plugins { `maven-publish` signing java id("io.freefair.lombok") version "6.5.1" } group = "moe.nea" version = "1.0.1" allprojects { apply(plugin = "java") tasks.withType(JavaCompile::class) { sourceCompatibility = "1.8" targetCompatibility = "1.8" } repositories { mavenCentral() } } project(":updater") { tasks.jar { archiveFileName.set("updater.jar") manifest { attributes( mapOf( "Main-Class" to "moe.nea.libautoupdate.postexit.PostExitMain" ) ) } } } dependencies { @Suppress("VulnerableLibrariesLocal") // We use this version of gson, because this is intended to be used for minecraft 1.8.9 (which bundles that gson version) implementation("") } java { withJavadocJar() withSourcesJar() } tasks.javadoc { isFailOnError = false } tasks.processResources { val updateJar = tasks.getByPath(":updater:jar") from(updateJar.outputs) } publishing { publications { create("maven") { from(components["java"]) pom { licenses { license { name.set("BSD-2-Clause") } } developers { developer { name.set("Linnea Gräf") } } scm { url.set("") } } } } repositories { maven("") { name = "neamoeReleases" credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } } }