path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils
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authorJ10a1n15 <45315647+j10a1n15@users.noreply.github.com>2024-03-24 00:52:51 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-03-24 00:52:51 +0100
commit46c973abbaafdc814b3aa0a9627fe655464e339d (patch)
tree14f104c44f8bf010ff49125f173ead2e40ab2907 /src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils
parent65b76e59d80f290c0b398830dc1cdd02a48b44f4 (diff)
Improvement: Added wireframe as Totem of Corruption outline (#1248)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RenderUtils.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RenderUtils.kt
index c253c91ee..8841f0d97 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RenderUtils.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/utils/RenderUtils.kt
@@ -664,20 +664,8 @@ object RenderUtils {
+ bindCamera()
- var x1 = x
- var y1 = y
- var z1 = z
- val renderViewEntity = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity
- val viewX =
- renderViewEntity.prevPosX + (renderViewEntity.posX - renderViewEntity.prevPosX) * partialTicks.toDouble()
- val viewY =
- renderViewEntity.prevPosY + (renderViewEntity.posY - renderViewEntity.prevPosY) * partialTicks.toDouble()
- val viewZ =
- renderViewEntity.prevPosZ + (renderViewEntity.posZ - renderViewEntity.prevPosZ) * partialTicks.toDouble()
- x1 -= viewX
- y1 -= viewY
- z1 -= viewZ
val tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance()
val worldrenderer = tessellator.worldRenderer
worldrenderer.begin(GL11.GL_QUAD_STRIP, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION)
@@ -686,12 +674,12 @@ object RenderUtils {
while (currentAngle < 2 * Math.PI) {
val xOffset = radius * cos(currentAngle.toDouble()).toFloat()
val zOffset = radius * sin(currentAngle.toDouble()).toFloat()
- worldrenderer.pos(x1 + xOffset, y1 + height, z1 + zOffset).endVertex()
- worldrenderer.pos(x1 + xOffset, y1 + 0, z1 + zOffset).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x + xOffset, y + height, z + zOffset).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x + xOffset, y + 0, z + zOffset).endVertex()
currentAngle += angleStep
- worldrenderer.pos(x1 + radius, y1 + height, z1).endVertex()
- worldrenderer.pos(x1 + radius, y1 + 0.0, z1).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x + radius, y + height, z).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x + radius, y + 0.0, z).endVertex()
@@ -728,20 +716,7 @@ object RenderUtils {
- var x1 = x
- var y1 = y
- var z1 = z
- val renderViewEntity = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity
- val viewX =
- renderViewEntity.prevPosX + (renderViewEntity.posX - renderViewEntity.prevPosX) * partialTicks.toDouble()
- val viewY =
- renderViewEntity.prevPosY + (renderViewEntity.posY - renderViewEntity.prevPosY) * partialTicks.toDouble()
- val viewZ =
- renderViewEntity.prevPosZ + (renderViewEntity.posZ - renderViewEntity.prevPosZ) * partialTicks.toDouble()
- x1 -= viewX
- y1 -= viewY
- z1 -= viewZ
+ bindCamera()
val tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance()
val worldrenderer = tessellator.worldRenderer
@@ -751,27 +726,27 @@ object RenderUtils {
for (phi in 0 until segments) {
for (theta in 0 until segments * 2) {
- val x2 = x1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
- val y2 = y1 + radius * cos(Math.PI * phi / segments)
- val z2 = z1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val x1 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val y1 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * phi / segments)
+ val z1 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
- val x3 = x1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
- val y3 = y1 + radius * cos(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments)
- val z3 = z1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val x2 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val y2 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments)
+ val z2 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ worldrenderer.pos(x1, y1, z1).endVertex()
worldrenderer.pos(x2, y2, z2).endVertex()
- worldrenderer.pos(x3, y3, z3).endVertex()
- val x4 = x1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
- val y4 = y1 + radius * cos(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments)
- val z4 = z1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val x3 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val y3 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments)
+ val z3 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
- val x5 = x1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
- val y5 = y1 + radius * cos(Math.PI * phi / segments)
- val z5 = z1 + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val x4 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val y4 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * phi / segments)
+ val z4 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ worldrenderer.pos(x3, y3, z3).endVertex()
worldrenderer.pos(x4, y4, z4).endVertex()
- worldrenderer.pos(x5, y5, z5).endVertex()
@@ -785,9 +760,85 @@ object RenderUtils {
+ fun LorenzRenderWorldEvent.drawSphereWireframeInWorld(
+ color: Color,
+ location: LorenzVec,
+ radius: Float,
+ ) {
+ drawSphereWireframeInWorld(color, location.x, location.y, location.z, radius)
+ }
+ fun LorenzRenderWorldEvent.drawSphereWireframeInWorld(
+ color: Color,
+ x: Double,
+ y: Double,
+ z: Double,
+ radius: Float,
+ ) {
+ GlStateManager.pushMatrix()
+ GL11.glNormal3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
+ GlStateManager.disableTexture2D()
+ color.bindColor()
+ bindCamera()
+ val tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance()
+ val worldrenderer = tessellator.worldRenderer
+ worldrenderer.begin(GL11.GL_LINES, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION)
+ val segments = 32
+ for (phi in 0 until segments) {
+ for (theta in 0 until segments * 2) {
+ val x1 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val y1 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * phi / segments)
+ val z1 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val x2 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val y2 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments)
+ val z2 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * theta / (segments * 2))
+ val x3 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val y3 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments)
+ val z3 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * (phi + 1) / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val x4 = x + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ val y4 = y + radius * cos(Math.PI * phi / segments)
+ val z4 = z + radius * sin(Math.PI * phi / segments) * sin(2.0 * Math.PI * (theta + 1) / (segments * 2))
+ worldrenderer.pos(x1, y1, z1).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x2, y2, z2).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x2, y2, z2).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x3, y3, z3).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x3, y3, z3).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x4, y4, z4).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x4, y4, z4).endVertex()
+ worldrenderer.pos(x1, y1, z1).endVertex()
+ }
+ }
+ tessellator.draw()
+ GlStateManager.enableTexture2D()
+ GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
+ GlStateManager.popMatrix()
+ }
private fun Color.bindColor() =
GlStateManager.color(this.red / 255f, this.green / 255f, this.blue / 255f, this.alpha / 255f)
+ private fun bindCamera() {
+ val renderManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderManager
+ val viewer = renderManager.viewerPosX
+ val viewY = renderManager.viewerPosY
+ val viewZ = renderManager.viewerPosZ
+ GlStateManager.translate(-viewer, -viewY, -viewZ)
+ }
fun drawStringScaledMaxWidth(
str: String?,
fr: FontRenderer,