diff options
authorhannibal2 <24389977+hannibal00212@users.noreply.github.com>2023-07-10 20:48:43 +0200
committerhannibal2 <24389977+hannibal00212@users.noreply.github.com>2023-07-10 20:48:43 +0200
commitdf6054cc8923ea93105dc94c683b8b95318a98f4 (patch)
parentf477725cc246d4600b5dd694165bcd9cdfa5c38f (diff)
added /shcommands
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt
index cec63122e..237b0afe3 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/config/commands/Commands.kt
@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.TestBingo
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.test.command.*
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.APIUtil
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils
+import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender
+import net.minecraft.event.ClickEvent
+import net.minecraft.event.HoverEvent
+import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText
import net.minecraftforge.client.ClientCommandHandler
object Commands {
@@ -47,61 +51,207 @@ object Commands {
+ // command -> description
+ private val commands = mutableListOf<CommandInfo>()
+ enum class CommandCategory(val color: String, val categoryName: String, val description: String) {
+ MAIN("§6", "Main Command", "Most useful commands of SkyHanni"),
+ USERS_NORMAL("§e", "Normal Command", "Normal Command for everyone to use"),
+ USERS_BUG_FIX("§f", "User Bug Fix", "A Command to fix small bugs"),
+ "§5", "Developer Coding Help",
+ "A Command that can help with developing new features. §cIntended for developers only!"
+ ),
+ "§9", "Developer Debug Features",
+ "A Command that is useful for monitoring/debugging existing features. §cIntended for developers only!"
+ ),
+ INTERNAL("§8", "Internal Command", "A Command that should §cnever §7be called manually!"),
+ }
+ class CommandInfo(val name: String, val description: String, val category: CommandCategory)
+ private var currentCategory = CommandCategory.MAIN
fun init() {
+ currentCategory = CommandCategory.MAIN
+ usersMain()
+ currentCategory = CommandCategory.USERS_NORMAL
+ usersNormal()
+ currentCategory = CommandCategory.USERS_BUG_FIX
+ usersBugFix()
- // main commands
- registerCommand("sh", openMainMenu)
- registerCommand("skyhanni", openMainMenu)
- registerCommand("ff") { openFortuneGuide() }
- // for users - regular commands
- registerCommand("shmarkplayer") { MarkedPlayerManager.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shtrackcollection") { CollectionCounter.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shsetapikey") { ApiDataLoader.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shcropspeedmeter") { CropSpeedMeter.toggle() }
- registerCommand("shcroptime") { GardenCropTimeCommand.onCommand(it) }
- registerCommand("shshareinquis") { InquisitorWaypointShare.sendInquisitor() }
- registerCommand("shrpcstart") { DiscordRPCManager.startCommand() }
- registerCommand("shcropstartlocation") { GardenStartLocation.setLocationCommand() }
- registerCommand("shstopcityprojectreminder") { CityProjectFeatures.disable() }
- registerCommand("shclearslayerprofits") { SlayerItemProfitTracker.clearProfitCommand(it) }
- registerCommand("shimportghostcounterdata") { GhostCounter.importCTGhostCounterData() }
- registerCommand("shclearfarmingitems") { clearFarmingItems() }
- registerCommand("shresetghostcounter") { GhostCounter.reset() }
- // for users - fix bugs
- registerCommand("shupdaterepo") { SkyHanniMod.repo.updateRepo() }
- registerCommand("shconfigsave") { SkyHanniMod.configManager.saveConfig("manual-command") }
- registerCommand("shresetburrowwarps") { BurrowWarpHelper.resetDisabledWarps() }
- registerCommand("shtogglehypixelapierrors") { APIUtil.toggleApiErrorMessages() }
- registerCommand("shclearcropspeed") { GardenAPI.clearCropSpeed() }
- registerCommand("shclearminiondata") { MinionFeatures.clearMinionData() }
- // for developers - debug existing features
- registerCommand("shtest") { SkyHanniTestCommand.testCommand(it) }
- registerCommand("shtestbingo") { TestBingo.toggle() }
- registerCommand("shprintbingohelper") { BingoNextStepHelper.command() }
- registerCommand("shreloadbingodata") { BingoCardDisplay.command() }
- registerCommand("shtestgardenvisitors") { SkyHanniTestCommand.testGardenVisitors() }
- registerCommand("shtestcomposter") { ComposterOverlay.onCommand(it) }
- registerCommand("shtestinquisitor") { InquisitorWaypointShare.test() }
- registerCommand("shshowcropmoneycalculation") { CropMoneyDisplay.toggleShowCalculation() }
- // for developers - coding help
- registerCommand("shreloadlocalrepo") { SkyHanniMod.repo.reloadLocalRepo() }
- registerCommand("shstoplisteners") { SkyHanniTestCommand.stopListeners() }
- registerCommand("shreloadlisteners") { SkyHanniTestCommand.reloadListeners() }
- registerCommand("shcopylocation") { SkyHanniTestCommand.copyLocation(it) }
- registerCommand("shcopyentities") { CopyNearbyEntitiesCommand.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shcopytablist") { CopyTabListCommand.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shcopyscoreboard") { CopyScoreboardCommand.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shcopyitem") { CopyItemCommand.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shcopyparticles") { CopyNearbyParticlesCommand.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shtestpacket") { PacketTest.toggle() }
- registerCommand("shtestmessage") { TestChatCommand.command(it) }
- registerCommand("shcopyerror") { CopyErrorCommand.command(it) }
+ currentCategory = CommandCategory.DEVELOPER_CODING_HELP
+ developersCodingHelp()
+ currentCategory = CommandCategory.DEVELOPER_DEBUG_FEATURES
+ developersDebugFeatures()
+ currentCategory = CommandCategory.INTERNAL
+ internalCommands()
+ }
+ private fun usersMain() {
+ registerCommand("sh", "Opens the main SkyHanni config", openMainMenu)
+ registerCommand("skyhanni", "Opens the main SkyHanni config", openMainMenu)
+ registerCommand("ff", "Opens the Farming Fortune Guide") { openFortuneGuide() }
+ registerCommand("shcommands", "Shows this list") { commandHelp(it) }
+ }
+ private fun usersNormal() {
+ registerCommand(
+ "shmarkplayer",
+ "Add a highlight effect to a player for better visibility"
+ ) { MarkedPlayerManager.command(it) }
+ registerCommand("shtrackcollection", "Tracks your collection gain over time") { CollectionCounter.command(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcroptime",
+ "Calculates with your current crop per second speed how long you need to farm a crop to collect this amount of items"
+ ) { GardenCropTimeCommand.onCommand(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shrpcstart",
+ "Manually starts the Discord Rich Presence feature"
+ ) { DiscordRPCManager.startCommand() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcropstartlocation",
+ "Manually sets the crop start location"
+ ) { GardenStartLocation.setLocationCommand() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shclearslayerprofits",
+ "Clearing the total slayer profit for the current slayer type"
+ ) { SlayerItemProfitTracker.clearProfitCommand(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shimportghostcounterdata",
+ "Manually importing the ghost counter data from GhostCounterV3"
+ ) { GhostCounter.importCTGhostCounterData() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shclearfarmingitems",
+ "Clear farming items saved for the Farming Fortune Guide"
+ ) { clearFarmingItems() }
+ registerCommand("shresetghostcounter", "Resets the ghost counter stats") { GhostCounter.reset() }
+ }
+ private fun usersBugFix() {
+ registerCommand("shupdaterepo", "Download the Skyhanni repo again") { SkyHanniMod.repo.updateRepo() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shsetapikey",
+ "Manually set the api key (§cThis command will get removed soon§7)"
+ ) { ApiDataLoader.command(it) } // TODO remove with api
+ registerCommand(
+ "shresetburrowwarps",
+ "Manually resetting disabled diana burrow warp points"
+ ) { BurrowWarpHelper.resetDisabledWarps() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shtogglehypixelapierrors",
+ "Show/hide hypixel api error messages in chat"
+ ) { APIUtil.toggleApiErrorMessages() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shclearcropspeed",
+ "Reset garden crop speed data and best crop time data"
+ ) { GardenAPI.clearCropSpeed() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shclearminiondata",
+ "Reset data about minion profit and the name display on the private island"
+ ) { MinionFeatures.clearMinionData() }
+ }
+ private fun developersDebugFeatures() {
+ registerCommand("shtestbingo", "dev command") { TestBingo.toggle() }
+ registerCommand("shprintbingohelper", "dev command") { BingoNextStepHelper.command() }
+ registerCommand("shreloadbingodata", "dev command") { BingoCardDisplay.command() }
+ registerCommand("shtestgardenvisitors", "dev command") { SkyHanniTestCommand.testGardenVisitors() }
+ registerCommand("shtestcomposter", "dev command") { ComposterOverlay.onCommand(it) }
+ registerCommand("shtestinquisitor", "dev command") { InquisitorWaypointShare.test() }
+ registerCommand("shshowcropmoneycalculation", "dev command") { CropMoneyDisplay.toggleShowCalculation() }
+ registerCommand("shcropspeedmeter", "Debugs how many crops you collect over time") { CropSpeedMeter.toggle() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shconfigsave",
+ "Manually saving the config"
+ ) { SkyHanniMod.configManager.saveConfig("manual-command") }
+ }
+ private fun developersCodingHelp() {
+ registerCommand("shtest", "Unused test command.") { SkyHanniTestCommand.testCommand(it) }
+ registerCommand("shreloadlocalrepo", "Reloading the local repo data") { SkyHanniMod.repo.reloadLocalRepo() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shstoplisteners",
+ "Unregistering all loaded forge event listeners"
+ ) { SkyHanniTestCommand.stopListeners() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shreloadlisteners",
+ "Trying to load all forge event listeners again. Might not work at all"
+ ) { SkyHanniTestCommand.reloadListeners() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcopylocation",
+ "Copies the player location as LorenzVec format to the clipboard"
+ ) { SkyHanniTestCommand.copyLocation(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcopyentities",
+ "Copies entities in the specified radius around the player to the clipboard"
+ ) { CopyNearbyEntitiesCommand.command(it) }
+ registerCommand("shcopytablist", "Copies the tab list data to the clipboard") { CopyTabListCommand.command(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcopyscoreboard",
+ "Copies the scoreboard data to the clipboard"
+ ) { CopyScoreboardCommand.command(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcopyitem",
+ "Copies information about the item in hand to the clipboard"
+ ) { CopyItemCommand.command(it) }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shcopyparticles",
+ "Copied information about the particles that spawn in the next 50ms to the clipboard"
+ ) { CopyNearbyParticlesCommand.command(it) }
+ registerCommand("shtestpacket", "Logs incoming and outgoing packets to the console") { PacketTest.toggle() }
+ registerCommand(
+ "shtestmessage",
+ "Sends a custom chat message client side in the chat"
+ ) { TestChatCommand.command(it) }
+ }
+ private fun internalCommands() {
+ registerCommand("shshareinquis", "") { InquisitorWaypointShare.sendInquisitor() }
+ registerCommand("shcopyerror", "") { CopyErrorCommand.command(it) }
+ registerCommand("shstopcityprojectreminder", "") { CityProjectFeatures.disable() }
+ }
+ private fun commandHelp(args: Array<String>) {
+ var filter: (String) -> Boolean = { true }
+ val title: String
+ if (args.size == 1) {
+ val searchTerm = args[0].lowercase()
+ filter = { it.lowercase().contains(searchTerm) }
+ title = "SkyHanni commands with '§e$searchTerm§7'"
+ } else {
+ title = "All SkyHanni commands"
+ }
+ val base = ChatComponentText(" \n§7$title:\n")
+ for (command in commands) {
+ if (!filter(command.name) && !filter(command.description)) continue
+ val category = command.category
+ val name = command.name
+ val color = category.color
+ val text = ChatComponentText("$color/$name")
+ text.chatStyle.chatClickEvent = ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.SUGGEST_COMMAND, "/$name")
+ val hoverText = buildList {
+ add("§e/$name")
+ add(" §7${command.description}")
+ add("")
+ add("$color${category.categoryName}")
+ add(" §7${category.description}")
+ }
+ text.chatStyle.chatHoverEvent =
+ HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, ChatComponentText(hoverText.joinToString("\n")))
+ base.appendSibling(text)
+ base.appendSibling(ChatComponentText("§7, "))
+ }
+ base.appendSibling(ChatComponentText("\n "))
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(base)
@@ -121,8 +271,9 @@ object Commands {
- private fun registerCommand(name: String, function: (Array<String>) -> Unit) {
+ private fun registerCommand(name: String, description: String, function: (Array<String>) -> Unit) {
ClientCommandHandler.instance.registerCommand(SimpleCommand(name, createCommand(function)))
+ commands.add(CommandInfo(name, description, currentCategory))
private fun createCommand(function: (Array<String>) -> Unit) =