatus, 0x00 :: Loaded, 0x01 :: Declined, 0x02 :: FailedDownload, 0x03 :: Accepted ); proto_varint_enum!(CommandBlockMode, 0x00 :: Sequence, 0x01 :: Auto, 0x02 :: Redstone ); proto_byte_flag!(CommandBlockFlags, 0x01 :: track_output, 0x02 :: conditional, 0x04 :: automatic ); proto_varint_enum!(UpdateStructureBlockAction, 0x00 :: UpdateData, 0x01 :: SaveStructure, 0x02 :: LoadStructure, 0x03 :: DetectSize ); proto_varint_enum!(UpdateStructureBlockMode, 0x00 :: Save, 0x01 :: Load, 0x02 :: Corner, 0x03 :: Data ); proto_varint_enum!(UpdateStructureBlockMirror, 0x00 :: NoMirror, 0x01 :: LeftRight, 0x02 :: FrontBack ); proto_varint_enum!(UpdateStructureBlockRotation, 0x00 :: NoRotation, 0x01 :: Clockwise90, 0x02 :: Clockwise180, 0x03 :: CounterClockwise90 ); proto_byte_flag!(UpdateStructureBlockFlags, 0x01 :: ignore_entities, 0x02 :: show_air, 0x04 :: show_bounding_box ); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct RecipeSpec { pub recipe: Recipe, pub id: String, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Recipe { CraftingShapeless(RecipeCraftingShapelessSpec), CraftingShaped(RecipeCraftingShapedSpec), CraftingArmorDye, CraftingBookCloning, CraftingMapCloning, CraftingMapExtending, CraftingFireworkRocket, CraftingFireworkStar, CraftingFireworkStarFade, CraftingRepairItem, CraftingTippedArrow, CraftingBannerDuplicate, CraftingBannerAddPattern, CraftingShieldDecoration, CraftingShulkerBoxColoring, CraftingSuspiciousStew, Smelting(RecipeSmeltingSpec), Blasting(RecipeSmeltingSpec), Smoking(RecipeSmeltingSpec), CampfireCooking(RecipeSmeltingSpec), StoneCutting(RecipeStonecuttingSpec), } impl Recipe { pub fn id(&self) -> String { use Recipe::*; match self { CraftingShapeless(_) => "minecraft:crafting_shapeless", CraftingShaped(_) => "minecraft:crafting_shaped", CraftingArmorDye => "minecraft:crafting_special_armordye", CraftingBookCloning => "minecraft:crafting_special_bookcloning", CraftingMapCloning => "minecraft:crafting_special_mapcloning", CraftingMapExtending => "minecraft:crafting_special_mapextending", CraftingFireworkRocket => "minecraft:crafting_special_firework_rocket", CraftingFireworkStar => "minecraft:crafting_special_firework_star", CraftingFireworkStarFade => "minecraft:crafting_special_firework_star_fade", CraftingRepairItem => "minecraft:crafting_special_repairitem", CraftingTippedArrow => "minecraft:crafting_special_tippedarrow", CraftingBannerDuplicate => "minecraft:crafting_special_bannerduplicate", CraftingBannerAddPattern => "minecraft:crafting_special_banneraddpattern", CraftingShieldDecoration => "minecraft:crafting_special_shielddecoration", CraftingShulkerBoxColoring => "minecraft:crafting_special_shulkerboxcoloring", CraftingSuspiciousStew => "minecraft:crafting_special_suspiciousstew", Smelting(_) => "minecraft:smelting", Blasting(_) => "minecraft:blasting", Smoking(_) => "minecraft:smoking", CampfireCooking(_) => "minecraft:campfire_cooking", StoneCutting(_) => "minecraft:stonecutting", } .to_owned() } fn serialize_body(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { use Recipe::*; match self { CraftingShapeless(body) => to.serialize_other(body), CraftingShaped(body) => to.serialize_other(body), Smelting(body) => to.serialize_other(body), Blasting(body) => to.serialize_other(body), Smoking(body) => to.serialize_other(body), CampfireCooking(body) => to.serialize_other(body), StoneCutting(body) => to.serialize_other(body), _ => Ok(()), } } } impl Serialize for RecipeSpec { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { let _type =; to.serialize_other(&_type)?; to.serialize_other(&; self.recipe.serialize_body(to) } } impl Deserialize for RecipeSpec { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: _type, data } = String::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: recipe_id, data, } = String::mc_deserialize(data)?; use Recipe::*; Ok(match _type.as_str() { "minecraft:crafting_shapeless" => { Ok(RecipeCraftingShapelessSpec::mc_deserialize(data)? .map(move |b| CraftingShapeless(b))) } "minecraft:crafting_shaped" => { Ok(RecipeCraftingShapedSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| CraftingShaped(b))) } "minecraft:crafting_special_armordye" => Deserialized::ok(CraftingArmorDye, data), "minecraft:crafting_special_bookcloning" => Deserialized::ok(CraftingBookCloning, data), "minecraft:crafting_special_mapcloning" => Deserialized::ok(CraftingMapCloning, data), "minecraft:crafting_special_mapextending" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingMapExtending, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_firework_rocket" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingFireworkRocket, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_firework_star" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingFireworkStar, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_firework_star_fade" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingFireworkStarFade, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_repairitem" => Deserialized::ok(CraftingRepairItem, data), "minecraft:crafting_special_tippedarrow" => Deserialized::ok(CraftingTippedArrow, data), "minecraft:crafting_special_bannerduplicate" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingBannerDuplicate, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_banneraddpattern" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingBannerAddPattern, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_shielddecoration" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingShieldDecoration, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_shulkerboxcoloring" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingShulkerBoxColoring, data) } "minecraft:crafting_special_suspiciousstew" => { Deserialized::ok(CraftingSuspiciousStew, data) } "minecraft:smelting" => { Ok(RecipeSmeltingSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| Smelting(b))) } "minecraft:blasting" => { Ok(RecipeSmeltingSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| Blasting(b))) } "minecraft:smoking" => { Ok(RecipeSmeltingSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| Smoking(b))) } "minecraft:campfire_cooking" => { Ok(RecipeSmeltingSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| CampfireCooking(b))) } "minecraft:stonecutting" => { Ok(RecipeStonecuttingSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |b| StoneCutting(b))) } other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!( "invalid crafting recipe kind {:?}", other ))), }? .map(move |recipe_body| RecipeSpec { id: recipe_id, recipe: recipe_body, })) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for RecipeSpec { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { RecipeSpec { recipe: Recipe::CraftingRepairItem, id: String::test_gen_random(), } } } __protocol_body_def_helper!(RecipeIngredient { items: VarIntCountedArray> }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(RecipeCraftingShapelessSpec { group: String, ingredients: VarIntCountedArray, result: Option }); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct RecipeCraftingShapedSpec { pub width: VarInt, pub height: VarInt, pub group: String, pub ingredients: Vec, pub result: Option, } impl Serialize for RecipeCraftingShapedSpec { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { to.serialize_other(&self.width)?; to.serialize_other(&self.height)?; to.serialize_other(&; for elem in &self.ingredients { to.serialize_other(elem)?; } to.serialize_other(&self.result)?; Ok(()) } } impl Deserialize for RecipeCraftingShapedSpec { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: width, data } = ::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: height, data, } = ::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: group, mut data, } = ::mc_deserialize(data)?; let ingredients_count = width.0 as usize * height.0 as usize; let mut ingredients: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(ingredients_count); for _ in 0..ingredients_count { let Deserialized { value: elem, data: rest, } = RecipeIngredient::mc_deserialize(data)?; data = rest; ingredients.push(elem); } let Deserialized { value: result, data, } = >::mc_deserialize(data)?; Deserialized::ok( Self { width, height, group, ingredients, result, }, data, ) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for RecipeCraftingShapedSpec { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { RecipeCraftingShapedSpec { width: VarInt::test_gen_random(), height: VarInt::test_gen_random(), group: String::test_gen_random(), ingredients: vec![RecipeIngredient::test_gen_random()], result: >::test_gen_random(), } } } __protocol_body_def_helper!(RecipeSmeltingSpec { group: String, ingredient: RecipeIngredient, result: Option, experience: f32, cooking_time: VarInt }); __protocol_body_def_helper!(RecipeStonecuttingSpec { group: String, ingredient: RecipeIngredient, result: Option }); proto_varint_enum!(RecipeUnlockAction, 0x00 :: Init, 0x01 :: Add, 0x02 :: Remove ); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct ChunkData { pub chunk_x: i32, pub chunk_z: i32, pub primary_bit_mask: VarInt, pub heightmaps: NamedNbtTag, pub biomes: Option<[i32; 1024]>, pub data: VarIntCountedArray, pub block_entities: Vec, } impl Serialize for ChunkData { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { to.serialize_other(&self.chunk_x)?; to.serialize_other(&self.chunk_z)?; let full_chunk = self.biomes.is_some(); to.serialize_other(&full_chunk)?; to.serialize_other(&self.primary_bit_mask)?; to.serialize_other(&self.heightmaps)?; if full_chunk { let biomes = self.biomes.as_ref().unwrap(); for elem in biomes { to.serialize_other(elem)?; } } to.serialize_other(&; let num_block_entities = VarInt(self.block_entities.len() as i32); to.serialize_other(&num_block_entities)?; for entity in &self.block_entities { to.serialize_other(entity)?; } Ok(()) } } impl Deserialize for ChunkData { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: chunk_x, data } = i32::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: chunk_z, data } = i32::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: is_full_chunk, data } = bool::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: primary_bit_mask, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: heightmaps, mut data } = NamedNbtTag::mc_deserialize(data)?; let biomes = if is_full_chunk { let mut biomes: [i32; 1024] = [0i32; 1024]; for elem in &mut biomes { let Deserialized { value, data: rest } = i32::mc_deserialize(data)?; data = rest; *elem = value; } Some(biomes) } else { None }; let Deserialized { value: chunk_data, data } = VarIntCountedArray::::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: n_block_entities_raw, mut data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let n_block_entities = n_block_entities_raw.0 as usize; let mut block_entities = Vec::with_capacity(n_block_entities); for _ in 0..n_block_entities { let Deserialized { value: entity, data: rest } = NamedNbtTag::mc_deserialize(data)?; data = rest; block_entities.push(entity); } Deserialized::ok(ChunkData { chunk_x, chunk_z, primary_bit_mask, heightmaps, biomes, data: chunk_data, block_entities, }, data) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for ChunkData { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { ChunkData { chunk_x: rand::random(), chunk_z: rand::random(), primary_bit_mask: VarInt::test_gen_random(), heightmaps: NamedNbtTag::test_gen_random(), biomes: None, data: >::test_gen_random(), block_entities: vec![], } } } pub const LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH: usize = 2048; pub const LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS: usize = 18; pub struct LightingData { pub data: Vec>, _update_mask: Cell>, _reset_mask: Cell>, } impl LightingData { fn deserialize(update_mask: VarInt, reset_mask: VarInt, mut data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS); for i in 0..LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS { // gotta read the var int if update_mask.0 & (1 << i) != 0 { let Deserialized { value: length, data: rest } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; if (length.0 as usize) != LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH { return Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!("bad data length in light update {}", length))); } data = rest; if data.len() < LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH { return Err(DeserializeErr::Eof); } let (section, rest) = data.split_at(LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH); let mut to_vec = [0u8; LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH]; to_vec.copy_from_slice(section); out.push(Some(to_vec)); data = rest; } else { out.push(None) } } let result = Self { data: out, _update_mask: Cell::new(Some(update_mask)), _reset_mask: Cell::new(Some(reset_mask)), }; Deserialized::ok(result, data) } fn update_mask(&self) -> &VarInt { Self::lazily_get(&self._update_mask, || self.compute_update_mask()) } fn reset_mask(&self) -> &VarInt { Self::lazily_get(&self._reset_mask, || self.compute_reset_mask()) } fn lazily_get(option: &Cell>, provider: F) -> &T where F: FnOnce() -> T { unsafe { let ptr = option.as_ptr().as_mut().expect("non-null"); match ptr { Some(data) => data, None => { ptr.replace(provider()); ptr.as_ref().expect("it's there") } } } } fn compute_update_mask(&self) -> VarInt { self.compute_has_mask(true) } fn compute_reset_mask(&self) -> VarInt { self.compute_has_mask(false) } fn compute_has_mask(&self, has: bool) -> VarInt { let mut out: u32 = 0; for i in 0..LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS { if[i].is_some() == has { out |= 1 << i; } } VarInt(out as i32) } fn serialize_data(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { for item in & { if let Some(contents) = item { to.serialize_other(&VarInt(2048))?; to.serialize_bytes(&contents[..])?; } } Ok(()) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for LightingData { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "LightingData(update={:018b}, reset={:018b}, size={}, bytes={})", self.update_mask().0, self.reset_mask().0, |v| v.is_some()).count(), .filter_map(move |v| v. map(move |arr| arr.len())) .sum::()) } } impl std::fmt::Display for LightingData { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { ::fmt(self, f) } } impl Clone for LightingData { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { data:, _update_mask: Cell::new(Some(self.update_mask().clone())), _reset_mask: Cell::new(Some(self.reset_mask().clone())), } } } impl PartialEq for LightingData { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { && self.update_mask().eq(other.update_mask()) && self.reset_mask().eq(other.reset_mask()) } } unsafe impl Sync for LightingData {} #[cfg(test)] impl LightingData { fn gen_random_mask() -> i32 { let rand: u32 = rand::random(); (rand & ((1 << 19) - 1)) as i32 } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for LightingData { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { let set_mask = Self::gen_random_mask(); let mut data = vec![None; LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS]; for i in 0..LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS { if (set_mask & (1 << i)) != 0 { let mut data_arr = [0u8; LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH]; for k in 0..LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH { data_arr[k] = rand::random(); } data[i] = Some(data_arr); } } let cache_masks = rand::random::(); if cache_masks { Self { data, _update_mask: Cell::new(Some(VarInt(set_mask))), _reset_mask: Cell::new(None), } } else { Self { data, _update_mask: Cell::new(None), _reset_mask: Cell::new(None), } } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct LightingUpdateSpec { pub skylight_data: LightingData, pub blocklight_data: LightingData, } impl Serialize for LightingUpdateSpec { fn mc_serialize(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult { self.skylight_data.update_mask().mc_serialize(to)?; self.blocklight_data.update_mask().mc_serialize(to)?; self.skylight_data.reset_mask().mc_serialize(to)?; self.blocklight_data.reset_mask().mc_serialize(to)?; self.skylight_data.serialize_data(to)?; self.blocklight_data.serialize_data(to) } } impl Deserialize for LightingUpdateSpec { fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> { let Deserialized { value: skylight_update_mask, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: blocklight_update_mask, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: skylight_reset_mask, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: blocklight_reset_mask, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?; let Deserialized { value: skylight_data, data } = LightingData::deserialize(skylight_update_mask, skylight_reset_mask, data)?; let Deserialized { value: blocklight_data, data } = LightingData::deserialize(blocklight_update_mask, blocklight_reset_mask, data)?; Deserialized::ok(Self { skylight_data, blocklight_data, }, data) } } #[cfg(test)] impl TestRandom for LightingUpdateSpec { fn test_gen_random() -> Self { Self { skylight_data: LightingData::test_gen_random(), blocklight_data: LightingData::test_gen_random(), } } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; use crate::packet_test_cases; use crate::protocol::{Packet, RawPacket}; use crate::test_macros::BenchSerializer; use crate::types::BytesSerializer; use test::Bencher; packet_test_cases!( Packet578, Handshake, HandshakeSpec, test_handshake, bench_write_handshake, bench_read_handshake ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, StatusRequest, StatusRequestSpec, test_status_request, bench_write_status_request, bench_read_status_request ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, StatusPing, StatusPingSpec, test_status_ping, bench_write_status_ping, bench_read_status_ping ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, StatusResponse, StatusResponseSpec, test_status_response, bench_write_status_response, bench_read_status_response ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, StatusPong, StatusPongSpec, test_status_pong, bench_write_status_pong, bench_read_status_pong ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginDisconnect, LoginDisconnectSpec, test_login_disconnect, bench_write_login_disconnect, bench_read_login_disconnect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginEncryptionRequest, LoginEncryptionRequestSpec, test_login_encryption_request, bench_write_login_encryption_request, bench_read_login_encryption_request ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginSuccess, LoginSuccessSpec, test_login_success, bench_write_login_success, bench_read_login_success ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginSetCompression, LoginSetCompressionSpec, test_login_set_compression, bench_write_login_set_compression, bench_read_login_set_compression ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginPluginRequest, LoginPluginRequestSpec, test_login_plugin_request, bench_write_login_plugin_request, bench_read_login_plugin_request ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginStart, LoginStartSpec, test_login_start, bench_write_login_start, bench_read_login_start ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginEncryptionResponse, LoginEncryptionResponseSpec, test_login_encryption_response, bench_write_login_encryption_response, bench_read_login_encryption_response ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, LoginPluginResponse, LoginPluginResponseSpec, test_login_plugin_response, bench_write_login_plugin_response, bench_read_login_plugin_response ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnEntity, PlaySpawnEntitySpec, test_play_spawn_entity, bench_write_play_spawn_entity, bench_read_play_spawn_entity ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnExperienceOrb, PlaySpawnExperienceOrbSpec, test_play_spawn_experience_orb, bench_write_play_spawn_experience_orb, bench_read_play_spawn_experience_orb ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnWeatherEntity, PlaySpawnWeatherEntitySpec, test_play_spawn_weather_entity, bench_write_play_spawn_weather_entity, bench_read_play_spawn_weather_entity ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnLivingEntity, PlaySpawnLivingEntitySpec, test_play_spawn_living_entity, bench_write_play_spawn_living_entity, bench_read_play_spawn_living_entity ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnPainting, PlaySpawnPaintingSpec, test_play_spawn_painting, bench_write_play_spawn_painting, bench_read_play_spawn_painting ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnPlayer, PlaySpawnPlayerSpec, test_play_spawn_player, bench_write_play_spawn_player, bench_read_play_spawn_player ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityAnimation, PlayEntityAnimationSpec, test_play_entity_animation, bench_write_play_entity_animation, bench_read_play_entity_animation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayStatistics, PlayStatisticsSpec, test_play_statistics, bench_write_play_statistics, bench_read_play_statistics ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayAcknowledgePlayerDigging, PlayAcknowledgePlayerDiggingSpec, test_play_acknowledge_player_digging, bench_write_play_acknowledge_player_digging, bench_read_play_acknowledge_player_digging ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayBlockBreakAnimation, PlayBlockBreakAnimationSpec, test_play_block_break_animation, bench_write_play_block_break_animation, bench_read_play_block_break_animation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayBlockEntityData, PlayBlockEntityDataSpec, test_play_block_entity_data, bench_write_play_block_entity_data, bench_read_play_block_entity_data ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayBlockAction, PlayBlockActionSpec, test_play_block_action, bench_write_play_block_action, bench_read_play_block_action ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayBlockChange, PlayBlockChangeSpec, test_play_block_change, bench_write_play_block_change, bench_read_play_block_change ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayBossBar, PlayBossBarSpec, test_play_boss_bar, bench_write_play_boss_bar, bench_read_play_boss_bar ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerDifficulty, PlayServerDifficultySpec, test_play_server_difficulty, bench_write_play_server_difficulty, bench_read_play_server_difficulty ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerChatMessage, PlayServerChatMessageSpec, test_play_server_chat_message, bench_write_play_server_chat_message, bench_read_play_server_chat_message ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayMultiBlockChange, PlayMultiBlockChangeSpec, test_play_multi_block_change, bench_write_play_multi_block_change, bench_read_play_multi_block_change ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTabComplete, PlayTabCompleteSpec, test_play_tab_complete, bench_write_play_tab_complete, bench_read_play_tab_complete ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayDeclareCommands, PlayDeclareCommandsSpec, test_play_declare_commands, bench_write_play_declare_commands, bench_read_play_declare_commands ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerWindowConfirmation, PlayServerWindowConfirmationSpec, test_play_server_window_confirmation, bench_write_play_server_window_confirmation, bench_read_play_server_window_confirmation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerCloseWindow, PlayServerCloseWindowSpec, test_play_server_close_window, bench_write_play_server_close_window, bench_read_play_server_close_window ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayWindowItems, PlayWindowItemsSpec, test_play_window_items, bench_write_play_window_items, bench_read_play_window_items ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayWindowProperty, PlayWindowPropertySpec, test_play_window_property, bench_write_play_window_property, bench_read_play_window_property ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySetSlot, PlaySetSlotSpec, test_play_set_slot, bench_write_play_set_slot, bench_read_play_set_slot ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySetCooldown, PlaySetCooldownSpec, test_play_set_cooldown, bench_write_play_set_cooldown, bench_read_play_set_cooldown ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerPluginMessage, PlayServerPluginMessageSpec, test_play_server_plugin_message, bench_write_play_server_plugin_message, bench_read_play_server_plugin_message ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayNamedSoundEffect, PlayNamedSoundEffectSpec, test_play_named_sound_effect, bench_write_play_named_sound_effect, bench_read_play_named_sound_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayDisconnect, PlayDisconnectSpec, test_play_disconnect, bench_write_play_disconnect, bench_read_play_disconnect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityStatus, PlayEntityStatusSpec, test_play_entity_status, bench_write_play_entity_status, bench_read_play_entity_status ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayExplosion, PlayExplosionSpec, test_play_explosion, bench_write_play_explosion, bench_read_play_explosion ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUnloadChunk, PlayUnloadChunkSpec, test_play_unload_chunk, bench_write_play_unload_chunk, bench_read_play_unload_chunk ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayChangeGameState, PlayChangeGameStateSpec, test_play_change_game_state, bench_write_play_change_game_state, bench_read_play_change_game_state ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayOpenHorseWindow, PlayOpenHorseWindowSpec, test_play_open_horse_window, bench_write_play_open_horse_window, bench_read_play_open_horse_window ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerKeepAlive, PlayServerKeepAliveSpec, test_play_server_keep_alive, bench_write_play_server_keep_alive, bench_read_play_server_keep_alive ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayChunkData, PlayChunkDataWrapper, test_play_chunk_data, bench_write_play_chunk_data, bench_read_play_chunk_data ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEffect, PlayEffectSpec, test_play_effect, bench_write_play_effect, bench_read_play_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayParticle, PlayParticleSpec, test_play_particle, bench_write_play_particle, bench_read_play_particle ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateLight, PlayUpdateLightSpec, test_play_update_light, bench_write_play_update_light, bench_read_play_update_light ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayJoinGame, PlayJoinGameSpec, test_play_join_game, bench_write_play_join_game, bench_read_play_join_game ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayMapData, PlayMapDataSpec, test_play_map_data, bench_write_play_map_data, bench_read_play_map_data ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTradeList, PlayTradeListSpec, test_play_trade_list, bench_write_play_trade_list, bench_read_play_trade_list ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityPosition, PlayEntityPositionSpec, test_play_entity_position, bench_write_play_entity_position, bench_read_play_entity_position ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityPositionAndRotation, PlayEntityPositionAndRotationSpec, test_play_entity_position_and_rotation, bench_write_play_entity_position_and_rotation, bench_read_play_entity_position_and_rotation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityRotation, PlayEntityRotationSpec, test_play_entity_rotation, bench_write_play_entity_rotation, bench_read_play_entity_rotation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityMovement, PlayEntityMovementSpec, test_play_entity_movement, bench_write_play_entity_movement, bench_read_play_entity_movement ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerVehicleMove, PlayEntityVehicleMoveSpec, test_play_server_vehicle_move, bench_write_play_server_vehicle_move, bench_read_play_server_vehicle_move ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayOpenBook, PlayOpenBookSpec, test_play_open_book, bench_write_play_open_book, bench_read_play_open_book ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayOpenWindow, PlayOpenWindowSpec, test_play_open_window, bench_write_play_open_window, bench_read_play_open_window ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayOpenSignEditor, PlayOpenSignEditorSpec, test_play_open_sign_editor, bench_write_play_open_sign_editor, bench_read_play_open_sign_editor ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayCraftRecipeResponse, PlayCraftRecipeResponseSpec, test_play_craft_recipe_response, bench_write_play_craft_recipe_response, bench_read_play_craft_recipe_response ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerPlayerAbilities, PlayServerPlayerAbilitiesSpec, test_play_server_player_abilities, bench_write_play_server_player_abilities, bench_read_play_server_player_abilities ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayCombatEvent, PlayCombatEventSpec, test_play_combat_event, bench_write_play_combat_event, bench_read_play_combat_event ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayPlayerInfo, PlayPlayerInfoSpec, test_play_player_info, bench_write_play_player_info, bench_read_play_player_info ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayFacePlayer, PlayFacePlayerSpec, test_play_face_player, bench_write_play_face_player, bench_read_play_face_player ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerPlayerPositionAndLook, PlayServerPlayerPositionAndLookSpec, test_play_server_player_position_and_look, bench_write_play_server_player_position_and_look, bench_read_play_server_player_position_and_look ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUnlockRecipes, PlayUnlockRecipesSpec, test_play_unlock_recipes, bench_write_play_unlock_recipes, bench_read_play_unlock_recipes ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayDestroyEntities, PlayDestroyEntitiesSpec, test_play_destroy_entities, bench_write_play_destroy_entities, bench_read_play_destroy_entities ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayRemoveEntityEffect, PlayRemoveEntityEffectSpec, test_play_remove_entity_effect, bench_write_play_remove_entity_effect, bench_read_play_remove_entity_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayResourcePackSend, PlayResourcePackSendSpec, test_play_resource_pack_send, bench_write_play_resource_pack_send, bench_read_play_resource_pack_send ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayRespawn, PlayRespawnSpec, test_play_respawn, bench_write_play_respawn, bench_read_play_respawn ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityHeadLook, PlayEntityHeadLookSpec, test_play_entity_head_look, bench_write_play_entity_head_look, bench_read_play_entity_head_look ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySelectAdvancementTab, PlaySelectAdvancementTabSpec, test_play_select_advancement_tab, bench_write_play_select_advancement_tab, bench_read_play_select_advancement_tab ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayWorldBorder, PlayWorldBorderSpec, test_play_world_border, bench_write_play_world_border, bench_read_play_world_border ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayCamera, PlayCameraSpec, test_play_camera, bench_write_play_camera, bench_read_play_camera ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayServerHeldItemChange, PlayServerHeldItemChangeSpec, test_play_server_held_item_change, bench_write_play_server_held_item_change, bench_read_play_server_held_item_change ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateViewPosition, PlayUpdateViewPositionSpec, test_play_update_view_position, bench_write_play_update_view_position, bench_read_play_update_view_position ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateViewDistance, PlayUpdateViewDistanceSpec, test_play_update_view_distance, bench_write_play_update_view_distance, bench_read_play_update_view_distance ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayDisplayScoreboard, PlayDisplayScoreboardSpec, test_play_display_scoreboard, bench_write_play_display_scoreboard, bench_read_play_display_scoreboard ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityMetadata, PlayEntityMetadataSpec, test_play_entity_metadata, bench_write_play_entity_metadata, bench_read_play_entity_metadata ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayAttachEntity, PlayAttachEntitySpec, test_play_attach_entity, bench_write_play_attach_entity, bench_read_play_attach_entity ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityVelocity, PlayEntityVelocitySpec, test_play_entity_velocity, bench_write_play_entity_velocity, bench_read_play_entity_velocity ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityEquipment, PlayEntityEquiptmentSpec, test_play_entity_equipment, bench_write_play_entity_equipment, bench_read_play_entity_equipment ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySetExperience, PlaySetExperienceSpec, test_play_set_experience, bench_write_play_set_experience, bench_read_play_set_experience ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdatehealth, PlayUpdateHealthSpec, test_play_updatehealth, bench_write_play_updatehealth, bench_read_play_updatehealth ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayScoreboardObjective, PlayScoreboardObjectiveSpec, test_play_scoreboard_objective, bench_write_play_scoreboard_objective, bench_read_play_scoreboard_objective ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySetPassengers, PlaySetPassengersSpec, test_play_set_passengers, bench_write_play_set_passengers, bench_read_play_set_passengers ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTeams, PlayTeamsSpec, test_play_teams, bench_write_play_teams, bench_read_play_teams ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateScore, PlayUpdateScoreSpec, test_play_update_score, bench_write_play_update_score, bench_read_play_update_score ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpawnPosition, PlaySpawnPositionSpec, test_play_spawn_position, bench_write_play_spawn_position, bench_read_play_spawn_position ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTimeUpdate, PlayTimeUpdateSpec, test_play_time_update, bench_write_play_time_update, bench_read_play_time_update ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTitle, PlayTitleSpec, test_play_title, bench_write_play_title, bench_read_play_title ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntitySoundEffect, PlayEntitySoundEffectSpec, test_play_entity_sound_effect, bench_write_play_entity_sound_effect, bench_read_play_entity_sound_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySoundEffect, PlaySoundEffectSpec, test_play_sound_effect, bench_write_play_sound_effect, bench_read_play_sound_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayerPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, PlayPlayerListHeaderAndFooterSpec, test_player_player_list_header_and_footer, bench_write_player_player_list_header_and_footer, bench_read_player_player_list_header_and_footer ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayNbtQueryResponse, PlayNbtQueryResponseSpec, test_play_nbt_query_response, bench_write_play_nbt_query_response, bench_read_play_nbt_query_response ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayCollectItem, PlayCollectItemSpec, test_play_collect_item, bench_write_play_collect_item, bench_read_play_collect_item ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityTeleport, PlayEntityTeleportSpec, test_play_entity_teleport, bench_write_play_entity_teleport, bench_read_play_entity_teleport ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayAdvancements, PlayAdvancementsSpec, test_play_advancements, bench_write_play_advancements, bench_read_play_advancements ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityProperties, PlayEntityPropertiesSpec, test_play_entity_properties, bench_write_play_entity_properties, bench_read_play_entity_properties ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityEffect, PlayEntityEffectSpec, test_play_entity_effect, bench_write_play_entity_effect, bench_read_play_entity_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayDeclareRecipes, PlayDeclareRecipesSpec, test_play_declare_recipes, bench_write_play_declare_recipes, bench_read_play_declare_recipes ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTags, PlayTagsSpec, test_play_tags, bench_write_play_tags, bench_read_play_tags ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayTeleportConfirm, PlayTeleportConfirmSpec, test_play_teleport_confirm, bench_write_play_teleport_confirm, bench_read_play_teleport_confirm ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayQueryBlockNbt, PlayQueryBlockNbtSpec, test_play_query_block_nbt, bench_write_play_query_block_nbt, bench_read_play_query_block_nbt ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayQueryEntityNbt, PlayQueryEntityNbtSpec, test_play_query_entity_nbt, bench_write_play_query_entity_nbt, bench_read_play_query_entity_nbt ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySetDifficulty, PlaySetDifficultySpec, test_play_set_difficulty, bench_write_play_set_difficulty, bench_read_play_set_difficulty ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientChatMessage, PlayClientChatMessageSpec, test_play_client_chat_message, bench_write_play_client_chat_message, bench_read_play_client_chat_message ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientStatus, PlayClientStatusSpec, test_play_client_status, bench_write_play_client_status, bench_read_play_client_status ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientSettings, PlayClientSettingsSpec, test_play_client_settings, bench_write_play_client_settings, bench_read_play_client_settings ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientTabComplete, PlayClientTabCompleteSpec, test_play_client_tab_complete, bench_write_play_client_tab_complete, bench_read_play_client_tab_complete ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientWindowConfirmation, PlayClientWindowConfirmationSpec, test_play_client_window_confirmation, bench_write_play_client_window_confirmation, bench_read_play_client_window_confirmation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClickWindowButton, PlayClickWindowButtonSpec, test_play_click_window_button, bench_write_play_click_window_button, bench_read_play_click_window_button ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClickWindow, PlayClickWindowSpec, test_play_click_window, bench_write_play_click_window, bench_read_play_click_window ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientCloseWindow, PlayClientCloseWindowSpec, test_play_client_close_window, bench_write_play_client_close_window, bench_read_play_client_close_window ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientPluginMessage, PlayClientPluginMessageSpec, test_play_client_plugin_message, bench_write_play_client_plugin_message, bench_read_play_client_plugin_message ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEditBook, PlayEditBookSpec, test_play_edit_book, bench_write_play_edit_book, bench_read_play_edit_book ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayInteractEntity, PlayInteractEntitySpec, test_play_interact_entity, bench_write_play_interact_entity, bench_read_play_interact_entity ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientKeepAlive, PlayClientKeepAliveSpec, test_play_client_keep_alive, bench_write_play_client_keep_alive, bench_read_play_client_keep_alive ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayLockDifficulty, PlayLockDifficultySpec, test_play_lock_difficulty, bench_write_play_lock_difficulty, bench_read_play_lock_difficulty ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayPlayerPosition, PlayPlayerPositionSpec, test_play_player_position, bench_write_play_player_position, bench_read_play_player_position ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientPlayerPositionAndRotation, PlayClientPlayerPositionAndRotationSpec, test_play_client_player_position_and_rotation, bench_write_play_client_player_position_and_rotation, bench_read_play_client_player_position_and_rotation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayPlayerRotation, PlayPlayerRotationSpec, test_play_player_rotation, bench_write_play_player_rotation, bench_read_play_player_rotation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayPlayerMovement, PlayPlayerMovementSpec, test_play_player_movement, bench_write_play_player_movement, bench_read_play_player_movement ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientVehicleMove, PlayClientVehicleMoveSpec, test_play_client_vehicle_move, bench_write_play_client_vehicle_move, bench_read_play_client_vehicle_move ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySteerBoat, PlaySteerBoatSpec, test_play_steer_boat, bench_write_play_steer_boat, bench_read_play_steer_boat ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayPickItem, PlayPickItemSpec, test_play_pick_item, bench_write_play_pick_item, bench_read_play_pick_item ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayCraftRecipeRequest, PlayCraftRecipeRequestSpec, test_play_craft_recipe_request, bench_write_play_craft_recipe_request, bench_read_play_craft_recipe_request ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientPlayerAbilities, PlayClientPlayerAbilitiesSpec, test_play_client_player_abilities, bench_write_play_client_player_abilities, bench_read_play_client_player_abilities ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayPlayerDigging, PlayPlayerDiggingSpec, test_play_player_digging, bench_write_play_player_digging, bench_read_play_player_digging ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayEntityAction, PlayEntityActionSpec, test_play_entity_action, bench_write_play_entity_action, bench_read_play_entity_action ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySteerVehicle, PlaySteerVehicleSpec, test_play_steer_vehicle, bench_write_play_steer_vehicle, bench_read_play_steer_vehicle ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayNameItem, PlayNameItemSpec, test_play_name_item, bench_write_play_name_item, bench_read_play_name_item ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayResourcePackStatus, PlayResourcePackStatusSpec, test_play_resource_pack_status, bench_write_play_resource_pack_status, bench_read_play_resource_pack_status ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySelectTrade, PlaySelectTradeSpec, test_play_select_trade, bench_write_play_select_trade, bench_read_play_select_trade ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySetBeaconEffect, PlaySetBeaconEffectSpec, test_play_set_beacon_effect, bench_write_play_set_beacon_effect, bench_read_play_set_beacon_effect ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientHeldItemChange, PlayClientHeldItemChangeSpec, test_play_client_held_item_change, bench_write_play_client_held_item_change, bench_read_play_client_held_item_change ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateCommandBlock, PlayUpdateCommandBlockSpec, test_play_update_command_block, bench_write_play_update_command_block, bench_read_play_update_command_block ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateCommandBlockMinecart, PlayUpdateCommandBlockMinecartSpec, test_play_update_command_block_minecart, bench_write_play_update_command_block_minecart, bench_read_play_update_command_block_minecart ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayCreativeInventoryAction, PlayCreativeInventoryActionSpec, test_play_creative_inventory_action, bench_write_play_creative_inventory_action, bench_read_play_creative_inventory_action ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateJigsawBlock, PlayUpdateJigsawBlockSpec, test_play_update_jigsaw_block, bench_write_play_update_jigsaw_block, bench_read_play_update_jigsaw_block ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateStructureBlock, PlayUpdateStructureBlockSpec, test_play_update_structure_block, bench_write_play_update_structure_block, bench_read_play_update_structure_block ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUpdateSign, PlayUpdateSignSpec, test_play_update_sign, bench_write_play_update_sign, bench_read_play_update_sign ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayClientAnimation, PlayClientAnimationSpec, test_play_client_animation, bench_write_play_client_animation, bench_read_play_client_animation ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlaySpectate, PlaySpectateSpec, test_play_spectate, bench_write_play_spectate, bench_read_play_spectate ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayBlockPlacement, PlayBlockPlacementSpec, test_play_block_placement, bench_write_play_block_placement, bench_read_play_block_placement ); packet_test_cases!( Packet578, PlayUseItem, PlayUseItemSpec, test_play_use_item, bench_write_play_use_item, bench_read_play_use_item ); // trust me, this is some cutting edge shit // I'm definitely not generating code using a unit test #[test] fn test_generate_test_cases() { Packet578::describe().packets.iter().map(move |packet| { let snake_case = to_snake_case(; format!("packet_test_cases!(Packet578, {}, {},\n test_{}, bench_write_{}, bench_read_{});\n",, packet.body_struct, snake_case, snake_case, snake_case).to_owned() }).for_each(move |line| { println!("{}", line) }) } fn to_snake_case(camel: String) -> String { let mut parts = Vec::new(); let mut buf = String::new(); for c in camel.chars() { if !buf.is_empty() && char::is_uppercase(c) { parts.push(buf); buf = String::new(); } buf.push(c.to_ascii_lowercase()); } if !buf.is_empty() { parts.push(buf); } parts.join("_") } }