path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc
diff options
authorEric W <42985687+ericpretzel@users.noreply.github.com>2023-09-02 01:24:51 -0700
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-09-02 10:24:51 +0200
commitaadd078953fbe7dad281d61fdad7504eaf196053 (patch)
tree17e4ea0aa21b7764b8449089756d99be17cf2349 /src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc
parent842a02b0c7a43a9157f220e5ca3f071f7c6be711 (diff)
feat: show alert when reaching max superpairs clicks (#413)
Show alert when reaching max super-pairs clicks #413
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/SuperpairsClicksAlert.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/SuperpairsClicksAlert.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bb1acb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/misc/SuperpairsClicksAlert.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.misc
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.InventoryOpenEvent
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.InventoryUpdatedEvent
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.ItemUtils.getLore
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.SoundUtils
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.removeColor
+import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent
+class SuperpairsClicksAlert {
+ private val config get() = SkyHanniMod.feature.misc
+ private var roundsNeeded = -1
+ private var roundsNeededRegex = Regex("""(?:Chain|Series) of (\d+):""")
+ private var currentRoundRegex = Regex("""Round: (\d+)""")
+ private val targetInventoryNames = arrayOf("Chronomatron", "Ultrasequencer")
+ @SubscribeEvent
+ fun onInventoryOpen(event: InventoryOpenEvent) {
+ if (!config.superpairsClicksAlert) return
+ if (!targetInventoryNames.any { event.inventoryName.contains(it) }) return
+ // player may have drank Metaphysical Serum which reduces clicks needed by up to 3, so need to parse it
+ for (i in 24 downTo 20) {
+ val lore = event.inventoryItems[i]?.getLore() ?: continue
+ if (lore.any { it.contains("Practice mode has no rewards") }) {
+ roundsNeeded = -1
+ break
+ }
+ val match = lore.asReversed().firstNotNullOfOrNull { roundsNeededRegex.find(it.removeColor()) } ?: continue
+ roundsNeeded = match.groups[1]!!.value.toInt()
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ @SubscribeEvent
+ fun onInventoryUpdate(event: InventoryUpdatedEvent) {
+ if (!config.superpairsClicksAlert) return
+ if (roundsNeeded == -1) return
+ if (!targetInventoryNames.any { event.inventoryName.contains(it) }) return
+ if ( // checks if we have succeeded in either minigame
+ (event.inventoryName.contains("Chronomatron")
+ && ((event.inventoryItems[4]?.displayName?.removeColor()
+ ?.let { currentRoundRegex.find(it) }
+ ?.groups?.get(1)?.value?.toInt() ?: -1) > roundsNeeded))
+ || (event.inventoryName.contains("Ultrasequencer")
+ && event.inventoryItems.entries
+ .filter { it.key < 45 }
+ .any { it.value.stackSize > roundsNeeded })
+ ) {
+ SoundUtils.playBeepSound()
+ LorenzUtils.chat("§e[SkyHanni] You have reached the maximum possible clicks!")
+ roundsNeeded = -1
+ }
+ }