module buildclient.config.BuildConfig where import buildclient.config.BuildParser () :: Maybe b -> a -> Either a b () = flip maybeToEither (<#>) :: (c -> Maybe b) -> a -> (c -> Either a b) (<#>) f a b = f b a maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b maybeToEither _ (Just v) = Right v maybeToEither e _ = Left e extractSingleArg :: ASTDirective -> Maybe ASTValue extractSingleArg (ASTDirective _ [value] []) = Just value extractSingleArg _ = Nothing getArgDirective :: String -> [ASTDirective] -> Maybe ASTValue getArgDirective name directives = findDirective name directives >>= extractSingleArg getTypedArg :: String -> String -> [ASTDirective] -> (ASTValue -> Maybe a) -> Either String a getTypedArg name label directives mapper = (findDirective name directives ("Please add the missing " ++ label)) >>= (extractSingleArg <#> ("Please add an argument to the " ++ label)) >>= (mapper <#> ("Invalid argument type for " ++ label)) getArg :: ASTDirective -> Int -> Maybe ASTValue getArg (ASTDirective _ args _) = getArg' args where getArg' (a : _) 0 = Just a getArg' (a : as) i = getArg' as (i - 1) getArg' [] _ = Nothing toString :: ASTValue -> Maybe String toString (ASTValue.ASTString str) = Just str toString (ASTValue.ASTWord str) = Just str toString _ = Nothing expectString :: ASTValue -> Maybe String expectString (ASTValue.ASTString str) = Just str expectString _ = Nothing expectNumber :: ASTValue -> Maybe Int expectNumber (ASTValue.ASTNumber num) = Just num expectNumber _ = Nothing maybeOr :: a -> Maybe a -> a maybeOr _ (Just x) = x maybeOr x Nothing = x data ArchiveFormat = Zip derive Show ArchiveFormat data BuildSource = GitSource {upstream :: String, branch :: Maybe String} | HttpSource { url::String, format :: ArchiveFormat, archiveRoot :: Maybe String, skipDirs :: Int } derive Show BuildSource findSource :: ASTDirective -> Either String BuildSource findSource (ASTDirective _ [ASTWord "git"] block) = do upstream <- getTypedArg "upstream" "git upstream directive" block expectString return $ GitSource upstream (getArgDirective "branch" block >>= expectString) findSource (ASTDirective _ [ASTWord "http"] block) = do url <- getTypedArg "url" "url" block expectString format <- getTypedArg "format" "format" block (\x -> toString x >>= parseFormat) return $ HttpSource url format (getArgDirective "root" block >>= expectString) $ maybeOr 0 (getArgDirective "skipDirs" block >>= expectNumber) where parseFormat "zip" = Just ArchiveFormat.Zip parseFormat _ = Nothing findSource (ASTDirective _ [ASTWord name] _) = fail ("Unknown source type " ++ name) findSource _ = fail "Please provide a source type" data BuildSystem = GradleBuild { task::String, project :: Maybe String, extraProperties :: [(String, String)] } derive Show BuildSystem findBuildSystem :: ASTDirective -> Either String BuildSystem findBuildSystem (ASTDirective _ [ASTWord "gradle"] block) = do task <- getTypedArg "task" "gradle task" block expectString let extraProperties = findDirectives "property" block >>= parseExtraProperty return $ GradleBuild task (getArgDirective "project" block >>= expectString) extraProperties where parseExtraProperty directive = maybeToList $ do name <- (getArg directive 0 >>= expectString) value <- (getArg directive 1 >>= expectString) return (name,value) findBuildSystem _ = fail "Please provide a build system" parseBuildConfig :: [ASTDirective] -> Either String BuildConfig parseBuildConfig directives = do version <- getTypedArg "schema" "schema" directives expectNumber when (version != 1) $ fail "Invalid schema version. Needs to be 1" modid <- getTypedArg "modid" "modid" directives expectString label <- getTypedArg "label" "label" directives expectString description <- getTypedArg "description" "description" directives expectString author <- getTypedArg "author" "author" directives expectString source <- findDirective "source" directives "Please provide a source block" >>= findSource build <- findDirective "build" directives "Please provide a build block" >>= findBuildSystem return $ BuildConfig modid label description author (getArgDirective "webpresence" directives >>= expectString) source build parseBuildConfigStr :: String -> Either String BuildConfig parseBuildConfigStr str = reportErr tokens >> (runParser parseFile tokens) >>= parseBuildConfig where reportErr (Token.ERROR position msg:_) = fail ("Error at position " ++ (show position) ++ ": " ++ msg) reportErr (_:as) = reportErr as reportErr _ = return () tokens = lexer str data BuildConfig = BuildConfig { modid :: String , label :: String , description :: String , author :: String , webpresence :: Maybe String , source :: BuildSource , build :: BuildSystem } derive Show BuildConfig