package com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.config; import; import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.SkyblockHud; import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.core.GuiScreenElementWrapper; import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.core.config.Config; import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.core.config.Position; import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.core.config.annotations.*; import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.core.config.gui.GuiPositionEditor; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; public class SBHConfig extends Config { private void editOverlay(String activeConfig, int width, int height, Position position) { Minecraft .getMinecraft() .displayGuiScreen( new GuiPositionEditor( position, width, height, () -> {}, () -> {}, () -> SkyblockHud.screenToOpen = new GuiScreenElementWrapper(new SBHConfigEditor(SkyblockHud.config, activeConfig)) ) ); } @Override public void executeRunnable(String runnableId) { String activeConfigCategory = null; if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiScreenElementWrapper) { GuiScreenElementWrapper wrapper = (GuiScreenElementWrapper) Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen; if (wrapper.element instanceof SBHConfigEditor) { activeConfigCategory = ((SBHConfigEditor) wrapper.element).getSelectedCategoryName(); } } switch (runnableId) { case "rpg": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 120, 47, rpg.rpgHudPosition); return; case "d1": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 120, 32, dungeon.dungeonPlayer1); return; case "d2": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 120, 32, dungeon.dungeonPlayer2); return; case "d3": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 120, 32, dungeon.dungeonPlayer3); return; case "d4": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 120, 32, dungeon.dungeonPlayer4); return; case "main": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 1000, 34, main.mainHudPos); return; case "ultimate": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 182, 5, dungeon.barPosition); return; case "map": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 72, 72, map.miniMapPosition); return; case "tracker": editOverlay(activeConfigCategory, 120, 70, trackers.trackerPosition); return; } } @Expose @Category(name = "Misc Options", desc = "Just a bunch of random options.") public Misc misc = new Misc(); @Expose @Category(name = "Main Hud", desc = "All Options for the main hud.") public MainHud main = new MainHud(); @Expose @Category(name = "RPG Hud", desc = "All Options for the RPG hud.") public RPGHud rpg = new RPGHud(); @Expose @Category(name = "Dungeon Hud", desc = "All Options for the Dungeon hud.") public DungeonHud dungeon = new DungeonHud(); @Expose @Category(name = "Renderer", desc = "All Options for rendering.") public Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); @Expose @Category(name = "Map", desc = "All Options for the Map.") public Map map = new Map(); @Expose @Category(name = "Tracker", desc = "All Options for the Trackers.") public Trackers trackers = new Trackers(); public static class Misc { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Scoreboard", desc = "Hides the scoreboard when in skyblock.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideScoreboard = false; } public static class MainHud { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Main Hud Position", desc = "") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "main", buttonText = "Edit") public Position mainHudPos = new Position(0, 1, true, false); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Twelve Hour Clock", desc = "Allows you to change the clock to be 12 hour instead of 24 hour.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean twelveHourClock = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Shift hud with boss", desc = "Shifts the hud when bossbar is visible.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean bossShiftHud = true; @Expose @ConfigOption( name = "Require Redstone", desc = "Allows to make it so that the redstone percentage requires you to hold a redstone item to show." ) @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean requireRedstone = true; } public static class RPGHud { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Show RPG Hud", desc = "Allows you to show or hide the RPG Hud.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean showRpgHud = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "RPG Hud Position", desc = "Allows you to change the position of the RPG Hud.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "rpg", buttonText = "Edit") public Position rpgHudPosition = new Position(1, 1); } public static class DungeonHud { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Dungeon Ultimate Bar", desc = "") @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 2) public boolean ultimateBar = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Ultimate Bar", desc = "Hides the custom ultimate bar.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public boolean hideUltimateBar = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Bar Position", desc = "Change the position of the bar.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "ultimate", buttonText = "Edit") @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public Position barPosition = new Position(0, 50, true, false); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Bar Loading Color", desc = "The color of the bar when its loading.") @ConfigEditorColour @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public String barLoadColor = "159:0:0:0:255"; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Bar Full Color", desc = "The color of the bar when its full.") @ConfigEditorColour @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public String barFullColor = "255:0:0:0:255"; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Bar Style", desc = "Change the style of the bar") @ConfigEditorDropdown(values = { "No Notch", "6 Notch", "10 Notch", "12 Notch", "20 Notch" }) @ConfigAccordionId(id = 2) public int barStyle = 2; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Dungeon Players", desc = "") @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 1) public boolean dungeonPlayerAccordion = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Dungeon Players", desc = "Allows you to hide the dungeon player hud") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean hideDungeonPlayers = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Dungeon Player Opacity", desc = "Allows you to change the opacity of the dungeon players.") @ConfigEditorSlider(minValue = 0, maxValue = 100, minStep = 1) @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public int dungeonPlayerOpacity = 0; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Dead Players", desc = "Allows you to hide players that are dead or have left.") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public boolean hideDeadDungeonPlayers = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Player Position 1", desc = "Change the position of this dungeon player.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "d1", buttonText = "Edit") @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public Position dungeonPlayer1 = new Position(5, 5); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Player Position 2", desc = "Change the position of this dungeon player.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "d2", buttonText = "Edit") @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public Position dungeonPlayer2 = new Position(5, 42); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Player Position 3", desc = "Change the position of this dungeon player.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "d3", buttonText = "Edit") @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public Position dungeonPlayer3 = new Position(5, 79); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Player Position 4", desc = "Change the position of this dungeon player.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "d4", buttonText = "Edit") @ConfigAccordionId(id = 1) public Position dungeonPlayer4 = new Position(5, 116); } public static class Renderer { @Expose @ConfigOption( name = "Hide Boss Bar", desc = "Hides Boss Bar when certain conditions are met such as the name is just wither or it starts with objective:" ) @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideBossBar = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide XP Bar", desc = "Hides xp bar.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideXpBar = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Food", desc = "Hides food.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideFood = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide air", desc = "Hides air.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideAir = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide hearts", desc = "Hides hearts.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideHearts = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide armor", desc = "Hides armor.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideArmor = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Animal Hearts", desc = "Hides Animal Hearts.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideAnimalHearts = true; } public static class Map { @Expose @ConfigOption( name = "Show Player Location", desc = "This feature is off by default as Hypixel's rules are so vague that this would fall under their disallowed modifications." ) @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean showPlayerLocation = false; @Expose @ConfigOption( name = "Show Mini-Map", desc = "Shows the Mini-Map on your overlay if turned off you can still use /sbhmap to see the map in fullscreen." ) @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean showMiniMap = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Mini-Map Position", desc = "Allows you to change the position of the Mini-Map.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "map", buttonText = "Edit") public Position miniMapPosition = new Position(0, 100, false, false); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Icons", desc = "") @ConfigEditorAccordion(id = 3) public boolean icons = false; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "NPC", desc = "Show NPC Icons") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3) public boolean showNpcIcons = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Info", desc = "Show Info Icons") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3) public boolean showInfoIcons = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Misc", desc = "Show Misc Icons") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3) public boolean showMiscIcons = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Shops", desc = "Show Shop Icons") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3) public boolean showShopIcons = true; @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Quests", desc = "Show Quest Icons") @ConfigEditorBoolean @ConfigAccordionId(id = 3) public boolean showQuestIcons = false; } public static class Trackers { @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Tracker Position", desc = "Allows you to change the position of the Trackers.") @ConfigEditorButton(runnableId = "tracker", buttonText = "Edit") public Position trackerPosition = new Position(-1, 200); @Expose @ConfigOption(name = "Hide Tracker", desc = "It will still track the data just in case.") @ConfigEditorBoolean public boolean hideTracker = false; } }