path: root/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni
diff options
authorWalker Selby <git@walkerselby.com>2023-12-03 18:58:01 -0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-12-04 03:58:01 +0100
commited92dd80eda5b2441688e4c2808404304bd49a43 (patch)
tree32af9069655bf38bd6afe5fba5d80c1da98404e0 /src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni
parent6d6f419317149753241b3e62d0db02581e18c544 (diff)
Internal Change: Cleanup DungeonChatFilter & Remove matchRegex (#643)
Changed DungeonChatFilter to use lists of patterns. #643
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/dungeon/DungeonChatFilter.kt b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/dungeon/DungeonChatFilter.kt
index 5559ba14a..4bc4b3c46 100644
--- a/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/dungeon/DungeonChatFilter.kt
+++ b/src/main/java/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/features/dungeon/DungeonChatFilter.kt
@@ -3,18 +3,198 @@ package at.hannibal2.skyhanni.features.dungeon
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.SkyHanniMod
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.events.LorenzChatEvent
import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.LorenzUtils
-import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matchRegex
+import at.hannibal2.skyhanni.utils.StringUtils.matches
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
class DungeonChatFilter {
+ private val config get() = SkyHanniMod.feature.chat
+ /// <editor-fold desc="Patterns, Messages, and Maps">
+ private val endPatterns = listOf(
+ "(.*) §r§eunlocked §r§d(.*) Essence §r§8x(.*)§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ " {4}§r§d(.*) Essence §r§8x(.*)".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val endMessagesEndWith = listOf(
+ " Experience §r§b(Team Bonus)"
+ )
+ private val abilityPatterns = listOf(
+ "§7Your Guided Sheep hit §r§c(.*) §r§7enemy for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern(),
+ "§a§lBUFF! §fYou were splashed by (.*) §fwith §r§cHealing VIII§r§f!".toPattern(),
+ "§aYou were healed for (.*) health by (.*)§a!".toPattern(),
+ "§aYou gained (.*) HP worth of absorption for 3s from §r(.*)§r§a!".toPattern(),
+ "§c(.*) §r§epicked up your (.*) Orb!".toPattern(),
+ "§cThis ability is on cooldown for (.*)s.".toPattern(),
+ "§a§l(.*) healed you for (.*) health!".toPattern(),
+ "§eYour bone plating reduced the damage you took by §r§c(.*)§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) §r§eformed a tether with you!".toPattern(),
+ "§eYour tether with (.*) §r§ehealed you for §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth.".toPattern(),
+ "§7Your Implosion hit §r§c(.*) §r§7enemy for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern(),
+ "§eYour §r§6Spirit Pet §r§ehealed (.*) §r§efor §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!".toPattern(),
+ "§eYour §r§6Spirit Pet §r§ehit (.*) enemy for §r§c(.*) §r§edamage.".toPattern(),
+ "§cYou need at least (.*) mana to activate this!".toPattern(),
+ "§eYou were healed for §r§a(.*)§r§e health by §r(.*)§r§e's §r§9Healing Bow§r§e and gained §r§c\\+(.*) Strength§r§e for 10 seconds.".toPattern(),
+ "(.*)§r§a granted you §r§c(.*) §r§astrength for §r§e20 §r§aseconds!".toPattern(),
+ "§eYour fairy healed §r§ayourself §r§efor §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!".toPattern(),
+ "§eYour fairy healed §r(.*) §r§efor §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) fairy healed you for §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val abilityMessages = listOf(
+ "§a§r§6Guided Sheep §r§ais now available!",
+ "§dCreeper Veil §r§aActivated!",
+ "§dCreeper Veil §r§cDe-activated!",
+ "§6Rapid Fire§r§a is ready to use! Press §r§6§lDROP§r§a to activate it!",
+ "§6Castle of Stone§r§a is ready to use! Press §r§6§lDROP§r§a to activate it!",
+ "§6Ragnarok§r§a is ready to use! Press §r§6§lDROP§r§a to activate it!"
+ )
+ private val damagePatterns = listOf(
+ "(.*) §r§aused §r(.*) §r§aon you!".toPattern(),
+ "§cThe (.*)§r§c struck you for (.*) damage!".toPattern(),
+ "§cThe (.*) hit you for (.*) damage!".toPattern(),
+ "§7(.*) struck you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 damage.".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) hit you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 damage.".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) hit you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 true damage.".toPattern(),
+ "§7(.*) exploded, hitting you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 damage.".toPattern(),
+ "(.*)§r§c hit you with §r(.*) §r§cfor (.*) damage!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*)§r§a struck you for §r§c(.*)§r§a damage!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*)§r§c struck you for (.*)!".toPattern(),
+ "§7The Mage's Magma burnt you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 true damage.".toPattern(),
+ "§7Your (.*) hit §r§c(.*) §r§7(enemy|enemies) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.".toPattern(),
+ )
+ private val damageMessages = listOf(
+ "§cMute silenced you!"
+ )
+ private val notPossibleMessages = listOf(
+ "§cYou cannot hit the silverfish while it's moving!",
+ "§cYou cannot move the silverfish in that direction!",
+ "§cThere are blocks in the way!",
+ "§cThis chest has already been searched!",
+ "§cThis lever has already been used.",
+ "§cYou cannot do that in this room!",
+ "§cYou do not have the key for this door!",
+ "§cYou have already opened this dungeon chest!",
+ "§cYou cannot use abilities in this room!",
+ "§cA mystical force in this room prevents you from using that ability!"
+ )
+ private val buffPatterns = listOf(
+ "§6§lDUNGEON BUFF! (.*) §r§ffound a §r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§f!(.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lDUNGEON BUFF! §r§fYou found a §r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§f!(.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lDUNGEON BUFF! §r§fA §r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§f was found! (.*)".toPattern(),
+ "§eA §r§a§r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§e was picked up!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ " {5}§r§7Granted you §r§a§r§a(.*)§r§7 & §r§a(.*)x §r§c❁ Strength§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ " {5}§r§7Also granted you §r§a§r§a(.*)§r§7 & §r§a(.*)x §r§9☠ Crit Damage§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ " {5}§r§7(Grants|Granted) you §r§a(.*) Defense §r§7and §r§a+(.*) Damage§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ " {5}§r§7Granted you §r§a§r§a(.*)x HP §r§7and §r§a§r§a(.*)x §r§c❣ Health Regen§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ " {5}§r§7(Grants|Granted) you §r§a(.*) Intelligence §r§7and §r§a+(.*)? Speed§r§7.".toPattern(),
+ " {5}§r§7Granted you §r§a+(.*) HP§r§7, §r§a(.*) Defense§r§7, §r§a(.*) Intelligence§r§7, and §r§a(.*) Strength§r§7.".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val buffMessages = listOf(
+ "§a§lBUFF! §fYou have gained §r§cHealing V§r§f!"
+ )
+ private val puzzlePatterns = listOf(
+ "§a§lPUZZLE SOLVED! (.*) §r§ewasn't fooled by §r§c(.*)§r§e! §r§4G§r§co§r§6o§r§ed§r§a §r§2j§r§bo§r§3b§r§5!".toPattern(),
+ "§a§lPUZZLE SOLVED! (.*) §r§etied Tic Tac Toe! §r§4G§r§co§r§6o§r§ed§r§a §r§2j§r§bo§r§3b§r§5!".toPattern(),
+ "§4\\[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r(.*) §r§fthinks the answer is §r§6 . §r(.*)§r§f! §r§fLock in your party's answer in my Chamber!".toPattern(),
+ )
+ private val puzzleMessages = listOf(
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fThough I sit stationary in this prison that is §r§cThe Catacombs§r§f, my knowledge knows no bounds.",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fProve your knowledge by answering 3 questions and I shall reward you in ways that transcend time!",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fAnswer incorrectly, and your moment of ineptitude will live on for generations.",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§f2 questions left... Then you will have proven your worth to me!",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fOne more question!",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fI bestow upon you all the power of a hundred years!",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fYou've already proven enough to me! No need to press more of my buttons!",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fI've had enough of you and your party fiddling with my buttons. Scram!",
+ "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fEnough! My buttons are not to be pressed with such lack of grace!"
+ )
+ private val unsortedBlockedPatterns = listOf( // TODO sort out and filter separately
+ "(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Beating Heart§r§e!".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val unsortedBlockedMessages = listOf(
+ "§5A shiver runs down your spine..."
+ )
+ private val reminderMessages = listOf(
+ "§e§lRIGHT CLICK §r§7on §r§7a §r§8WITHER §r§7door§r§7 to open it. This key can only be used to open §r§a1§r§7 door!",
+ "§e§lRIGHT CLICK §r§7on §r§7the §r§cBLOOD DOOR§r§7 to open it. This key can only be used to open §r§a1§r§7 door!"
+ )
+ private val pickupPatterns = listOf(
+ "(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Superboom TNT§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Superboom TNT §r§8x2§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Hunk of Blue Ice §r§b\\(+(.*)% Magic Find!\\)".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§6Revive Stone§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) §r§ffound a §r§dWither Essence§r§f! Everyone gains an extra essence!".toPattern(),
+ "§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! Take this §r§6Revive Stone §r§fso that my death is not in vain!".toPattern(),
+ "§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! I'll revive you so that my death is not in vain!".toPattern(),
+ "§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! I'll revive your friend §r(.*) §r§fso that my death is not in vain!".toPattern(),
+ "§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: Have a great life!".toPattern(),
+ "§c(.*) §r§eYou picked up a Ability Damage Orb from (.*) §r§ehealing you for §r§c(.*) §r§eand granting you +§r§c(.*)% §r§eAbility Damage for §r§b10 §r§eseconds.".toPattern(),
+ "§c(.*) §r§eYou picked up a Damage Orb from (.*) §r§ehealing you for §r§c(.*) §r§eand granting you +§r§c(.*)% §r§eDamage for §r§b10 §r§eseconds.".toPattern(),
+ "(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Premium Flesh§r§e!".toPattern(),
+ "§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Beating Heart §r§b(.*)".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val pickupMessages = listOf(
+ "§fYou found a §r§dWither Essence§r§f! Everyone gains an extra essence!"
+ )
+ private val startPatterns = listOf(
+ //§a[Berserk] §r§fMelee Damage §r§c48%§r§f -> §r§a88%
+ //§a[Berserk] §r§fWalk Speed §r§c38§r§f -> §r§a68
+ "§a(.*) §r§f(.*) §r§c(.*)§r§f -> §r§a(.*)".toPattern()
+ )
+ private val startMessages = listOf(
+ "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rHere, I found this map when I first entered the dungeon.",
+ "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rYou should find it useful if you get lost.",
+ "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rGood luck.",
+ "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rTalk to me to change your class and ready up."
+ )
+ private val preparePatterns = listOf(
+ "(.*) has started the dungeon countdown. The dungeon will begin in 1 minute.".toPattern(),
+ "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rTalk to me to change your class and ready up.".toPattern(),
+ "(.*)§a is now ready!".toPattern(),
+ "§aDungeon starts in (.*) seconds.".toPattern(),
+ )
+ private val prepareMessages = listOf(
+ "§aYour active Potion Effects have been paused and stored. They will be restored when you leave Dungeons! You are not allowed to use existing Potion Effects while in Dungeons.",
+ "§aDungeon starts in 1 second.",
+ "§aYou can no longer consume or splash any potions during the remainder of this Dungeon run!",
+ )
+ private val messagesMap: Map<String, List<String>> = mapOf(
+ "prepare" to prepareMessages,
+ "start" to startMessages,
+ "unsorted" to unsortedBlockedMessages,
+ "pickup" to pickupMessages,
+ "reminder" to reminderMessages,
+ "buff" to buffMessages,
+ "not_possible" to notPossibleMessages,
+ "damage" to damageMessages,
+ "ability" to abilityMessages,
+ "puzzle" to puzzleMessages,
+ )
+ private val patternsMap: Map<String, List<Pattern>> = mapOf(
+ "prepare" to preparePatterns,
+ "start" to startPatterns,
+ "unsorted" to unsortedBlockedPatterns,
+ "pickup" to pickupPatterns,
+ "buff" to buffPatterns,
+ "damage" to damagePatterns,
+ "ability" to abilityPatterns,
+ "puzzle" to puzzlePatterns,
+ "end" to endPatterns,
+ )
+ private val messagesEndsWithMap: Map<String, List<String>> = mapOf(
+ "end" to endMessagesEndWith,
+ )
+ /// </editor-fold>
fun onChatMessage(event: LorenzChatEvent) {
- if (!LorenzUtils.onHypixel) return
+ if (!LorenzUtils.onHypixel || !config.dungeonMessages) return
// Workaround since the potion message gets always sent at that moment when SkyBlock is set as false
if (!LorenzUtils.inSkyBlock && !event.message.startsWith("§aYour active Potion Effects")) return
- if (!SkyHanniMod.feature.chat.dungeonMessages) return
val blockReason = block(event.message)
if (blockReason != "") {
@@ -24,200 +204,39 @@ class DungeonChatFilter {
private fun block(message: String): String {
when {
- isPrepare(message) -> return "prepare"
- isStart(message) -> return "start"
+ message.isPresent("prepare") -> return "prepare"
+ message.isPresent("start") -> return "start"
if (!LorenzUtils.inDungeons) return ""
return when {
- isUnsortedBlockedMessage(message) -> "unsorted"
- isPickup(message) -> "pickup"
- isReminder(message) -> "reminder"
- isBuff(message) -> "buff"
- isNotPossible(message) -> "not_possible"
- isDamage(message) -> "damage"
- isAbility(message) -> "ability"
- isPuzzle(message) -> "puzzle"
- isEnd(message) -> "end"
+ message.isPresent("unsorted") -> "unsorted"
+ message.isPresent("pickup") -> "pickup"
+ message.isPresent("reminder") -> "reminder"
+ message.isPresent("buff") -> "buff"
+ message.isPresent("not_possible") -> "not_possible"
+ message.isPresent("damage") -> "damage"
+ message.isPresent("ability") -> "ability"
+ message.isPresent("puzzle") -> "puzzle"
+ message.isPresent("end") -> "end"
else -> ""
- private fun isEnd(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§eunlocked §r§d(.*) Essence §r§8x(.*)§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§d(.*) Essence §r§8x(.*)") -> true
- message.endsWith(" Experience §r§b(Team Bonus)") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isAbility(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message == "§a§r§6Guided Sheep §r§ais now available!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7Your Guided Sheep hit §r§c(.*) §r§7enemy for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.") -> true
- message == "§6Rapid Fire§r§a is ready to use! Press §r§6§lDROP§r§a to activate it!" -> true
- message == "§6Castle of Stone§r§a is ready to use! Press §r§6§lDROP§r§a to activate it!" -> true
- message == "§6Ragnarok§r§a is ready to use! Press §r§6§lDROP§r§a to activate it!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§a§lBUFF! §fYou were splashed by (.*) §fwith §r§cHealing VIII§r§f!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§aYou were healed for (.*) health by (.*)§a!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§aYou gained (.*) HP worth of absorption for 3s from §r(.*)§r§a!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§c(.*) §r§epicked up your (.*) Orb!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§cThis ability is on cooldown for (.*)s.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§a§l(.*) healed you for (.*) health!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eYour bone plating reduced the damage you took by §r§c(.*)§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§eformed a tether with you!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eYour tether with (.*) §r§ehealed you for §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7Your Implosion hit §r§c(.*) §r§7enemy for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eYour §r§6Spirit Pet §r§ehealed (.*) §r§efor §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eYour §r§6Spirit Pet §r§ehit (.*) enemy for §r§c(.*) §r§edamage.") -> true
- message == "§dCreeper Veil §r§aActivated!" -> true
- message == "§dCreeper Veil §r§cDe-activated!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§cYou need at least (.*) mana to activate this!") -> true
- message.matchRegex(
- "§eYou were healed for §r§a(.*)§r§e health by §r(.*)§r§e's §r§9Healing Bow§r§e and " + "gained §r§c\\+(.*) Strength§r§e for 10 seconds."
- ) -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*)§r§a granted you §r§c(.*) §r§astrength for §r§e20 §r§aseconds!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eYour fairy healed §r§ayourself §r§efor §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eYour fairy healed §r(.*) §r§efor §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) fairy healed you for §r§a(.*) §r§ehealth!") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isDamage(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message == "§cMute silenced you!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§aused §r(.*) §r§aon you!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§cThe (.*)§r§c struck you for (.*) damage!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§cThe (.*) hit you for (.*) damage!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7(.*) struck you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 damage.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) hit you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 damage.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) hit you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 true damage.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7(.*) exploded, hitting you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 damage.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*)§r§c hit you with §r(.*) §r§cfor (.*) damage!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*)§r§a struck you for §r§c(.*)§r§a damage!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*)§r§c struck you for (.*)!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7The Mage's Magma burnt you for §r§c(.*)§r§7 true damage.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§7Your (.*) hit §r§c(.*) §r§7(enemy|enemies) for §r§c(.*) §r§7damage.") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isNotPossible(message: String): Boolean = when (message) {
- "§cYou cannot hit the silverfish while it's moving!",
- "§cYou cannot move the silverfish in that direction!",
- "§cThere are blocks in the way!",
- "§cThis chest has already been searched!",
- "§cThis lever has already been used.",
- "§cYou cannot do that in this room!",
- "§cYou do not have the key for this door!",
- "§cYou have already opened this dungeon chest!",
- "§cYou cannot use abilities in this room!",
- "§cA mystical force in this room prevents you from using that ability!" -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isBuff(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message.matchRegex("§6§lDUNGEON BUFF! (.*) §r§ffound a §r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§f!(.*)") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lDUNGEON BUFF! §r§fYou found a §r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§f!(.*)") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lDUNGEON BUFF! §r§fA §r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§f was found! (.*)") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§eA §r§a§r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§e was picked up!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§dBlessing of (.*)§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§7Granted you §r§a§r§a(.*)§r§7 & §r§a(.*)x §r§c❁ Strength§r§7.") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§7Also granted you §r§a§r§a(.*)§r§7 & §r§a(.*)x §r§9☠ Crit Damage§r§7.") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§7(Grants|Granted) you §r§a(.*) Defense §r§7and §r§a+(.*) Damage§r§7.") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§7Granted you §r§a§r§a(.*)x HP §r§7and §r§a§r§a(.*)x §r§c❣ Health Regen§r§7.") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§7(Grants|Granted) you §r§a(.*) Intelligence §r§7and §r§a+(.*)? Speed§r§7.") -> true
- message.matchRegex(" §r§7Granted you §r§a+(.*) HP§r§7, §r§a(.*) Defense§r§7, §r§a(.*) Intelligence§r§7, and §r§a(.*) Strength§r§7.") -> true
- message == "§a§lBUFF! §fYou have gained §r§cHealing V§r§f!" -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isPuzzle(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message.matchRegex("§a§lPUZZLE SOLVED! (.*) §r§ewasn't fooled by §r§c(.*)§r§e! §r§4G§r§co§r§6o§r§ed§r§a §r§2j§r§bo§r§3b§r§5!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§a§lPUZZLE SOLVED! (.*) §r§etied Tic Tac Toe! §r§4G§r§co§r§6o§r§ed§r§a §r§2j§r§bo§r§3b§r§5!") -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fThough I sit stationary in this prison that is §r§cThe Catacombs§r§f, my knowledge knows no bounds." -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fProve your knowledge by answering 3 questions and I shall reward you in ways that transcend time!" -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fAnswer incorrectly, and your moment of ineptitude will live on for generations." -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§f2 questions left... Then you will have proven your worth to me!" -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fOne more question!" -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fI bestow upon you all the power of a hundred years!" -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fYou've already proven enough to me! No need to press more of my buttons!" -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fI've had enough of you and your party fiddling with my buttons. Scram!" -> true
- message == "§4[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r§fEnough! My buttons are not to be pressed with such lack of grace!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§4\\[STATUE] Oruo the Omniscient§r§f: §r(.*) §r§fthinks the answer is §r§6 . §r(.*)§r§f! §r§fLock in your party's answer in my Chamber!") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- //TODO sort out and filter separately
- private fun isUnsortedBlockedMessage(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Beating Heart§r§e!") -> true
- message == "§5A shiver runs down your spine..." -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isReminder(message: String): Boolean = when (message) {
- "§e§lRIGHT CLICK §r§7on §r§7a §r§8WITHER §r§7door§r§7 to open it. This key can only be used to open §r§a1§r§7 door!",
- "§e§lRIGHT CLICK §r§7on §r§7the §r§cBLOOD DOOR§r§7 to open it. This key can only be used to open §r§a1§r§7 door!" -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isPickup(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Superboom TNT§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Superboom TNT §r§8x2§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Hunk of Blue Ice §r§b\\(+(.*)% Magic Find!\\)") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§6Revive Stone§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ffound a §r§dWither Essence§r§f! Everyone gains an extra essence!") -> true
- message == "§fYou found a §r§dWither Essence§r§f! Everyone gains an extra essence!" -> true
- message.matchRegex("§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! Take this §r§6Revive Stone §r§fso that my death is not in vain!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! I'll revive you so that my death is not in vain!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: You killed me! I'll revive your friend §r(.*) §r§fso that my death is not in vain!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§d(.*) the Fairy§r§f: Have a great life!") -> true
- message.matchRegex(
- "§c(.*) §r§eYou picked up a Ability Damage Orb from (.*) §r§ehealing you for §r§c(.*) §r§eand granting you +§r§c(.*)% §r§eAbility Damage for §r§b10 §r§eseconds."
- ) -> true
- message.matchRegex(
- "§c(.*) §r§eYou picked up a Damage Orb from (.*) §r§ehealing you for §r§c(.*) §r§eand granting you +§r§c(.*)% §r§eDamage for §r§b10 §r§eseconds."
- ) -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) §r§ehas obtained §r§a§r§9Premium Flesh§r§e!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§6§lRARE DROP! §r§9Beating Heart §r§b(.*)") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isStart(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message == "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rHere, I found this map when I first entered the dungeon." -> true
- message == "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rYou should find it useful if you get lost." -> true
- message == "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rGood luck." -> true
- message == "§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rTalk to me to change your class and ready up." -> true
- //§a[Berserk] §r§fMelee Damage §r§c48%§r§f -> §r§a88%
- //§a[Berserk] §r§fWalk Speed §r§c38§r§f -> §r§a68
- message.matchRegex("§a(.*) §r§f(.*) §r§c(.*)§r§f -> §r§a(.*)") -> true
- else -> false
- }
- private fun isPrepare(message: String): Boolean = when {
- message == "§aYour active Potion Effects have been paused and stored. They will be restored when you leave Dungeons! You are not allowed to use existing Potion Effects while in Dungeons." -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*) has started the dungeon countdown. The dungeon will begin in 1 minute.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§e[NPC] §bMort§f: §rTalk to me to change your class and ready up.") -> true
- message.matchRegex("(.*)§a is now ready!") -> true
- message.matchRegex("§aDungeon starts in (.*) seconds.") -> true
- message == "§aDungeon starts in 1 second." -> true
- message == "§aYou can no longer consume or splash any potions during the remainder of this Dungeon run!" -> true
- else -> false
+ /**
+ * Checks if the message is present in the list of messages or patterns
+ * Checks against three maps that compare in different ways.
+ * @receiver The message to check
+ * @param key The key of the list to check
+ * @return True if the message is present in any of the maps
+ * @see messagesMap
+ * @see patternsMap
+ * @see messagesEndsWithMap
+ */
+ private fun String.isPresent(key: String): Boolean {
+ return this in (messagesMap[key] ?: emptyList()) ||
+ (patternsMap[key] ?: emptyList()).any { it.matches(this) } ||
+ (messagesEndsWithMap[key] ?: emptyList()).any { this.endsWith(it) }
-} \ No newline at end of file